Exclusive: Newlywed Pics of Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley

Omg i didnt even realise lisa eyes were there..lol
I really love the first one, he looks so happy, calm and happy.
Wow, lovely pictures.
I think I've seen the first one before. Michael looks gorgeous.

Yeah...I definitely believe he is more beautiful than her. :heart:
they loved each other soo much :no: grrr why did she leave him...why would you not want michaels babies?? :blink:

their children will have michael's genes and elvis's genes. they probably would have been the most famous kids in the world! if only...
i swear ET be thinkin they be having "the scoop" and dont be having shit
Michael looks so happy and gorgeous in these pictures. I truly believe that he loved Lisa.
I actually thought the same thing!! It is nice but kinda weird with Lisa's eyes and ET in there.

lol so random...ET...Lisa's eyes and 4 Michaels
But I wish I could paint so good!
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I haven't see the pics before, but if they are spattered on a Magazine then those technically are not exclusive. Entertainment Tonight is stupid.
^^^^^I don't know if stupid is the word. As I mentioned before, it's very unlikely anyone at ET has seen an Ebony magazine. :laugh: Even if ET knows about the Ebony issue, the general public doesn't, so it's "new" to them. Now if a show like "Tony Brown's Journal" or "Tavis Smiley" said that, then it's a different story, lol.
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:dont_mention_it:Yeah sure exclusive and I was born yesterday. Bunch of idiots :doh:
Those pics make me feel so jealous, they were a real couple not fake at all.
Michael look so gorgeous :in_love: