Eminem, meet Bruno...

Re: Eminem's 'fury' at Bruno prank

Also put it this way, Michael Jackson made MTV the channel it is with his Beat It and Thriller videos making him the MTV's first and ultimate superstar. Yet in 2002 they played a nasty joke on Michael by pretending to give him an Artist of The Millenium Award. And just when Michael left the stage, the host Jimmy Fallon made a joke about Michael's surgery which he will have heard. MTV also got Britney Spears to perform at the MTV Music Awards when she was obviously not in a heatly state to perform just to humiliate her. If they can play nasty jokes on Michael Jackson with him not being aware and humiliate Britney Spears why wouldn't they also humiliate Eminem, who is the prime target for a joke from Burno/Sacha Baron Cohen.

I agree. I personally don't like Eminem. But nevertheless, I think MTV should be ashamed of themselves. For their sake, I hope they didn't think this was funny. Quite the contrary. It was absolutely disgusting IMO. Really. Who wants to be out in public with somebody else's bare behind in their face like that? And MTV have a history of playing terrible jokes on celebrities at these shows or getting them to perform when it's a known fact that they're going through something and performing is not healthy for them (So MTV can then lead the way in trashing them), as the examples mentioned above with Michael and Britney. So to me MTV are guilty until proven innocent.
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I will say again that I'm pretty confident it was all planned. Out of all the places for the guy to fall, he falls on Eminem. Eminem doesn't even look all that pissed off to me, he looks like he's acting.

There's no way in hell MTV/Sasha did that without his permission.
Of course it was planned, now way they'd risk accidents like that. Apparently Paris Hilton was first choice for the gag, but she declined.
I seriously doubt that Eminem would allow a grown man to put his bare a$$ all up in his face like that and call it a joke. NO WAY. First of all he is supposed to be this BIG, BAD rapper and now he got played on television.

It's straight up embarrassing. And to top it off, when you go to the MTV website, they have this HUGE pictures posted of "Bruno with his bare a$$ all up in Slim Shady's face."

Go to the MTV website, look at that picture, and tell me you STILL believe Eminem was a part of that joint.
The camera focused in on Eminem before Bruno even 'fell' on him. And if Bruno really accidentally fell on him, don't you think stage hands would have rushed in to try and stop Bruno or anyone else from getting hurt. Plus Bruno announced the winner while hanging there. It was obviously planned.
I seriously doubt that Eminem would allow a grown man to put his bare a$$ all up in his face like that and call it a joke. NO WAY. First of all he is supposed to be this BIG, BAD rapper and now he got played on television.

It's straight up embarrassing. And to top it off, when you go to the MTV website, they have this HUGE pictures posted of "Bruno with his bare a$$ all up in Slim Shady's face."

Go to the MTV website, look at that picture, and tell me you STILL believe Eminem was a part of that joint.

good post i don't what the hell these people think but for rapper this not the kind of thing you plan. plus based on what he's said in records he'd be one of the last guys to want another mans but in his face.
The camera focused in on Eminem before Bruno even 'fell' on him. And if Bruno really accidentally fell on him, don't you think stage hands would have rushed in to try and stop Bruno or anyone else from getting hurt. Plus Bruno announced the winner while hanging there. It was obviously planned.

of course bruno and mtv planned it but em himself was not in on it.
Inside Edition reported that Eminem didnt attended rehearsals and that it appears to be a publicity stunt by MTV and 'Bruno'. MTV knew he was going to land on Em (hence the camera shot prior).
im sure eminem didnt know that it was going to happen. he looks incredibly shocked and everything. im sure he couldnt fake his expressions and reactions. he aint such a good actor after all. he looked really pissed off and stormed out of the theatre. the guy likes to play it cool and everything but in reality hes the uncoolest dude ever. he likes to talk trash about others and make sh*tty jokes about them but when someone does it to him he acts like a little brat that wants to go home and cry on his mama shoulders.
Think of it like this. Who got benefited out of this?

  • MTV got ratings and publicity.
  • Cohen got publicity for 'Bruno'
  • Eminem got ass-breath!
I dont think Eminem was in on this at all. MTV was thats why they had a shot of him prior plus 'Bruno' falling exactly on Eminem out of all people? Not his bodyguard or any other of his entourage.

