European Football Championship

The One.

Proud Member
Jan 29, 2006
Anybody watching this time? :)

Since Finland couldn't manage to make their way there, I go with France and Holland.
I wouldn't mind if Greece would surprise us again but I do hope that Portugal doesn't win :pth: :D
I'm with France - Portugal winning it this time
Yayy Go France, but no no Portugal ain't winning :nono:
if ronaldo is as good as they make him out to be then they could do it

They could do it, but he was just as good last time. And whole team can't win just with one amazing player.
Though Portugal has many good players, I want to believe that for example France has good change to win with their young team. I don't like Ronaldo's attitude in playing.
Hey Hanna!!!!!!! :) An other sport that both of us like it seems!!!! Yay!!!! It'll be so much fun to discuss the championship!!!

Though we are not in the same boat this time :lol: I don't like C. Ronaldo's nature but his play is unbelievable and he's an awesome footballer!!! ... and he's quick as hell... :eek: and soooo handsome!!!!!!! :wub: and his body is very sexy!!!

So I'll go with Portugal. :punk: and not just because of him. I have been supporting them for a long time.

I'd be happy if Italy won, there are a lot of my fav players in the Italian team.

Guess what? It was a plan for me to do this thread but you came earlier!!! I'm so happy that YOU've created this thread!
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I hope Holland do well this year. They have a very young and talented squad. But it will probably be one of the usual heavyweights ..... France, Germany or Italy winning it.
Yay, finally we have sport what many people watches :D

I would like to Germany do well, too. I like them :)

Hey Hanna!!!!!!! :) An other sport that both of us like it seems!!!! Yay!!!! It'll be so much fun to discuss the championship!!!

Though we are not in the same boat this time :lol: I don't like C. Ronaldo's nature but his play is unbelievable and he's an awesome footballer!!! ... and he's quick as hell... :eek: and soooo handsome!!!!!!! :wub: and his body is very sexy!!!

So I'll go with Portugal. :punk: and not just because of him. I have been supporting them for a long time.

I'd be happy if Italy won, there are a lot of my fav players in the Italian team.

Guess what? It was a plan for me to do this thread but you came earlier!!! I'm so happy that YOU've created this thread!

Ok, this time we couldn't be much different because Italy and Portugal are two teams I dislike the most :D We'll see whom favourite teams do better..
It's taking place in my city, oh the excitement!

Personally, I am all for an "outsider" team to win again, like Greece four years ago.

Otherwise, Germany, Italy and France are strong contenders.
That didn't began too nicely for Switzerland hm?!
(I think you've already said you support France :D)

I want that too, let's cheer them together :clapping::cheeky: Go Zidane.! Oops, he's not playing anymore.. Go Henry!
What was that scar face's name? He's cool.
Al Pacino?
^^ :lol: :toofunny: That was great!!!

Now Portugal and Turkey are playing. I would like Portugal to win... It seems I'm the only one who supports Portugal. :sad:
man Turkey has some of the worst divers lol, did u see that guy who tripped his own player up? wtf? :lol:
Now Portugal and Turkey are playing. I would like Portugal to win... It seems I'm the only one who supports Portugal.
Nah, you're not. I love Portugal. Glad they won tonight. It's a shame Figo retired though, he was their father figure
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Nah, you're not. I love Portugal. Glad they won tonight. It's a shame Figo retired though, he was their father figure

wow, it's cool!!!

Yes, it's sad that Figo is not in the team anymore and Rui Costa also. I liked them very much. I'm very surprised that Maniche didn't get his place in the team...

They played well today and Cristiano Ronaldo wasn't that bad either (I mean there wasn't any play-acting during the match :lol:). A lot of people doesn't like his behaviour during the matches but that makes him unique. You can't be neutral, you just love him or hate him, there's no middle way IMO. I think it could have been annoying if he wouldn't have been one of the best players in the world. But the fact that he IS. :yes:
Well, Christiano seems to really like himself, which can be annoying, but I don't hold it against him.He did good today. Sometimes he reminds me of Figo, which is really good.

Maniche's absence is indeed pretty suprising, do you know what happened?
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What was that scar face's name? He's cool.

Frank Ribery rather. Think hes injured though.

Im looking forward to see Karim Benzenma and Samir Nasri who could be an Arsenal player next season.
^^ :lol: :toofunny: That was great!!!

Now Portugal and Turkey are playing. I would like Portugal to win... It seems I'm the only one who supports Portugal. :sad:

No you're not! I've been supporting Portugal for 8 years.
Who's goin' to support Poland ?

Well, Christiano seems to really like himself, which can be annoying, but I don't hold it against him.He did good today. Sometimes he reminds me of Figo, which is really good.

Maniche's absence is indeed pretty suprising, do you know what happened?

How he plays with the ball, I think it's incredible. Really enjoying to watch it IMO. (Of course it's good to look at him, too, because he's so good looking)

I don't know what happened, our commentator didn't say anything just the fact that he's not there and that he's surprised as well. :sad:

No you're not! I've been supporting Portugal for 8 years.

Great!!!! :wink:
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Yesterday wasn't exactly a good start for our co-host Switzerland.

But today we are having the first match in Vienna: Austria-Croatia. It's starting in about 1,5 hours. The city is full of people, everyone is celebrating and having a good time. Weather is fine again. I'm usually not the biggest football fan you'll find, but events like these always get me excited. Shame we have such a weak team, but I'm happy for other teams as well if they play fair and win.
It's great that you have good weather there because here in Hungary it's awful. Lot of rain and storm almost all day!!! :eek:
How ironic to see that usless dutch prat give croatia a penalty 5 minutes in, granted it was stone wall penalty but you normally dont get spot kick's off him just ask Hleb.

On a side note having put a tidy sum on Croatia to win I should not be complaining, but it just angers me we never got the penalty off him a couple of months ago that was even clearer than the one he gave today arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!
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Portugal to win seen as though ive bet on them :) There class!

Also bet on the Predator.... Van Nistelrooy to finish the top scorer of the tournament :)

Shame England r nt there.... oh well we will have to win the World Cup in 2010