Exclusive Liner Notes from Bad 25 / Mystery About Unreleased Michael Jackson Songs from Bad 25

It's not any different like Stella always posting stuff from "journalist" Charles Thompson WHILE ignoring the fact Thompson actually knows NOTHING and makes stuff up on many occasions and has a history of RIDICULING/DISSING MJ during his lifetime in previous articles. He recently swapped to rather RIDICULING/DISSING fans instead.

I've only ever seen him ridicule those who have attacked him in the first place. Can you show me some of his previous articles where he disses Mj? I keep hearing about them from people like you but funnily enough you can never produce them.
I find this somewhat hypocritical, given that the last paragraph from the original post has been removed along with members responses to that last paragraph! I encourage people to read Roger Friedman's ACTUAL artical, be it inaccrate or truth.

Is this place a democracy that promotes freedom of speech or something else entirely? I am too old to be patronised and it was the same old story on here with regards the Michael album!

If your going to publish something, publish it in it's entirety, but please don't sugar coat or edit this and then say 'We are all adults'!

The last paragraph and every single response has been moved to the appropriate thread for any further discussion.



Can't we just focus on the songs in this thread?

we want to focus on Bad 25 on this thread. there are multiple other sections to discuss the rest.
MOd Note :chef:

Ok guys Please Lets try to stay on topic of the BAD25 the songs and linear notes. Not much we can do about the messenger. So please lets not allow him to derail this thread into a discussion or arument about him. We know not many respect him and rightly so. Not much we can do as he has the ball for the time being. Maybe you can contact @Mjjonlineteam to ask for a new messenger. Thats what I did.

Now for those who would rather discuss the Michael Album and or Casoci track portion of Rogers article your are welcome to go the The Great debate thread. We have moved that portion of the article and your replies in there to allow you to freely voice your opinions on that topic. But we will NOT allow it to derail BAD25 discussions. No one wants that in here. We dont care that Roger wanted to bring it up or not ( He was an ass for inserting it) . We are not going allow him take us there in this forum.

This Forum is about BAD25 :)

I ask you Please Do not call out moderation in a thread. Your post will be deleted with no notice. Use the proper channels for that. If you have any problems with the Staffs decisions. please Pm them to discuss it. If you can't resolve your issue you can email memberservice@MJJcommunity.com to voice your complaint according to MJJC policy and a full review will be done. This is stated in our rules and policy. Please abide so we dont derail threads with it.

Thank for your cooperation in this matter
I know! Got to admit felt a little tense when i heard about the song about abortion, didn't the press release say something about it being very personal to mj or something, as it's such a controversial topic, esp in usa where it seems to have been politiicised. If the controversy is all about the balance between a woman's right to choose v the rights of an unborn child, i did kind of assume mj would veer towards the latter. But as ever, he seems to have approached it in an ultra-sensitive way.

Yes, as we speak it's still a very hotly debated topic in politics even with politicians with irrational and incorrect beliefs, such as this: http://thinkprogress.org/justice/20...tims-of-legitimate-rape-wont-become-pregnant/
No one has mentioned it but I really have a soft spot for the song "Fly away" Ive always loved that song. :wub:
I know it was prior released but Im glad it will also be on BAd25 - Takes me to another world ..his voice is so soothing and beautiful - Seems like it has a calypso beat


and together we will fly away. Ill give you my heart :heart:
The last paragraph and every single response has been moved to the appropriate thread for any further discussion.

we want to focus on Bad 25 on this thread. there are multiple other sections to discuss the rest.

There was no explanation given for the removel of said quote and replys in the original post. Thanks!

MOd Note :chef:

Ok guys Please Lets try to stay on topic of the BAD25 the songs and linear notes. Not much we can do about the messenger. So please lets not allow him to derail this thread into a discussion or arument about him. We know not many respect him and rightly so. Not much we can do as he has the ball for the time being. Maybe you can contact @Mjjonlineteam to ask for a new messenger. Thats what I did.

Now for those who would rather discuss the Michael Album and or Casoci track portion of Rogers article your are welcome to go the The Great debate thread. We have moved that portion of the article and your replies in there to allow you to freely voice your opinions on that topic. But we will NOT allow it to derail BAD25 discussions. No one wants that in here. We dont care that Roger wanted to bring it up or not ( He was an ass for inserting it) . We are not going allow him take us there in this forum.

This Forum is about BAD25 :)

I ask you Please Do not call out moderation in a thread. Your post will be deleted with no notice. Use the proper channels for that. If you have any problems with the Staffs decisions. please Pm them to discuss it. If you can't resolve your issue you can email memberservice@MJJcommunity.com to voice your complaint according to MJJC policy and a full review will be done. This is stated in our rules and policy. Please abide so we dont derail threads with it.

Thank for your cooperation in this matter
Such derailing would be easily avoided had there been an explanation on the first post. We can't be expected to realise or assume that part of an artical is moved to another thread.

