Eminem's Relapse Tracklist Leaks!!

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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This is a real love/hate album it seems. I love it and I know a lot of other people love it. But a lot of people absolutely hate. You'll get too responses from this album, "it sucks!" or "it's awesome!". Bit of a weird public reaction to this album.
I just got the album, I LOVE it. It's so good - it's definitely like someone in this thread said, if you liked The Slim Shady LP (which I did a whole lot), you'll probably like this one.

I love "Insane", "Medicine Ball", "Deja Vu", "Beautiful", "3 A.M."... The whole thing is just amazing.

"Insane" is so.. fucked up but hilarious - "Marshall I just love ya boy, I care about your well-being!" :toofunny:
The last lines on verse 1 and 3 of "My Mom" are so ****ing funny.

"Slut you need to leave me the fuck alone. I aint playin'; go find you a white crayon and color a fucking zebra!"

"Stumble hobble trumble slip trip then I fall in bed with a bottle of meds and a Heath Ledger bobblehead!"
^Hah I know!

Also in Medicine Ball, when "Christopher Reeves" raps? SO FUNNY. "Eminem I'm coming to kill you" :toofunny:
just fell in love with the song beautifull really describes me right now

I feel you man :(
I just love tracks like this, you find yourself in them, you get motivated by them.

It's like someone said... Eminem has 2 personas.
He has this Eminem clown - and he has his deeper "Marshall Mathers" who bang out tracks like Beautiful, Sing for the moment and The Way I Am...

The 2 most inspirational lines right now, from "Beautiful":

"Nobody asked for life to deal us with these bullshit hands we're dealt.
We gotta take these cards ourselves and flip them, don't expect no help"
it was horrible. talking about peeing on a woman, taking digs at chris reeve....again, he's lame.

crack a bottle was horrible. it was out when i was in minnesota and that's all that played on the radio. very pathetic.

i prefer the marshall mathers lp...hell, even encore was better than this cuz at least it had crazy in love and mosh.

3am the vid is freaky, he's a mess, and he'll never change. he has so much talent but this album is just unfocused and pathetic. he had a break...he retired and this isn't the album to come back w/.

thumbs waaaaaaaaaay down.

time for him to grow the f' up. he's such an 'important' artist yet instead of releasing 'mosh' for the first single on encore, he released 'just lose it' cuz he can't release a song/video that isn't a parody of something/someone for his first single.....what's even lamer is in 'we made u' he could totally fill brett's shoes once rock of love/bus gets stale.

i predict he'll have his own love show on vh1 and he'll end up marrying kim another four times
This is a real love/hate album it seems. I love it and I know a lot of other people love it. But a lot of people absolutely hate. You'll get too responses from this album, "it sucks!" or "it's awesome!". Bit of a weird public reaction to this album.

Yeah but I'm not surprised. They are some people who hate em, then there are some who love him. I haven't listened to the whole album, but from what I've heard its pretty good. Overall (with the exception of we made you and crack a bottle) I'd give it a 4 out of 5.

Actually, if you want a more deeper story about this album, type 'shade 45 eminem prelapse' in the Youtube search box. You should come across a three part interview with Eminem talking about some of the tracks, so it could help to understand this album a bit more.
I think what it's come down to in whether people love or hate it is if they're down with the route he chose to take with the subject matter of most of the songs. I happen to be a big fan of the Slim Shady character, I find most of it hilarious because I have a warped sense of humor, and although I also love his more "serious" work, I don't necessarily think there's any more merit in that than there is in doing crazy Shady songs. Music can be deep and personal and that's cool, but it can also just be fun and still be as awesome. I don't mean "fun" as in Souljah Boy music devoid of all quality, either. The talent should still be there. Now it's just a matter of whether your definition of "fun music" matches Eminem's. If it doesn't, then that's fair enough, but you can't use that skirt over the fact that the dude is still a lyrical beast. Putting your preferences in what side of Marshall Mathers he should have focused more on aside, when it comes to rhyme schemes and wordplay, Relapse might very well be the best of all his major albums (the Marshall Mathers LP and Eminem Show are in another league overall, mind you).

What Eminem said in that "Prelapse" interview pretty much coincides with the impression I got: he's doing the type of music that brought him to the dance because that's what he enjoys doing the most, and no longer is interested in appeasing listeners who feel he's obligated to be serious and mature on account of being an "important artist" as mentioned above. Though he's not completely finished with "serious" music, as seen in Beautiful and De Ja Vu. Who knows what Relapse 2 will bring?

Yeah, maybe twisted stories about killing celebrities and preying on women are old, but are love songs not old? Are songs about dancing not old? It sorta makes me giggle when people call his shtick old hat and then get hard-ons for songs that have the phrase "in the club" in it. At least Eminem is doing something that he pretty much started himself (not to say he wasn't inspired by various artists like every other MC). I think the majority of the work on Relapse is both nostalgic and fresh at the same time, something that Dr. Dre's beats really helped with. Not to mention that everything except Crack A Bottle blends nicely with the theme of the album and the name of the album itself. He really has relapsed on this.
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I think this album is pretty good, but I think the one that comes out later this year will be much better. In all honesty though, I just want Dre to drop his new album, we've been waiting for like a decade now haha
i would respect him more if he could take it...he gives so much to everyone else and talks so much shit but when someone does it to him, he freaks. that's bitchassness, to me.
I think this album is pretty good, but I think the one that comes out later this year will be much better. In all honesty though, I just want Dre to drop his new album, we've been waiting for like a decade now haha

yeah the album is called detox and he began to work on it before 2001 even came out

"I heard about some of the things he was saying," Em said. "I didn't read his blog or anything. But it is what it is. He's supposed to defend his wife, and I expected him to do that. But at the end of the day, it's a line I said; it's a song. What I actually meant to say is, I wish them the best. That's what I meant to say. That's the whole message of the record."
LMAO "That's the whole message of the record". I love his subtle sarcasm at people's crap.

Today I bought a copy of Relapse, and was able to get a t-shirt with it, which was very cool :D Love Em!
Hello is a awesome too. Basically the only songs i don't like are 3 AM because of his horrible accent and the beat aint too neat at all. And i dislike Old times sake too, the beat is too simple, might grow on me. Crack a bottle has an awesome beat , but 50 Cent really ruins it..his verse is horrible, even he can do much better.

Lyrically Em really is back, MUCH better than Encore. Production is amazing , except for the two songs i mentioned. Dre really is showing what he can do. I love Deja Vu, Stay Wide Awake and Underground....great album.
Haha I love the beat in that one!

After a few listens, there's really not one track on this album I dislike! :O
Haha I love the beat in that one!

After a few listens, there's really not one track on this album I dislike! :O

With the first one you mean '3AM' ? I really dislike the beat but especially his voice on that one. Could have been much better...but the flow just ain't right.
^Oh, I meant the beat on "Old Times' Sake" :p

Yeah, some people say the way he does the accent on 3 A.M. ruins the dark feel of the song.. but I'm not sure about that, cuz I feel like the song is still pretty creepy regardless!