Everyone was worried!!! Michael was on the frontpage Again!!!

they're all fans. even diane dimond was in the courtroom looking concerned when mj was ill. i saw her get teary eyed my damn self when mj had to be helped to the table by jackie and kerry. he started crying a bit and so did diane. yet she's his staunchest critic and the expert against him. but remember, every massive mj hater started as an mj FAN.

i have a time mag article documenting Diane Dimond's first meeting with MJ. she said his hand felt like a cloud..i wouldn't be surprised if she actually has an eternal crush on him, but he's just not available to her.
i have a time mag article documenting Diane Dimond's first meeting with MJ. she said his hand felt like a cloud..i wouldn't be surprised if she actually has an eternal crush on him, but he's just not available to her.

She can keep dreaming... hahah lol.. he'll never be available to her either!!
Vncwilliam, in my humble opion she does have a HUGE crush on him
Well she does seem obsessed with the man dont she...

That is no sensation! They have frontpaged it everywhre for weeks, but as I predicted NOBODY bothers to correct it. Cause they don't want anyone to know they are liars. People shall believe in them and if they though mention a small piece of his message they blame Michael for everything. That's it.
I would like to think that...yeah, people, paparazzi, and the media would feel low if things went terribly bad for Michael but;...

I had the terrible occurrence of reading some posts on a newsmagazine's website about a radio disc jockey getting "reprimanded" for saying that Michael was "no more" and some of the people were just filthy mouth dogs saying that he should be that way...I won't even repeat any of the shzt that they said...but I left them a very nasty message that no one would miss any of them because they were worthless human beings to say such vile inhumane things about a beautiful person like Michael. I was a little nastier than what I typed here.

There were a few of us good people, true fans, trying to say respectable things about Michael and how this disc jockey should have been fired and not just "reprimanded" because he claimed he was just joking.

I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned on here and deleted or something. I didn't see it anywhere or I didn't really look. This will probably get erased too. It's fine with me.

But also what I wanted to say is that...all of you who get seriously upset and worried about what is said about Michael without knowing the truth, you need to get a grip and not let this type of stuff interfere with your mind... I'm so sure that no one who isn't an authority figure would be the first to alert people of such a thing of importance as Michael's well-being. You can believe that.

So Please, Be stressed over anything else, BUT NOT Michael...AT LEAST TRY NOT TO BE!

These are my words of wisdom for the coming NEW YEAR 2009.:)
That is no sensation! They have frontpaged it everywhre for weeks, but as I predicted NOBODY bothers to correct it. Cause they don't want anyone to know they are liars. People shall believe in them and if they though mention a small piece of his message they blame Michael for everything. That's it.

i saw yesterday on yahoo on the entertainment section that they still had the BS story by that ian as*hole. yet, i didnt start a thread about it because honestly what difference would that make ? i just ignored it.
they're all fans. even diane dimond was in the courtroom looking concerned when mj was ill. i saw her get teary eyed my damn self when mj had to be helped to the table by jackie and kerry. he started crying a bit and so did diane. yet she's his staunchest critic and the expert against him. but remember, every massive mj hater started as an mj FAN.

demon is just a psycho whos also pure evil. shes spent all of her life trying to ruin michael and put him behind bars therefore terminate his life yet she shows signs that she cares about his well-being ? thats a pure contradiction right there. shes a psycho therefore she can contradict herself without even realizing it.
stop panicking for no reason ppl!

this is not a thread about discussing whether Michael is fine or not, cuz we know he is. We are just talking about how the media reacts on stuff like this. Which is not the same, and is not offensive or anything. So chill.
NO reason at all!!

Close this thread. We don't need another "MJ's sick" thread!

Thome said he was fine, so that's what we must believe! If we choose not to believe MJ's team, then what can MJ do?? Then he can never get the truth out! We can't ignore what comes directly from MJ himself!
please guys no more discussion about the story of mj health
he's fine and no need to be worried so please let's stop thinking about that
thanks for your comprehension
GUYS. Stop it. This is merely a thread to discuss and analyze the medias portrayal of Mike over time and in differing circumstances, nothing more nothing less.
my opinion is that since this year is coming to an end we should be celebrating every single good thing that this year offered us like michaels appearances, photos, kop album, t25 etc and be happy and cheerful. not being miserable and upset thinking about the stupid haters, the tabloids and their bs.... "why they call him this and that", "shouldnt they be respectful to him if they believed that he was sick", "if he was really sick would they still call him jackson instead of *****", "demon and perez are in the closet fans and love michael even though they diss him all the time", "ppl who talk ish about michael will feel sorry one day once hes gone" blah blah blah

i mean where did all this come from ? who cares if some ppl will regret being haters one day? why feel the need to convince ourselves that the haters are fans after all when thats clearly not true ? the haters are haters and they will always and forever be. the tabloids will always and forever be making sh*t up about michael and calling him names. just accept that and move on. otherwise u'll spend a lifetime being miserable and complaining about their bs.

what matters is that michael is healthy and happy with his family and hes ready for a huge comeback. be happy about the things that matter and dont waste ur energy talking about things that u can never change and that are not important at all to michael and his family.
the new year should start with positivity not with demon and perez and tabloids talk.

with that said u guys can go on playing freud and psychoanalyzing demon and the rest of them lol
OK, the mods won't close this so if you don't like it stay away - it's not the same whiny "OMG I hope Michael is fine WHEN WE KNOW HE IS" thread so cut it out,drama queens!
drama queens in this situation are those who tend to create this a thread discussing whether Michael is in fine health or not. Because the thread is nothing about it. It is about showing the hypocrisy of the media and how they actually care about Michael,despite telling all the worst about him. That's my 2 cents.
I must say I am really surprised that they used a flattering picture for a change. :)

Like So So Deaf said, people always try to bring Michael down but when they think he is ill they all start to worry.....hypocrites lol

And people, why the heck is everyone making such a big fuss out of this thread? A fellow FAN is pointing out that the website mentioned is reporting that there was, indeed, panic in the media over some false report that Michael was ill. That's all......breathe in breathe out and go back to what you were doing ;)