EXCLUSIVE - Still The King - Official world club tour 2010

I just don't want someone to be where Michael's supposed to be and to do stuff that Michael's supposed to do. Sorry, can't help it. Maybe some day I would appreciate it, but at the moment I'd just go crazy because of wanting Michael there so bad.. :sigh:
If I were to see this, I would try not look at Travis in the middle but rather the other dancers... Well, maybe I will go see this, because of the other dancers. They got the chance to learn from Michael and it makes them special.
I love stuff that the fans are doing though. For example Thrill the World performances have been amazing, I wish I could participate some time myself. :yes:
I don't think I understand what this show is about. Is it just about them dancing to his music and teaching people how to dance?
This is typical hypocrisy of some of MJs fans..., they are not able to overcome their personal pseudo issues, and they degrade some/particular official support of MJ projects to keep his legacy on...

But, ok... fans acting like this will cause that MJ legacy will disappear from the media sight... very soon, because if official project fails, who (lets say media) will be interested in supporting Michael if they are not going to see no fan support.

Instead of supporting OFFICIAL MJ projects some of you are against MJ official projects, well... good..., if Michael is not here to support his projects himself anymore, who else can do this on behalf of him?

Some of you are destroying MJ legacy with this attitude creating your own MJ world full of past memories, but, its ok, its up to us, our democratic choice and decision...

You are attacking people for not wanting to go through the hurt of seeing this happen without Michael, thats not on!! No one hear is going out of there way to destroy Michaels legacy, people are just not happy with the fact that yet again Michaels name is being used to cash in!! You say it is up to us what we decide to do, yet u are saying people are destroying Michaels legacy by not supporting this, kinda contradicting yourself there!!!! I personally am doing everything in my power to continue Michaels legacy, I am doing that in my own way and to be completely honest with you, I am more interested in helping to get Justice for Michael before I even begin to think about all these different events, that is the most important thing right now, people seem to forget that there is an investigation going on!!!
You are attacking people for not wanting to go through the hurt of seeing this happen without Michael, thats not on!! No one hear is going out of there way to destroy Michaels legacy, people are just not happy with the fact that yet again Michaels name is being used to cash in!! You say it is up to us what we decide to do, yet u are saying people are destroying Michaels legacy by not supporting this, kinda contradicting yourself there!!!! I personally am doing everything in my power to continue Michaels legacy, I am doing that in my own way and to be completely honest with you, I am more interested in helping to get Justice for Michael before I even begin to think about all these different events, that is the most important thing right now, people seem to forget that there is an investigation going on!!!

You can re-read the thread about the tree bodyguards talking about Michael.
before people=fans watching the interview, they had been talking things like... what BSs they would say... and later... hallo... they were cool for the interview, see the point?

You are right, as well as you, I am doing everything to support Michael, but condemn such an official project before watching this, before realizing this... is more than a bit ridiculous, or...? Simple judging ....

Elvis is gone for over 34 years, and... what his fans are doing? and the Beatles..., ABBA..., so... finally I wasnt to post this info for you... because it was pointless (?)

making money off of MJ's name? Yes...

the MJ estate is making money off of Michaels name...., where is the problem?
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Ok is anyone else kinda gettin pissed with Travis Payne being everywhere and thinking he is MJ.. He is starting to bug me that he is really milking this whole "This Is It" dance etc....
You can re-read the thread about the tree bodyguards talking about Michael.
before people=fans watching the interview, they had been talking things like... what BSs they would say... and later... hallo... they were cool for the interview, see the point?

You are right, as well as you, I am doing everything to support Michael, but condemn such an official project before watching this, before realizing this... is more that a bit ridiculous, or...? Simple judging ....

Elvis is gone for over 34 years, and... what his fans are doing? and the Beatles..., ABBA..., so... finally I wast to post this info for you... because it was pointless (?)

the MJ estate is making money off of Michaels name...., where is the problem?

MJ estate goes to his kids, mum and charities...there's the problem.
Hmm I didn't think this was real because the paragraph under the 'workshop' title wasn't well written, and the red logo looks like the TINI logo...but then I went to the site and saw the video of Travis.

