EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Michael Jackson’s Doctor Says He Has Evidence To Put People in Jail


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Jul 25, 2011
Tampa, Florida
EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Michael Jacksons Doctor Says He Has Evidence To Put People In Prison

Posted on Sep 17, 2009 @ 05:05PM print it send it

Getty Images

Dr Steven Hoefflin, Michael Jackson’s former plastic surgeon, has released a statement in response to the lawsuit being brought against him by Dr. Arnold Klein for defamation of character, claiming it’s part of a larger conspiracy. In addition, RadarOnline.com has obtained secret documents revealing the behind-the-scenes war between Hoefflin, various lawyers and Klein.

The documents include nasty email exchanges between Hoefflin and lawyers and also what purports to be a handwritten note from Katherine Jackson authorizing Hoefflin to talk to the press and correct false information. Other documents from Katherine’s people say she never gave that permission.

Click here to read the documents

There’s even a handwritten note from Michael Jackson in 1999 authorizing Hoefflin to use the pop star’s medical records to dispel misinformation.

Click here to read Hoefflin’s letter filled with outrageous charges

Hoefflin claims to have had his life threatened because “members of law enforcement know that I possess abundant incriminating evidence [regarding the Jackson death] that is going to put a lot of people in prison.”

In his lengthy statement Hoefflin claims people are colluding, with the police “to use false documents to threaten me, obstruct my independent investigation into Michael’s death and to stop me from providing evidence to the proper authorities.”

He claims Colin Powell is a friend of his, and that he has called and left messages at the house of the retired General and former Secretary of State, asking him to “engage a congressional investigation into all of the LAPD and Los Angeles Sheriff Department Law Enforcement Corruption in Los Angeles that is taking place in the Michael Jackson and other important investigations that is ruining our city.”

Hoefflin says that he is an established Government Witness in the Jackson death investigation and that Dr. Arnold Klein and his attorneys are “attempting to prevent me from discussing incriminating evidence that I possess on Dr. Klein.”

Hoefflin claims that Klein’s lawsuit against him is frivolous and that he expects the Attorney General of California himself, Jerry Brown, to end the lawsuit.

From Radar Online: http://www.radaronline.com/exclusiv...kson’s-doctor-says-he-has-evidence-put-people
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All the people participated in the death of my idol need to be put in jail.

I hate the fact that this shady investigation is taking so much time.
Oh, man. I though this was going to be from Murray; but damn. How legit is Radar Online?

Hoefflin claims to have had his life threatened because “members of law enforcement know that I possess abundant incriminating evidence [regarding the Jackson death] that is going to put a lot of people in prison.”


In his lengthy statement Hoefflin claims people are colluding, with the police “to use false documents to threaten me, obstruct my independent investigation into Michael’s death and to stop me from providing evidence to the proper authorities.”

So he's doing his own investigation? I hope he really has some evidence and isn't just making shit up. I don't care if he's talking because Klien is bring a lawsuit against him; if he really has legit evidence he needs to let the proper people know. I think this is basically a threat: 'I know stuff about you so shut the hell up.'
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Klein is an A*hole I knew that, working for Conspiracy Business Syndicate. They might kill Dr.Hoefflin if he didn’t expose this information imo. But I am glad that he did. Looks like somebody will go to prison very soon. This is a very important news.Bravo Dr.Hoefflin.
Trust me MJ murder is the real deal he tried to warn people but no body pay MJ no mind its really sad but finally the truth will come out
EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Michael Jacksons Doctor Says He Has Evidence To Put People In Prison

Posted on Sep 17, 2009 @ 05:05PM print it send it

Getty Images

Dr Steven Hoefflin, Michael Jackson’s former plastic surgeon, has released a statement in response to the lawsuit being brought against him by Dr. Arnold Klein for defamation of character, claiming it’s part of a larger conspiracy. In addition, RadarOnline.com has obtained secret documents revealing the behind-the-scenes war between Hoefflin, various lawyers and Klein.

The documents include nasty email exchanges between Hoefflin and lawyers and also what purports to be a handwritten note from Katherine Jackson authorizing Hoefflin to talk to the press and correct false information. Other documents from Katherine’s people say she never gave that permission.

Click here to read the documents

There’s even a handwritten note from Michael Jackson in 1999 authorizing Hoefflin to use the pop star’s medical records to dispel misinformation.

Click here to read Hoefflin’s letter filled with outrageous charges

Hoefflin claims to have had his life threatened because “members of law enforcement know that I possess abundant incriminating evidence [regarding the Jackson death] that is going to put a lot of people in prison.”

In his lengthy statement Hoefflin claims people are colluding, with the police “to use false documents to threaten me, obstruct my independent investigation into Michael’s death and to stop me from providing evidence to the proper authorities.”

