Everyone was worried!!! Michael was on the frontpage Again!!!

It is about showing the hypocrisy of the media and how they actually care about Michael,despite telling all the worst about him. That's my 2 cents.
i strongly disagree with this statement. i am 100% sure that none of the haters that constantly diss him and make up lies about him actually cares about him. unless they're phychos like demon appears to be. nobody who is sane writes books about him full of lies, disses him on tv 24/7 trying to put him away and at the same time caring about him.
in 2007 that perez hilton had the RF bs all over his site. that bs were about michaels health again. why he'd do that if he gave a damn about him ? the haters get very excited when they hear such bs unless they're psychos and they cant tell the difference between love and hate. but theres no such thing as hypocrisy whatsoever. fans sometimes make things very complicated when in reality are actually very plain and simple.
they try to convince themselves that the haters actually love michael and wish him well and all because that thought makes THEM feel better. but thats just a delusion. they should come back to reality and face the facts and deal with them. not twist them for their own comfort.

as for me, as long as i love michael with all my heart and i know it i am very very happy and i dont give a rats ass about anyone elses feelings about michael. i know theres other ppl who feel that way about michael too and im glad. i also know that theres ppl who dont and others who hate him and i honestly couldnt care less.
i strongly disagree with this statement. i am 100% sure that none of the haters that constantly diss him and make up lies about him actually cares about him. unless they're phychos like demon appears to be. nobody who is sane writes books about him full of lies, disses him on tv 24/7 trying to put him away and at the same time caring about him.
in 2007 that perez hilton had the RF bs all over his site. that bs were about michaels health again. why he'd do that if he gave a damn about him ? the haters get very excited when they hear such bs unless they're psychos and they cant tell the difference between love and hate. but theres no such thing as hypocrisy whatsoever. fans sometimes make things very complicated when in reality are actually very plain and simple.
they try to convince themselves that the haters actually love michael and wish him well and all because that thought makes THEM feel better. but thats just a delusion. they should come back to reality and face the facts and deal with them. not twist them for their own comfort.

as for me, as long as i love michael with all my heart and i know it i am very very happy and i dont give a rats ass about anyone elses feelings about michael. i know theres other ppl who feel that way about michael too and im glad. i also know that theres ppl who dont and others who hate him and i honestly couldnt care less.

oh well i agree with you on some level. actually i fully agree with you, i guess i didn't express myself well, as usual lol.

well, the thing we are trying to point out to is how miserable those haters are.
they go on hating him and saying crap about him but then when they realize the gravity of the man's health (supposed gravity,proved to be false of course) they go on kissing his ass.

that's what i meant. they are just too sad they'd write anything to make money.

make any sense or...no?
I think they're just going by old news. This shouldn't even been posted!:smilerolleyes:
oh well i agree with you on some level. actually i fully agree with you, i guess i didn't express myself well, as usual lol.

well, the thing we are trying to point out to is how miserable those haters are.
they go on hating him and saying crap about him but then when they realize the gravity of the man's health (supposed gravity,proved to be false of course) they go on kissing his ass.

that's what i meant. they are just too sad they'd write anything to make money.

make any sense or...no?

yes of course it makes sense :) theres the media on the one side that talk crap about michael and ridicule him and theres the real haters on the other side that truly hate him and wish him ill. everytime a false story like this pops out the media freak out because they actually care about michael. they just like to make fun of him. but on the other hand the real haters have a blast.

i guess ppl have mixed up the general media who make their living from talking crap about michael and making fun of him but actually care about him and wish him well with the real haters who feel nothing but hate for michael.

i hate both sides personally.

and for the record i agree with what soso said at some point that the media lie because thats their job and those who are not willing to make up lies or spread lies made up by others get fired and replaced by others who are willing to do so. i think that was a very good point.
i think in this specific case most of the media already knew that was a pure fabricated lie but they reported it anyways for sensationalism. to do their job in other words. but the media that didnt know it was a lie and believed it they freaked out.

but i would NEVER ever call the ppl on the first side fans. they're just sad pathetic losers who have lost their humanity. just coz they dont wish him ill doesnt make them fans.
ewww what don't u people get?

what's funny is people enter a thread, ASSume what it's about, then condemn others for going into it and DEMANDING that it be closed.

y not take a gander at the article or read the prior posts from ur fellow posters on the board?

this thread simply shows that when news is bad as in, mj is gonna die, the media do an about face and freak out. suddenly mentioning the trial isn't important, it's all about mj and the fact that he may not survive.

it's called hypocrisy and it's quite funny. SO if u don't UNDERSTAND what it's about, either don't post, or find out.
Mr.Jackson knows many of his fans, admirers were very scared and upset about the health announcement; thats why he felt it was imparitive that he release an official statement...

