Eminem, meet Bruno...

Also, the mere fact that Em didnt even try to get the guy off of him
is indication enough that it was staged.
I say that whole stunt was a bit extreme just to promo an new release.
I don't understand why this is still a debate lol. There's absolutely no way they would ever do any of this without all parties being in the knows. It would be a complete legal nightmare.

This isn't the first time something like this happens, actually MTV is known for their stunts. (I recall a certain Buttman in the 90's!). It's just promotion for both Em's new album and Sasha's new film. That's it, nothing more nothing less. Both have new products out, both are being talked about by the whole world right now. Mission accomplished.
Agreed Sifa, actually I'm glad it was staged cuz I'd hate to know what'd happen if it wasn't.
Where did all the people on here go that were saying there's no way Eminem knew about this? lol
I don't understand why this is still a debate lol. There's absolutely no way they would ever do any of this without all parties being in the knows. It would be a complete legal nightmare.

This isn't the first time something like this happens, actually MTV is known for their stunts. (I recall a certain Buttman in the 90's!). It's just promotion for both Em's new album and Sasha's new film. That's it, nothing more nothing less. Both have new products out, both are being talked about by the whole world right now. Mission accomplished.

:clapping: but it's still gross and not funny..
what goes around....learn it, Eminem!! :lol:

edit: only now ive seen the whole video, lol
it was so staged...Sacha didnt even sound surprised the cables "went crazy", and he came down so slowly Eminem could have gotten out of there in time.
Still the a**hole deserves a hairy a$$ on his face! :lol:
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If you're mean and nasty to people in your songs you'll get a comedy bit on the MTV Movie Awards to garner publicity for your new album?
If you're mean and nasty to people in your songs you'll get a comedy bit on the MTV Movie Awards to garner publicity for your new album?

what makes this so difficult to accept as a setup is eminem's willingness to have that in his face. why does a guy who is selling well, need to be so desperate?
what makes this so difficult to accept as a setup is eminem's willingness to have that in his face. why does a guy who is selling well, need to be so desperate?

Because he's just odd like that. Em's always clowning around, he's got a pretty decent sense of humor, although not everyone likes it. It's Sasha who's always doing the extreme stuff.
Eminem can take a laugh. Nobody is talking about Eminem's "credibility" because if they did, he'd come out with a song about it that would probably be the best work he's done since The Eminem Show. That's how he is. He's not afraid to have an actor/comedian's ass in his face for a laugh and publicity. He's got nothing to prove, it was a joke and he was having fun, and he's probably laughing about it right now.
At the end of the day, it was staged, it was a prank, Em was in on it. For those who don't like em, hey, he agreed to have a hairyass ass in his face, so... yay, I guess?:D...

But y'know what, peps wanted this 2 be like payback for making fun of celebs such as Michael, and it really wasn't. Anyway besides that, I agree that he's got nothing to prove so much anymore, so now he's just havin fun and not taking many things seriously now. Dude was deep in drugs a few years back, so he just going back to his usual oddly-silly self, personally and muscially.
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Eminem Talks Bruno, MTV Awards & Robbery

Well it's been three days since the infamous incident between Eminem and Bruno at the MTV Movie Awards yet that's all people are talking about. Was it real? Was it set up? Well now, in an exclusive interview with RapRadar, the man himself has come forward to discuss exactly how the event went down.

Can you clear up the Bruno stunt at the MTV Awards? Was it staged or planned?

Eminem: Sacha called me when we were in Europe and he had an idea to do something outrageous at the Movie Awards. I'm a big fan of his work so I agreed to get involved with the gag.

Was it executed the way you agreed to, and if not, do you hold MTV or Sacha responsible and will you take any kind of action?

I'm thrilled that we pulled this off better than we rehearsed it. It had so many people going "nuts" so to speak. Everyone was blowing me up about it.

After you left the ceremony, where did you go?

After the ceremony I went back to my hotel and laughed uncontrollably for about 3 hours. Especially after I saw it on air.

There is a report today that your hotel room was robbed and thieves got 60K and your laptop while you were at ceremony. Is that true and if so what would someone find on your computer?

The only thing was that I lost a Nike watch that we were looking for. The rest it is made-up like half the other stuff out there.

How do you think the show with Jay-Z went and how did it feel performing "Renegade" again?

I love performing with Jay. It's the third time we've done the song together live and it's always fun. It was an honor to share the stage with him again and to work with his band.

Eminem & Bruno

Ok. So it was staged. But still I think that MTV should be ashamed of themselves for allowing it. This is what I don't understand. The media trashed Janet for something that only lasted a few seconds at the most and that (IMO) wasn't her fault to begin with. And she's still having problems trying to get her career back on track. But it's okay for Sacha to deliberately put his bare behind in Eminem's face for a way more significant period of time in a publicity stunt for them both? I don't get that.
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Ok. So it was staged. But still I think that MTV should be ashamed of themselves for allowing it. This is what I don't understand. The media trashed Janet for something that only lasted a few seconds at the most and that (IMO) wasn't her fault to begin with. And she's still having problems trying to get her career back on track. But it's okay for Sacha to deliberately put his bare behind in Eminem's face for a way more significant period of time in a publicity stunt for them both? I don't get that.
This event happened on Cable TV. Janet exposing part of her breast was on network TV being watched by millions. Big difference.
Why oh why has it been removed from youtube...
I'm glad this happened. Eminem has been making jokes about every celebrity and it's about time somebody plays a joke on him. :wild:
Why oh why has it been removed from youtube...
I'm glad this happened. Eminem has been making jokes about every celebrity and it's about time somebody plays a joke on him. :wild:
um, he was in on it. Eminem even rehearsed it.