Well, there are Michael Jackson nights and dance shows in regard to Michael all over the world, even before his death [which in fact some of these TII dancers were involved in.. in like 2002/2003]. And there are lots of dance studios etc. putting on classes for Michael Jackson style dancing. None of those are approved by the estate obviously. These are his actual dancers, his choreographer and its a tour. Does it not make it less 'just using Michael's name to cash in' that these are actually Michael's people and professional choreographer rather than some random person doing this? Though personally I think all the shows reflect Michael's influence in dance.

It just seems they will be dancing to his music and teaching people how to dance, not performing the This Is It show. I don't see anything wrong with it, I'm not interested in going to London to see this, but I can imagine other people will be especially young people who would like to dance like Michael .. they would probably like to go and learn from his choreographer and dancers.

Weren't the dancers signed up with aeg for 2 years? So are they still under contract with them - and therefore is this something to do with aeg?

Would be cool if they went into schools to do this. My mum's primary school has afterschool dance classes and all the boys want to learn how to dance like Michael. The dance teacher also said its the same at another school she teaches at. They all want to be like Michael :).

Anyway, kinda mixed on this, its harmless, though seems Travis is milking it a bit but I think he means well.
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Weird...don't know why I'm surprised though.
I'm just gonna try and see the good in them and hope they're doing it for the right reasons. :)
This is a bit sudden, isn't it? It starts in about 3 wks time.
well I wont be going to see it. When I saw those dancers it should have been with Michael, so it would feel awful seeing them without him.
The site seems a little dodgy too
Weird...don't know why I'm surprised though.
I'm just gonna try and see the good in them and hope they're doing it for the right reasons. :)


Well, there are Michael Jackson nights and dance shows in regard to Michael all over the world, even before his death [which in fact some of these TII dancers were involved in.. in like 2002/2003]. And there are lots of dance studios etc. putting on classes for Michael Jackson style dancing. None of those are approved by the estate obviously. These are his actual dancers, his choreographer and its a tour. Does it not make it less 'just using Michael's name to cash in' that these are actually Michael's people and professional choreographer rather than some random person doing this? Though personally I think all the shows reflect Michael's influence in dance.

It just seems they will be dancing to his music and teaching people how to dance, not performing the This Is It show. I don't see anything wrong with it, I'm not interested in going to London to see this, but I can imagine other people will be especially young people who would like to dance like Michael .. they would probably like to go and learn from his choreographer and dancers.

Weren't the dancers signed up with aeg for 2 years? So are they still under contract with them - and therefore is this something to do with aeg?

Would be cool if they went into schools to do this. My mum's primary school has afterschool dance classes and all the boys want to learn how to dance like Michael. The dance teacher also said its the same at another school she teaches at. They all want to be like Michael :).

Anyway, kinda mixed on this, its harmless, though seems Travis is milking it a bit but I think he means well.

I cant agree more.

Hmm I didn't think this was real because the paragraph under the 'workshop' title wasn't well written, and the red logo looks like the TINI logo...but then I went to the site and saw the video of Travis.
This particular thing is really weird to me... too.
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As I don't really understand what this is all about, I'll refrain from any further comments.
As far as I'm concerned there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. To me, they are continuing Michael's legacy and that is all good in my book.

I just don't understand fans that keep complaining about everybody cashing in off of Michael. If that is the case then we should all boycot anything that is out there in the market place with Michael's name on it because frankly my fellow fans that is also cashing in.
All the dvd, video games, all the albums and all the merchandise that will be coming out of Michael, the Cirque de Soleil shows, and countless other things- all those will be making money off of Michael and yes as you put it - everybody will be cashing in. So if you don't want anybody cashing in off of Michael then let just Michael's legacy be forgotten forever because that is exactly what will happen. And let's forget about the estate working on wiping off his debt and helping his children and his charities. BECAUSE if Michael Jackson doesn't sell and nobody is cashing in then Michael is truly gone forever and so is his legacy. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT??

