Ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend?

had a boyfriend/girlfriend before?

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 61.3%
  • No

    Votes: 36 38.7%

  • Total voters
It makes 13 years that I'm alone, I lived all this time devoted exclusively to my daughter, I not have much more confidence in men, believe very much in love and not a conflict of interest of today
I always say to myself
"I could see myself with a boyfriend..."

cuz i never had a boyfriend, never kissed before and im only 15 xD
Not had a girlfriend since March 2008...

The right girl will come in time...

I've been with my girlfriend for 9 months, as of today :) Before her there was so much shit with relationships, but it all works out without notice in my opinion. I'm 19 and I've had the best 9 months of my life with Helen, I love her.

And we both love Michael Jackson, that was the first question I asked her. When I went on a date with this other girl Luisa around 2 years ago, I asked her if she liked Michael Jackson and she said JT was better, lets just say...that was the first and ONLY date :)
I've been with my girlfriend for 9 months, as of today :) Before her there was so much shit with relationships, but it all works out without notice in my opinion. I'm 19 and I've had the best 9 months of my life with Helen, I love her.

And we both love Michael Jackson, that was the first question I asked her. When I went on a date with this other girl Luisa around 2 years ago, I asked her if she liked Michael Jackson and she said JT was better, lets just say...that was the first and ONLY date :)

Priceless! :rofl:

... I would have had a hard time trying to overlook that too haha
I've had both......no I'm not greedy. I was young and foolish. Currently single so heres hoping I'll find Prince Charming in 2010
You people are lucky that you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend in your life. I never had that experience before. I had guys who had asked me out on a date but I had to turn them down. Out of fear of what my mother might do to me. Because the guys that had asked me out were black. And my family especially my mother, her husband, my father, and my brother would totally kill me if I ever dated outside of my race. It doesn't really matter to me because the only guy for me is Michael Jackson.
i have the sweetest and adorable girlfriend wich i love and respect so dearly!!! she allways respected my love for Michael wich is very important to me!!! and she likes Michael Jackson too so its ok! haha:D
Love you Ana