EXCLUSIVE: Metatron to Release Michael Jackson HIStory Concert on All Mobile Platforms

It's 1.61GB.
9.99 dollars.
It is called 'Micheal Jackson live in concert HD-ipad version'.
It seems it includes some rare pics. Hmm.. Interesting
Cool I hope It's not Munich... they don't reveal exact location so I pray it's a compilation of songs performed in various places... but I guess it's too good to be true :/
Hmmm...I may get this but ive not got much memory left on my laptop now :-/
It's s a shame they can't release it for all platforms and in all regions. Michael is an international artist and has fans everywhere in the world. I hate all these divisions.
It's 1.61GB.
9.99 dollars.
It is called 'Micheal Jackson live in concert HD-ipad version'.
It seems it includes some rare pics. Hmm.. Interesting

:agree: Do we know if this has been approved by the estate?

I don't want to spend money on ANYTHING that doesn't go the MJ's 3 kids.

How can we confirm this is a legit product?

It says:

I-mobilize licensed this content from Soul Concerts LTD and Darryl Payne Productions

I am confused. I wish the estate was more forthcoming about these things. how do we know if a product was approved by the estate?

For now, I think this is NOT an official app, because no where in the press release does it mention MJ's estate.

I will wait for confirmation before buying this.
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itunes version

rtl version

anyone thinks what im thinking? :)
if i download it will i be able to play it on an ipod classic?
Can somebody confirm this is legit? Or I'm not gonna buy it. I want it but not if the estate isn't involved.
Can somebody confirm this is legit? Or I'm not gonna buy it. I want it but not if the estate isn't involved.

Asked the same question. I am leaning toward NOT APPROVED BY THE ESTATE. I am pretty sure it would state so otherwise.

Nowhere does the press release mention the estate...and we know and they know putting the estate stamp on it, would gather a lot more attention.

But if not the estate, who owns these concerts? Unless MJ signed an agreement with these Darryl Payne Productions & Soul Concerts LLC. They are the ones who licensed the concert to I-mobilize.
So this is only for ipad and iphone? shame
But then again it doesn't even look like its in HD, just DVD quality. lame
Hope they release a blu ray version instead
Is this available in the UK as I have searhed on Itunes and cant find anything, would love to have this on my ipod.
Yesterday, I could find it on japanese iTunes store.
But I cannot find it today.
What happen?
I downloaded the file from itunes yesterday, I thought what the heck at £5.99 I'll see if I can run this ipad app on my mac, I couldn't but I've managed to extract the mp4 video HD file. It's the RTL Munich broadcast 4:3 format, but I have to say the qulaity is just awesome and the sound is amazing.

But as your saying it does not exist anywhere on itunes not just UK but it any country from this morning, which means there must be some kind of legality of the app. Because it should of been released on the iphone which didn't happen?

We'll just have to wait and see!
It's available for iPhone in NZ. Comes up in App Store no worries.
Nowhere to be found in the USA & Canada stores. I am guessing the MJ estate stepped in. I am glad I did not waste my money on a bootleg.