BTW here it is in much better quality:
MTV Shows
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PRICELESS, he was obviously in on the joke, nothing is as spontaneous as that these days especially on american tv.

These shots dont just happen, cameras are placed there and the rigging would have had a very lucky day if they placed him exactly over eminem and they just so happened to get the shot prior, he knew it was going to happen.
PRICELESS, he was obviously in on the joke, nothing is as spontaneous as that these days especially on american tv.

These shots dont just happen, cameras are placed there and the rigging would have had a very lucky day if they placed him exactly over eminem and they just so happened to get the shot prior, he knew it was going to happen.

Thats right so MTV was aware prior but not Em. MTV set up the rigging, but that doesnt mean Em knew it was coming. Why would he let Bruno put his bare ass in his face and be humiliated on TV? Em didnt get anything out of that. MTV & Cohen did though.
Thats right so MTV was aware prior but not Em. MTV set up the rigging, but that doesnt mean Em knew it was coming. Why would he let Bruno put his bare ass in his face and be humiliated on TV? Em didnt get anything out of that. MTV & Cohen did though.
Have you ever heard of the phrase, 'any publicity is good publicity'? Of course Eminem got somthing out of this. Publicity for his new album. I'm suprised how many people think MTV would jeopardize their relationship with Eminem just so they could put some butt in his face.

Don't you guys think it was a little convient that Eminem was sitting next to 2 body guards that could move Bruno off of Eminem? People don't sit next to body guards at awards shows. It's obvious he was in on it.
Eminem gets controversy and people talking out of it. What does Eminem get out of dressing up like Britney Spears in his music videos? Eminem obviously is not afraid of a laugh at his own expense.

I just can't really fathom someone doing that without his knowledge. If Eminem didn't have knowledge and it was planned, that could be considered assault.

*Or what Eric said :)
Thats right so MTV was aware prior but not Em. MTV set up the rigging, but that doesnt mean Em knew it was coming. Why would he let Bruno put his bare ass in his face and be humiliated on TV? Em didnt get anything out of that. MTV & Cohen did though.

Eminem is capable of laughing at himself, most celebrities do at the movie awards, like with the skits or the presenters you know, its nothing new.

So you are trying to tell me MTV just lowered a person onto a celebrity without them knowing?

are you mad?! the safety issues, insurance and so on, Eminem had to be in on it, it would have been rehearsed and cameras were also placed on the aisle to watch him leave, again these guys arent just there to pick up random shots, they are planned with any kind of stunt.

What if something went wrong and they hadnt told Eminem, major lawsuit would have followed and their event would be shut down.
Re: Eminem's 'fury' at Bruno prank

I had to be the only one that didn't laugh while watching this (and of course Eminem)
I've never thought this whole Borat and Bruno thing ever was funny - it's not even childish, it's just disgusting.

I'm kind of shocked that Eminem didn't punch and kick that dude in the face - That's what would've done.

You are not the only one...I didnt laugh either.I think it was disgraceful...just as much as what Jarvis C did when MJ was performing...
I like Coen I think he is a funny person (very different thought) but I think this is "stunt" was offensive..
and I personally feel offended because he was doing this with German words on the playback....what was that supposed to mean???
I certainly agree this was rehearsed and went ahead with knowledge of MTV...
but just note, award shows are always rehearsed they even have stand-ins taking the celeb's chairs to test the lighting etc....
I dont think Eminem knew about this, he really looked to be honestly shocked and upset..I think it is an untasteful act and I am suprised MTV allowed it...MTV used to be huge in the 80s and 90s..where is that gone?
From what I've heard/read Em supposedly knew about it BUT he did not know Bruno was going to be bare arsed. So I have no doubt that Em's reaction was true and genuine and VERY funny. It wasn't the actual stunt that I found to be funny, but Em's reaction. If you dish it you better be able to take it, which clearly EM CANNOT!

One word:

P R I C E L E S S!
OMFG...I'm sorry but I had to LMAO at that! :toofunny:
Having said that though, MTV really needs to just give it up. Pathetic. Who knows what levels they'll go to. It's meant to be a music channel for crying out loud! Just relying on stupid gimmicks because nobody has any respect for it anymore. Sad.
MTV used to be huge in the 80s and 90s..where is that gone?

