Ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend?

had a boyfriend/girlfriend before?

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 61.3%
  • No

    Votes: 36 38.7%

  • Total voters
I never had a girlfriend and I still wish I HAVE!!!
I am too god damn ugy to have girlfriends and I dont wan't to have never. I deserve to die young and alone.

ugy? you mean ugly? it doesn't matter what you look like, what matters is if you're a good person or not - as tacky as that sounds. and nobody deserves to die young don't take it to extremes you're just having a bad day
I really hate it when a girl acts like she's interested in me only to then turn around and say ''Oh i was only joking''

That's not funny
I've had boyfriends. Now I'm married to the best man and been married for five years. :)
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I've only went out on dates... Nothing serious at all!

I'm only 18 and I'm having fun right now before I dived into a serious relationship.
Also, I haven't seen anyone I really really like yet. There used to be one but he dated my friend and even though we both like each other, it would be too awkward. So, out of respect for my friend, I didn't go out with him.
Too many... i am considering seriously the option of remaining alone. Magic is gone.


From 13-20, I was pretty much always in a relationship. I would only consider three of them to be serious, serious relationships. And out of...many (lol)...relationships I've only had one bad experience ever. Guess I'm a good judge of character? All of my ex-boyfriends (minus the one...until he straightens his head out, LoL.) I would recommend to someone in a heartbeat. Someday they'll make some woman very very happy.
I'm the one with the issues. =/ I'm almost always the 'dumper' because I just don't want to put them through my craziness anymore. I know I'm better off alone. I don't see how or why they put up with me in the past! =P
I took a break from dating (People were literally placing bets on how long I'd stay single, like "four months. Tops!" LoL.), but it's been two years now. Hahaha. I know I'm okay to date now, my "issues" are pretty much resolved. But now I just feel like...I can't. or maybe shouldn't. I hate being alone, I really do. And I hate turning down perfectly wonderful guys. I'm just afraid I'm too picky. I can't seem to find someone who thinks and believes all the same things I do and has all the same standards and enjoys the same things and cares about the same stuff - completely.
I know I'm never going to find a Michael....
So, I stopped.
Yes, I like to think that I had about 3. haha. The first one was a little few week thing when I was in like 7th grade. The second was an actual thing I had going on with this guy. We dated for about 2 months until I kissed him. lol. We were done after that. My third was pretty much like the 1st. Then I have the 50 sleezebags trying to talk to me, ask me out, and just to hook up. No thanks.

So yes and no. I'm only 16 and I haven't really had anything "serious" with a guy. But I feel something special coming on with a special guy right now. So I'm crossing my fingers.
I just got out of a year and a half long relationship TODAY. i am so happy to be single and not in ANY rush :)
20 and never been on a date, sad but true, I feel comfortable addmiting it to my fellow fans. Dont know why I'm like this, extremly shy person when it somes to women.
20 and never been on a date, sad but true, I feel comfortable addmiting it to my fellow fans. Dont know why I'm like this, extremly shy person when it somes to women.

theres nothing wrong with that :) Your young and have plenty of time :yes: :hug:
theres nothing wrong with that :) Your young and have plenty of time :yes: :hug:

I know but it really bothers me, people tell me that but I still hate the fact. I have a problem , it wont go away unless I do something, easier said than done, My akwardness around girls stops me from trying again. I always wanted that teenage dating life, full of regrets! Its nice to open up to people on this board. Other people I've told make jokes about it, even some friends. I feel trapped in my shyness! I cant relate to anyone I know.
I know but it really bothers me, people tell me that but I still hate the fact. I have a problem , it wont go away unless I do something, easier said than done, My akwardness around girls stops me from trying again. I always wanted that teenage dating life, full of regrets! Its nice to open up to people on this board. Other people I've told make jokes about it, even some friends.

Im sure you will find someone that will like you for who you are. :yes: There was a poll on MJJC that asked if girls liked shy guys or outgoing guys and shy guys was winning! So im sure you will find someone that will love that part about you. And what matters most is that you are happy :cheeky:
Had a few bf's well a lot cause I can't count them without using my toes.
Been with the bf at the moment on & off for almost a yr but won't last lol cause we are to much like brother & sister.
Longest relationship 1yr & 3 months but he was a twit lol
Shortest 2hr date when i was 12 & he was 17 I think??? was a set up & he was snake. I slapped him across the face hehe.
Best relationship was 5 months but while we were dating he was killed riding his bike.
His brother found a engagement that was to be given to me on my birthday of that year. 2005 I still wear it & always will.
Yup, had several girlfriends (one almost lead to marriage), but right now I am perfectly content being single and not looking. Sometime I'll back in the game, but I just have other stuff I want to focus on for now.
I had a boyfriend during 4 years and we broke up last year.
I'm much happier now than in the last few months of my relationship!
I know but it really bothers me, people tell me that but I still hate the fact. I have a problem , it wont go away unless I do something, easier said than done, My akwardness around girls stops me from trying again. I always wanted that teenage dating life, full of regrets! Its nice to open up to people on this board. Other people I've told make jokes about it, even some friends. I feel trapped in my shyness! I cant relate to anyone I know.

don't feel this way, at the right time, you will find a special person that will love you just the way you are :)
I am 23 and never been on a date or even remotely close to going out with a girl and never tried to "impress" a girl only to find out that the girl of my dreams, whom I was away from for four years, loves me "madly" as she told me and proved to me. Just be yourself Jmoney and you'll find the one for you. I am extremely shy around females as well, but a girl who is very intelligent, attractive, funny and outgoing loved me because I acted the way I am and didn't try to "impose" myself on her or impress her the slightest.
Best relationship was 5 months but while we were dating he was killed riding his bike.
His brother found a engagement that was to be given to me on my birthday of that year. 2005 I still wear it & always will.
:cry: omg :( That's so sad. *hugs*
Nope I've never. I have trust issues, I don't show my feelings to anyone , I'm a botteler.
It disheartening sometimes 'cuz all of my mates are in a relationship or they've had boyfriends in the past. I've had nothing, makes me feel like I'm missing out on life :(
I've had two girlfriends, but the relationship wasn't exactly serious and didn't last a very long time. I'm the exact opposite of you, Welsh. I'm the type of guy that would spill my emotions on you. I'm just a very sensitive guy, I suppose.

Perhaps that's why my relationships don't last very long.

I know but it really bothers me, people tell me that but I still hate the fact. I have a problem , it wont go away unless I do something, easier said than done, My akwardness around girls stops me from trying again. I always wanted that teenage dating life, full of regrets! Its nice to open up to people on this board. Other people I've told make jokes about it, even some friends. I feel trapped in my shyness! I cant relate to anyone I know.
I know how ya feel.