EXCLUSIVE - Still The King - Official world club tour 2010

This was posted on Twitter by ItsTravisPayne

Greetings! Unfortunately, MJ's dancers & I are no longer involved w Ledon/Phoenix Ent. and Still The King Club Tour.-TP
about 8 hours ago via web

We are currently preparing our tribute to The King of Pop to be presented on June 25th in Rome, Italy. Blessings to ALL!
about 8 hours ago via web

Oh, this must only just have been decided recently because I spoke to Dres (dancer) less than 2 weeks ago asking if this was real, and if it was still happening, because it was due to start pretty soon and I knew he was still on the Whitney tour. He said it was still happening but not all the dancers will be at all the shows as they all have many different projects that conflict so those who can be there will be there and the others will join on when they can.

So now its not happening, but they will be at a tribute in Rome, ITALY on 25th hmmm
Oh, this must only just have been decided recently because I spoke to Dres (dancer) less than 2 weeks ago asking if this was real, and if it was still happening, because it was due to start pretty soon and I knew he was still on the Whitney tour. He said it was still happening but not all the dancers will be at all the shows as they all have many different projects that conflict so those who can be there will be there and the others will join on when they can.

So now its not happening, but they will be at a tribute in Rome, ITALY on 25th hmmm

Rumor has it Marlon Jackson will be announcing a tribute concert in Rome on June 25th. Whether or not this is an official concert remains to be seen.
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Ive heard the same the all the brothers are doing a concert on the 25th June.
Exactly one year after the death of Michael Jackson is on 25 June in Rome planned a big tribute concert in honor of the pop-king in Rome. The "Michael Jackson Memorial Tribute" will be held at the Olympic stadium in the Eternal City and organized by his brother Marlon Jackson.

At the organization also participate Alfred McCrary, who, with Michael Jackson composed a number of leaders, and Travis Payne, the choreographer and co-producer of "This is it," the documentary about Jackon's last appearance. Details of the concert will be at a press conference on Monday presented in Rome, will be at the Jackson family lawyer Brian Oxman and spokeswoman Katchryn Molofsky to presence.
Cancelled Austria-concert

One of Jermaine Jackson, another brother of pop stars, and the Austrian Georg Kindel organizer before Schönbrunn planned tribute concert last September, came about as little as the replacement plan for a concert in London in June 2010.
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So, two MJs brothers are preparing two separated "tribute" gigs.

How professional.

(I dont think both will be realized)
Ive heard the same the all the brothers are doing a concert on the 25th June.

Thank you for that post

Details of the concert will be at a press conference on Monday presented in Rome, will be at the Jackson family lawyer Brian Oxman and spokeswoman Katchryn Molofsky to presence.

Seeing Oxman's name there is really vomit-inducing. I wonder what he has on the Jacksons, that make him so enduring to them (exclude MJ as he sacked him a while back).
Rome? Hhmm, thats intresting. But I just need to vent, I hate it that they choose places for big tributes that just don't make any sense whatsoever, just like the Vienna tribute.

Just got this from Timor Steffen's twitter:

We started rehearsing today with the MJ dancers for upcoming performances.. soon i will give more info;)....Much love
about 14 hours ago via web

Today start rehearsing with all MJ dancers!!! So dope 2 see everybody!
about 23 hours ago via UberTwitter
I like the idea of the Still The King Tour. I love Travis and the dancers are amazing. Too bad they aren't coming to the U.S. I would totally go. I know MJ isn't in it, but Im sure his presence will definitely be felt.
Personally, I think it's just Travis and the dancers way of continuing Michael's dance legacy. In the dance world, Michael's style of dance is very distinct and recognized and I heard it called by other dancers as the 'Jacksonian' style or 'very Michael-esque'.

I think we've all seen how much the dancers from TII loved and adored Michael. It was their dream to go on tour with Michael. They put in a lot of hard work to be the best for Michael and unfortunately, they never got to show the world the fruits of their labor as it was meant to be seen at a 100%. Travis has been Michael's friend and collaborator since 1992 and has been with him on two world tours. These guys aren't amateurs or just a bunch of dancers who have no connection to Michael.

I'd go and see this tour if it was anywhere near me and as long as the ticket prices were decent. IMO, Travis and the dancers are only taking what they learned from Michael and growing from there.

Couldn't agree more


I'm sure that Travis and the dancers are doing it for keeping Michaels legacy alive and i know they all Love michael dearly.
And i can't believe that some of you are saying that you are sick of seeing travis on everything, my anwser would be, then stop watching it. Travis is a very famous choreographer, that's why he is on almost everything, he's got the talent to do it.
That's not all right to say something so awfull like that, first of all, when a choreographer is being offered a job and a job to be Michaels co-choreographer, they never say no.
So Travis is very good, that's why many want to hire him.
If you're sick of seeing him, then don't watch the stuff he is in..
I'm sure Michael trust and love travis, and Travis does not play Michael, he's keeping Michaels legacy alive.
And the dancers aren't just dancers, they are talented and professionel dancers..

Just someone in the dancing world could understand it..
Like me, i'm dreaming about becoming a pro-dancer and i will give anything to make that happen and when it does, i want to teach Michaels dance, that doesn't mean i sell his name, it means that i want to continue on keeping his legacy alive and teaching others what Michael taught me and giving them the chance to learn about the legend and like spreading michael magic on to the next generation, and that is just what they are trying to do, so please don't hate on them, 'cause i'm sure Michael wouldn't be sad about what they're doing, 'cause everybody know that all the moves they're performing with, is ´Michaels move.