Everyone was worried!!! Michael was on the frontpage Again!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey guys!!! LOOK!!! Michael's health frenzy scared everyone!!! Heres proof!!! :yes:http://new.music.yahoo.com/


What do you guys think?
um the person was showing how worried non fans were about mj so much that it made yahoo's front page! Lol

and even perez sounded a lil scared and wished him well. see, it's all hate boo boo until it looks like he may be ill. then they all freak! lol

and note that t he link said RUMORS. so they know it was fake
Dont tell me this new "heath scare" rumors again!!!!!?
thanks for the heads up....was getting worried a lil again.
Aww *hugs*, we just showing the haters actually love mike cos they scared bout him possibly dying too. Cos the crackhead rumors made em show compassion and what they are like really. They crave him, hes like a drug, in all honesty. Everyone wants a slice of the Aura, just don't want to admit it.
aww thanks emwillo2

that is totally true in what ur saying, my stepdad pretends to hate mj with a passion- but my mum let slip to me that he likes mj's music haha
Well... almost worried I mean as I said even if he was allegedly dying you think it would hurt them to call him Jackson and not "J.acko"?
Well people who thought legitmately that he might be sick and continued to call him Ja*** have zero class and are total scum. But it's sort of the classic case of people not knowing what they have until it's gone. People will be sorry someday for the way they've treated Michael.
who cares what they call him if they are truly feeling for him? sorry but perez takes the piss out on him all the time but was so sad when nevvy was 'sold' and was freaking when he heard the rumore. so know it's all a front for the media. just like aphrodite said...if they don't lie, they get replaced
I swear I just had heart failure seeing the title of this thread...
Of course it's a front, but it shows what big ass cowards they are and how classless they are when they still call him names even when they're "worried" about him. It wouldn't kill them to step up and show some respect.
Goshhhhhhhhhh!!!!Iwas scared when I saw this thread!!!


I dont care with these sh&¨$#!!!Michael is fine... he is in your home,watching cartoons with his kids

and the new year is come and also the new album!:wild:

I'm tired!Enough!!!:angel:
um the person was showing how worried non fans were about mj so much that it made yahoo's front page! Lol

and even perez sounded a lil scared and wished him well. see, it's all hate boo boo until it looks like he may be ill. then they all freak! lol

and note that t he link said RUMORS. so they know it was fake

it's all hate boo boo until it looks like he may be ill. then they all freak!

lmao! teehee so true!!
Goshhhhhhhhhh!!!!Iwas scared when I saw this thread!!!


I dont care with these sh&¨$#!!!Michael is fine... he is in your home,watching cartoons with his kids

and the new year is come and also the new album!:wild:

I'm tired!Enough!!!:angel:
OT...u and i are on the same musical page, Dri...Enya and Michael. i love em both:punk:
you know what i also noticed?

NO "wac.o jac.o" and no trial mentioning in the articles, just "the musical star" "king of pop" etc.

which only proves that they'll be sorry one day.

sad,sad world.
it's such a sad world...
Aww *hugs*, we just showing the haters actually love mike cos they scared bout him possibly dying too. Cos the crackhead rumors made em show compassion and what they are like really. They crave him, hes like a drug, in all honesty. Everyone wants a slice of the Aura, just don't want to admit it.

exactly. and when People magazine first predicted a career fall for him, during the first allegations in 93, the mag called him the biggest star in the world. but when things were calm for MJ, the mag callded him...well..you know what they call him..and then they say he's ONE of the biggest stars in the world.
you know what i also noticed?

NO "wac.o jac.o" and no trial mentioning in the articles, just "the musical star" "king of pop" etc.

which only proves that they'll be sorry one day.

sad,sad world.
it's such a sad world...

Wow amazing no trial mentions..........they must be getting bored with the "wac.co: name calling
Sickos they r!
you know what i also noticed?

NO "wac.o jac.o" and no trial mentioning in the articles, just "the musical star" "king of pop" etc.

which only proves that they'll be sorry one day.

sad,sad world.
it's such a sad world...

heyy yeah...

maybe these are just nice people or maybe those papaLOSERazzi are learning...
Well i appluad those paprazzi who r learning...and to those u anit ..welll :p to u! lol
nah, jane fonda said we needed to love mike while he was here cuz we only get one mj.....once he's gone then what? people know shit aint true but they do it cuz they can. and if the ydont, they get replaced.
I belive they do it 2 look big and mighty to ppl
But when the truth comes out, they actally look small & pathetic really.
Quite sad i say.
they're all fans. even diane dimond was in the courtroom looking concerned when mj was ill. i saw her get teary eyed my damn self when mj had to be helped to the table by jackie and kerry. he started crying a bit and so did diane. yet she's his staunchest critic and the expert against him. but remember, every massive mj hater started as an mj FAN.
what!!! she cried! R u serious???
Man i would pay so much money to see that!......the hyprocite she is.