He loves & cares about us way too much not to keep us informed...

Please...everyone needs to calm down...

If there is anything of merit...I can assure you Mr.Jackson or a represenitive of his team will let us know...

Try not to worry too much about the evil ones...Karma has a funny way of comin back ten fold..!

Keep The Faith~~~:angel:psalm 37
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Where are they trying to get with these fake sickness rumours??? They want Mike to take his shirt off and do some weight lifting or something on TV to prove he ok, uh? Gee!
If Madonna can gross over 105 million, you know what Michael can do if he tour. Micheal TOUR.
ewww ? ur too kind for a mod :)
yea that was me being kind.

sorry but people who just ASSume what a thread is about add nothing to the thread b/c they're usually wrong. if they could take the time to read it, then i doubt we'd have a four page thread.:tease:
Of course people still care about Michael. He has millions of fans around the world, and a whole new generation of fans.
He is not sick. The whole thing was made up by a tabloid journalist, it is all a lie.
It was put on the front page because it was news worthy not because they are worried.
why is thread still up
why not read my prior post?

why do u guys think u can complain about a thread u want closed yet still add and contribute to the thread? if it's a bother, please don't come in and state how it's a bother to u. just post elsewhere.

if u didn't get the point of this thread, don't get upset b/c it went over ur head.
He is not sick. The whole thing was made up by a tabloid journalist, it is all a lie.

He IS sick. He's been for a long time already. But it's not the way that journalist wrote about it. He doesn't know anything about Michael's health so he can't write about it. That's why it was made up.
okay guys when u type" michael jackson"

on google this it says: dec 30 2008....michael jackson goes returns to santa barbra to face allegations on child abuse" but when i click on it it says" page not exist"....does http://news.google.com.au/news?
what is up with that?


It was an OLD article posted on that site back in 2005 during
the trial_ you can find it if you do a search there _ but it is
certainly nothing NEW - most likly they posted in the search
engine to get hits on their website - grrr

Back to the topic :) we dont want to go back there :(
He IS sick. He's been for a long time already. But it's not the way that journalist wrote about it. He doesn't know anything about Michael's health so he can't write about it. That's why it was made up.

Topflux I disagree with your statement
You dont know anything certain about MJ's health.
So you cant say he IS sick NOW or has been sick for a long time either.
If he was sick I dont think he would be planning a world tour.

Plus there is a difference between having a medical condition
and being sick with it. So regarldless of what you THINK MJ is
diagnosed with does not mean he is sick from it. We should be
more responsible with what we print as being fact or opinion.
Plus we dont discuss the very personal private business of his
health here.

Your statement would be considered very negative and scary
to many fans without details. Im just concerned why you would
even go there knowing that we are not allowed to discuss his
very private and personal health issues here on the board out
of respect for Michael and his privacy.

Michael Jackson said his health is fine via his spokes person.
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It was an OLD article posted on that site back in 2005 during
the trial_ you can find it if you do a search there _ but it is
certainly nothing NEW - most likly they posted in the search
engine to get hits on their website - grrr

Back to the topic :) we dont want to go back there :(

thank you for that :)
I was just a lil confused by it

sorry for puttting it up.. i just got a lil worried by it.
i'd appreciate if some fans wouldn't put their personal feelings about mj's health in this damn thread. if u know something the rest of us dont and it's b/c it's in ur dreams or u threw an egg on the sidewalk and it fell left instead of right, call miss cleo and ask for ur money back
I think writers and magazines just want to make money, and will print or make up anything they can to do so!! (over and over again)