Yes, we are all hurting and are very sensitive at the moment, but please wake up and realize that without these projects there will no longer be a Michael Jackson. Everything that Michael worked on all his entire 51 years will be for not. So think a little bit and SEE THE OTHER SIDE- THE GOOD SIDE OF ALL OF THIS. YES, CORPORATE AMERICA AND THE GLOBE ARE CASHING IN, BUT SO IS MICHAEL AND HIS FAMILY AND HIS CHARITIES- REMEMBER THAT PLEASE.

How do you think the Beatles and Elvis are still legend? Yes everybody cashed in, but that is capitalism- that is how the world works- and again - those legends cashed in as well and they ALL benefited. The same way everybody surrounding Michael will benefit and I mean everybody: the corporations, the fans, his estate, his legacy, his charities.


(okay, I feel better now)
...and to follow up on my above rant, Michael Jackson was a brilliant business man. He knew how all this worked. He knew everybody made money off of him, but he knew that he also made money. And the more money ppl made off of him, the more money he made and with that money he maintained his beloved Neverland and he was able to give so much to charities and maintain a comfortable lifestyle. I'm sure in his will he made sure his executors would be out there making as much money for him with his likeness as possible. He knew this would help his legacy and his children and charities.

So, in my heart of hearts IMO I know Michael knows this is going on and approves of it full heartedly. I think he probably appreciates how fans are so protective of him and loves them dearly for it, but also hopes fans understand the nature of the business. That's what I would think Michael would feel about all this. L.O.VE. TO ALL>
Tricia I respect ur opinion and agree with some off what u said but as a person who finds it difficult seeing Travis act like Michael I will not be seeing this show!! Forget all the cashing in etc etc I just know I can not sit through that again, I could not handle seeing him do the drill in person which lasted all off 5 minutes so I know personally this is not something I could watch, simple as! I am not trying to destroy Michaels legacy maybe in a year or so I would be able to handle it who knows!!
Tricia I respect ur opinion and agree with some off what u said but as a person who finds it difficult seeing Travis act like Michael I will not be seeing this show!! Forget all the cashing in etc etc I just know I can not sit through that again, I could not handle seeing him do the drill in person which lasted all off 5 minutes so I know personally this is not something I could watch, simple as! I am not trying to destroy Michaels legacy maybe in a year or so I would be able to handle it who knows!!

Wendy I totally get where you are coming from- it is difficult. And I don't think you are in no way going to destroy Michael's legacy- you seem like a very devoted fan and I know will be there for him and support him in any way possible. I just hope you understand what I'm talking about. I just love Michael as much as everybody here and I want him to live forever and the only way to do so is to support him.
I do understand what u are saying Tricia and thank you for saying it in a way that did not feel like I was being attacked for having an opinion!! I like everyone hear want Michael to live on forever :heart: Just personally this is not my cup of tea!! :) I do hope though that anyone who goes has a wonderful time!
:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: please i don't mean to laugh but come on now is his estate serious?????? I mean its to much for my cup of tea walks out the thread slowly go to youtube and watch some of the bad tour I just can't

If I had more confidence that this was real and the site looked less amateur I would think about going. I see this as a tribute, not an impersonation but about the power and energy of Micheal's dance. Of course it would never be the same but its important to keep Michael's name out there. I suppose its difficult to be excited about things now knowing that Michael will never be there, I understand that and miss him too.
This was posted on Twitter by ItsTravisPayne

Greetings! Unfortunately, MJ's dancers & I are no longer involved w Ledon/Phoenix Ent. and Still The King Club Tour.-TP
about 8 hours ago via web

We are currently preparing our tribute to The King of Pop to be presented on June 25th in Rome, Italy. Blessings to ALL!
about 8 hours ago via web
:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: please i don't mean to laugh but come on now is his estate serious?????? I mean its to much for my cup of tea walks out the thread slowly go to youtube and watch some of the bad tour I just can't


As always, you are there to throw shade on the estate....Ain't it funny?

But I am sure you will be delighted to know the estate had not signed off on this.

And no one said the estate was involved, so I guess you came up with that conclusion all on your own. :no:
Seems to me like they are just providing michael jackson style dance lessons however I am sort of sick of seeing Travis Payne in everything dance related. As long as the focus remains on Michael rather than just themselves it could be okay. The website doesn't seem that professional though especially with the spelling of "technic" instead of "technique".