He claims Colin Powell is a friend of his, and that he has called and left messages at the house of the retired General and former Secretary of State, asking him to “engage a congressional investigation into all of the LAPD and Los Angeles Sheriff Department Law Enforcement Corruption in Los Angeles that is taking place in the Michael Jackson and other important investigations that is ruining our city.:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed

Hoefflin says that he is an established Government Witness in the Jackson death investigation and that Dr. Arnold Klein and his attorneys are “attempting to prevent me from discussing incriminating evidence that I possess on Dr. Klein.”

Hoefflin claims that Klein’s lawsuit against him is frivolous and that he expects the Attorney General of California himself, Jerry Brown, to end the lawsuit.

From Radar Online: http://www.radaronline.com/exclusiv...kson’s-doctor-says-he-has-evidence-put-people


i just don't know what to say about this!

I said it since day one, LAPD is so corrupted we'll never ever get justice for Michael. EVER!
This does not suprise me one bit! A lot of shady $h!t is going down over MJ death!
Money men and doctors everywhere! We have to demand the truth!
Wow! Well said. LAPD is really that corrupted? Looks this guy had no choice. He is protecting his life that way.
I am now bringing out to the public all of the credible evidence in my
possession on the corruption in Los Angeles Law Enforcement pertaining
to the Michael Jackson Investigation. I am going to personally stop all of
the threats from the LAPD on my life and the threats against my family.
These are occurring because those members of law enforcement know
that I possess abundant incriminating evidence that is going to put a lot of
people in prison.
Wow, I don't know what the hell to think of this. I guess there are really only two main possibilities... Hoefflin either has mental issues that are confusing reality for him (I'm thinking of things like the movie A Beautiful Mind ... it can happen) OR there's some seriously weird and dark stuff going on here that will hopefully come out in the open. Geez, I just want the damned TRUTH. Whatever it is, I just want it. ... Oh, or the third possibility... they've got dirt on him and he's trying the blame-them-first defense strategy.
Here we go. See that in the distance? It's a shitstotm and it's bigger than 93 and 05 combined.
well, to be fair he was found not guilty but frankly after hearing about his list of patients from MJ, Joan Rivers, Nancy Sinatra , Ivana Trump and liz Taylor , he pretty much fucked up their faces , he is very shady and was investigated by the lapd who asked him to go through an examination to determine his mental health , he is SICKO .
Ok first..WTH? And second...Is what Hofflin is sayin true? how Legit is he? If true...then Kline and others better watchout...

Oh God, so the law inforcement is messin this up on perpose...??? Now ppl. are seeing the true color of Dian Demon.

LOL!!! Demon is the appropriate description for her, without a doubt.

Dr. Hoefflin nails Diane Dimond to the wall in his statement - and Dr. Klein.

Let's keep praying!

What the hell is happening?

Holy cow, I can never get a peace of mind when it concerns Mike... Damn it!!!!!!!

Why is Michael surrounded by such vultures???????
There seems to be an ongoing rivalry between Klien and Hoefflin. The two of them are pointing fingers at each other.

If that article is true (about Hoefflin checking out Michael's genitals) then he really is a sick, sick man. But we don't know whether it's some fabricated crap, so....

Hopefully, if Hoefflin has any incriminating evidence, he can come up with something that will get justice for Michael. That's the most important thing right now. The criminals can't be walking free.
Why are you often injecting some 'drama' remarks into threads? It seems like you enjoy it. I would like to know why, please.

You post your first 'lure' about the Dr., dropping no details. Then wait a minute, then post a huge story WITH NO LINK. And then, tell us he was found not guilty. um, okkkkayyyy. So you believe he did *** to MJ's *** because he f-cked up Joan Rivers face?.


Probably this person on the media pay roll?
Not a single one of these talking doctors are any more trustworthy than the next, IMO. Hoefflin erroneously claimed that Michael died due to lethal doses of Demerol, which was not true at all.
Putting the inappropriate allegations aside..

....if he has information about Michael's death then we should be supportive of it coming out to the police... no? why discredit it straight away?
Probably this person on the media pay roll?

oh come on
whats wrong with you ppl?
she just posted an article and she always backs up what she says
does that make her part of the media pay roll?
oh wait she even may have killed Micheal :bugeyed
the allegations against him were made in 1999 and published back then not now
yeah and he said Klien and Debbie were injecting mj with demerol in 1992 every two hours or so , he claimed klien hooked mj on demerol and used debbie to do so , he even presented documents , nobody said that was false cause in fact that excatly what happened back then but he forgot to mention that mj had a surgery to his scalp in 1992 and the demerol was prescribed to ease the unbearable pain, according to an expert the pain caused by such surgery was even much more severe than the pain caused by the actual burning incident , you know when mj's head was burnt back in the eighties.
Putting the inappropriate allegations aside..

....if he has information about Michael's death then we should be supportive of it coming out to the police... no? why discredit it straight away?


That's why I posted this news.