80s & 90s were awesome, they actually played music videos on MTV back then.

Eminem is a big bully, just like Perez and all these idiots that think that it's OK to bully just because you do it in the public spotlight - However that don't justify MTV's behavior against Eminem if this in fact was not staged.
They're on some catch-22 shit... because you can't say "fuck" or "shit" on TV, but it's OK to show bare asses in the face of people... and also you know, make teenagers insecure about themselves by glorifying wealth and if you're not like them you ain't shit.
It should almost be a reversed thing... air uncensored videos during the day, and air the hills, sweet 16, and all that glorified bullshit during the night.

I remember a time when it was OK to be a teenager and your biggest concern wasn't to own a Louis Vuitton bag.
Bruce I completely agree with you!

COMPLETELY!!! On all your points.

And what the hell is it with censoring Pink's newest video for Please don't leave me??? It's a funny, original video inspired by psycho films - rather than showing near pornographic videos, which is insulting, degrading for women, and a bad example for the youngsters. But what can you do - it's a mad , mad world out there.
It's a shame to see what MTV has become.

They should rename the channel to STV for "Stunt Television", considering they always like to pull stunts like this for publicity.
Well I found it hilarious. Not because I hate eminem or anything, but just seeing a guy's ass shoved up another dude's face like that made me laugh.... it's so shocking, random and ridiculous that it's hilarious. The fact that it was Sasha Baron Cohen (that I looove) doing it to Eminem made it even funnier.

Em, you had it coming eventually..
Re: Eminem's 'fury' at Bruno prank

and I personally feel offended because he was doing this with German words on the playback....what was that supposed to mean???

It doesn't mean anything. The character of Bruno is Austrian.
Eminem looks like he was taken totally by surprise. He may have been aware? Burno/Sacha Baron Cohen was going to play a joke on him, but not have his butt shoved in his face. Eminem looks humilitated, and if he was in on the joke Eminem would have had a joke to give back to Burno and wouldn't have stormed out of the auditorium with everyone laughing at him.

Saying that joke is good publicity for Eminem's album, is like saying the MTV Music Awards in 2002 was good publicity for Invincible, with all the news channels reporting about Michael accepting the non existant Artist of The Millienium as a joke.

I think the joke on Eminem is very funny because it's a joke Eminem deserves, because he likes to humiliate people. I will only defend him in that I think MTV should have more respect for the artists and not play jokes on them, as Eminem is one of the artists who have helped made MTV money which they should respect. But like 000cossie00 said Eminem had it coming to him, and he ended up looking like the actual wimp he is.http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/member.php?u=6202
The camera focused in on Eminem before Bruno even 'fell' on him. And if Bruno really accidentally fell on him, don't you think stage hands would have rushed in to try and stop Bruno or anyone else from getting hurt. Plus Bruno announced the winner while hanging there. It was obviously planned.

I'm not going to say that "something" was planned, but it certainly was not THAT. I'm sorry there is no way Eminem or any other straight man would have signed on to have the "junk" of another man, all up in their face. NO WAY!

Isn't that what Sasha's characters are know for, i.e. taking things to another level, WITHOUT warning.

That was straight up embarrassing and there are a zillion pictures around the internet to prove it. No way Eminem set himself up to be embarrassed like that. "A grown man is going to fall in to your lap, wearing a silver thong and put his junk in your face." Tell me who would sign on to a "prank" like that.
I'm not going to say that "something" was planned, but it certainly was not THAT. I'm sorry there is no way Eminem or any other straight man would have signed on to have the "junk" of another man, all up in their face. NO WAY!

Isn't that what Sasha's characters are know for, i.e. taking things to another level, WITHOUT warning.

That was straight up embarrassing and there are a zillion pictures around the internet to prove it. No way Eminem set himself up to be embarrassed like that. "A grown man is going to fall in to your lap, wearing a silver thong and put his junk in your face." Tell me who would sign on to a "prank" like that.
A person who has a new album coming out is the kind of person who would agree to this type of thing. We are talking about Eminem now, which we wouldn't have been if such a stunt didn't happen. Sasha does do a lot of stuff without warning, but he does stuff that is also planned out. The scene in Borat with Pam Anderson was planned out.