Anyways, I want to enjoy BAD25 as much as any fan so I'll park it there and avoid this because I have zero respect or interest in the author. I felt personally insulted and offended by the removed comment.
No one has mentioned it but I really have a soft spot for the song "Fly away" Ive always loved that song. :wub:
I know it was prior released but Im glad it will also be on BAd25 - Takes me to another world ..his voice is so soothing and beautiful - Seems like it has a calypso beat


I love this one too....His ad libs at the end, as the song fades...'love you...love you....love you...'...That falsetto...*sigh* :wub:
i LOVE fly away. It would have fit perfectly at the end of the album, but whatevs
I love this one too....His ad libs at the end, as the song fades...'love you...love you....love you...'...That falsetto...*sigh* :wub:
there's even more of it, unfortunately the version on the BAD SE fades out too early. Check out Rebbies version for MJs full ad-libs. Too bad that we won't get the full length version on BAD25.
there's even more of it, unfortunately the version on the BAD SE fades out too early. Check out Rebbies version for MJs full ad-libs. Too bad that we won't get the full length version on BAD25.

That's right! Forgot about her version...It's been so long that I've heard it...Just re-listened...Pure heaven :wub:
There was no explanation given for the removel of said quote and replys in the original post. Thanks!

Such derailing would be easily avoided had there been an explanation on the first post. We can't be expected to realise or assume that part of an artical is moved to another thread.

Anyways, I want to enjoy BAD25 as much as any fan so I'll park it there and avoid this because I have zero respect or interest in the author. I felt personally insulted and offended by the removed comment.

my friend az Im sorry you were offended. That is certainly not our intention. It was an oversight on our part thinking everyone was aware. Your reply has been noted and understood. Next time please PM to discuss any issues you have as I stated in the mod request. I would have respected you and adressed your complaint. We have now placed a disclaimer on the top post stating our reasons so there will be no further confusion. I hope we can all move on now and not further derail the thread with this discussion.
No one has mentioned it but I really have a soft spot for the song "Fly away" Ive always loved that song.

Me too ! i love it
I don't know if this is the appropriate thread or not... but they want to be clear on this before speculation starts running wild and ruining things.

Michael Jackson “Bad” Tracks: Mysteries Explained
08/29/12 3:23am
Roger Friedman

Sony Music really liked our story about the new Michael Jackson tracks, the unreleased material from “Bad.” But I’m told the Jackson estate is nervous I’ve implied the tracks were less than genuine. Never! They are 100% pure Michael, and just great.

Here’s an explanation for my earlier questions, just so every is, as we say, on the same page. A source close to the estate emailed me:

“There are no mysteries about the tracks. They were all done in Michael’s studio at Hayvenhurst. Bruce Swedien never worked at Hayvenhurst with Michael and would only have heard the tracks that Michael brought to Quincy [Jones] to include on the album. As a result, there are many songs that would be unfamiliar to Bruce. And, as far as Bill [Bottrell] is concerned, he doesn’t even know the names of all of the tracks he did work on. Is it really surprising that, with the amount of tracks worked on during the BAD sessions, that there are some Bill doesn’t remember having done some engineering on? And, by the way, Bill wasn’t the only engineer working with Michael at Hayvenhurst. Matt Forger was there then as well.”

Fans will love all the versions of “Bad25,” believe me. And I do hope Sony tries to get a couple of hits out of the demos. “I’m so Blue” is so catchy it’s embarrassing!

Now the Estate is sending him e-mails. What a moron! Everyone knows that Bad demos are real songs.
Great response from the Estate.
One thing that jumps out at me in Friedman's writing is what a strange man he is. Anyone else get that?
Now the Estate is sending him e-mails. What a moron! Everyone knows that Bad demos are real songs.
Great response from the Estate.

Sounds to me like the whole thing was set up in the first place as a way to create buzz. Shame they had to use that idiot.
Honestly there's an effect of fans in this situation. I have seen a blog yesterday (as well as multiple tweets from multiple people) which said as Friedman said the Bad 25 songs to be real and mentioned Swedien and Botrell didn't know it, they could be fake songs. I couldn't help but shake my head.

In other words some people took what Friedman said in the worst possible scenario kinda of way. The more simpler approach would be to assume that other people than Swedien and Botrell worked on the songs with Michael such as Forger.
Sounds to me like the whole thing was set up in the first place as a way to create buzz. Shame they had to use that idiot.

Cause the Estate wants to create the buzz that some of the songs might be fake or at least suspicious? Because like Ivy said this is how many took Friedman's article. After the Michael album fiasco I very much doubt the Estate wants such buzz.
So his source is Sony. He says Sony is happy with his story - but MJ estate is nervous. He best know the estate has the power to cut him from the equasion. RF is the one who is nervous that's why he is backtracking on his ISH becuase of the message he recived from the Estate reps.
Ugh... That's why I wondered in the first place why certain people are picked for MJ exclusives. SMH Obviously Roger wasn't the right choice! DUH! The way he writes his ish is annoying as :censored: he's always looking for the drama! So over it already! -_-
Cause the Estate wants to create the buzz that some of the songs might be fake or at least suspicious? Because like Ivy said this is how many took Friedman's article. After the Michael album fiasco I very much doubt the Estate wants such buzz.

I would not say "many". I would say few or some and outside of MJJC. Friedman did write the Bad25 songs to be real. It's just that some went on a tangent and said "if Friedman is saying they are real, they could be fakes". And that's totally on those people. It's kinda allowing their opinions about Friedman etc. affecting the current Bad 25 release.