Eminem, meet Bruno...


i love how he wiped his nose when walking out.
I posted the exact same thing on the comments section of Youtube :D
Eminem's 'fury' at Bruno prank

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Re: Eminem's 'fury' at Bruno prank


The one big controversial moment of this year’s MTV Movie Awards involved Sacha Baron Cohen in character as Bruno dressed as an angel flying above the crowd. The scene was reminiscent of Howard Stern’s infamous appearance as Fartman. But when the wires got tangled, Bruno fell down into the crowd, tea-bagging Eminem in the process. The rapper stormed out after getting an extreme closeup of Cohen’s inner buttocks. I wonder if this scene will be inserted into Cohen’s upcoming Borat follow-up?

MTV Shows
Re: Eminem's 'fury' at Bruno prank

I had to be the only one that didn't laugh while watching this (and of course Eminem)
I've never thought this whole Borat and Bruno thing ever was funny - it's not even childish, it's just disgusting.

I'm kind of shocked that Eminem didn't punch and kick that dude in the face - That's what would've done.
Re: Eminem's 'fury' at Bruno prank

Its obviously staged. I thought it was funny myself, but its definitely a gag. For one, if that was legit, Em would have been way more pissed off. He would have been within his rights to fling Sasha off of him.

Do you think its a coincidence that the two people who enjoy controversy were in this situation? Do you think the guy just happened to land on Eminem of all people? He didn't land in an aisle, he didn't land on some nobody, he just happened to land a** and b*lls first on Eminem's face, and Eminem took it pretty well all things considered.

Definitely staged.
Re: Eminem's 'fury' at Bruno prank

Its obviously staged. I thought it was funny myself, but its definitely a gag. For one, if that was legit, Em would have been way more pissed off. He would have been within his rights to fling Sasha off of him.

Do you think its a coincidence that the two people who enjoy controversy were in this situation? Do you think the guy just happened to land on Eminem of all people? He didn't land in an aisle, he didn't land on some nobody, he just happened to land a** and b*lls first on Eminem's face, and Eminem took it pretty well all things considered.

Definitely staged.

I dunno, it's obvious everything was staged on MTV and Sacha's side - But I'm not really sure Eminem had knowledge on what was about to happen.
Re: Eminem's 'fury' at Bruno prank

Pretty sure MTV and Sasha wouldn't decide to do that without his knowledge. That'd be a helluva payday for him if he sued.
for all i know, the mo-fo deserved such a thing. he always makes fun of everyone and always hates when people attack him, that just shows how miserable he is. loser.
Re: Eminem's 'fury' at Bruno prank

He deserves it lol, now everyone will take the piss out of him
It was all planned.

I seriously doubt that Eminem would allow a grown man to put his bare a$$ all up in his face like that and call it a joke. NO WAY. First of all he is supposed to be this BIG, BAD rapper and now he got played on television.

It's straight up embarrassing. And to top it off, when you go to the MTV website, they have this HUGE pictures posted of "Bruno with his bare a$$ all up in Slim Shady's face."

Go to the MTV website, look at that picture, and tell me you STILL believe Eminem was a part of that joint.
I seriously doubt that Eminem would allow a grown man to put his bare a$$ all up in his face like that and call it a joke. NO WAY. First of all he is supposed to be this BIG, BAD rapper and now he got played on television.

It's straight up embarrassing. And to top it off, when you go to the MTV website, they have this HUGE pictures posted of "Bruno with his bare a$$ all up in Slim Shady's face."

Go to the MTV website, look at that picture, and tell me you STILL believe Eminem was a part of that joint.

yet i am still amazed and amused to see someone has done this to him lol! :D
looks staged to me.... the cam seemed to be ready to zoom in on Em...
comon eminem. u can take it. u dish it. serendipity. lolol be big boy now. lololol

MJ i hope u see it. lol...and Mariah? are u watching? lolol

Christina and Britney? take note! lololol
Re: Eminem's 'fury' at Bruno prank

I'm kind of shocked that Eminem didn't punch and kick that dude in the face - That's what would've done.

I'm not shocked, as Eminem is wimp who hangs out with tough guys and thinks he is tough. The only star he ever threatend with volence was a the wimp Moby. Eminem is all mouth no action, as this clip clearly shows.

Was this a staged joke, I don't know and I hope it wasn't staged as Eminem looks quite shocked. Very few major pop stars especially Hip Hop stars wouldn't agree with have the brilliant Sacha Baron Cohen's uber gay fashionista alter ego Burno land on them with there butt in their face. Sacha Baron Cohen has played unexpected jokes on some very right wing extreamist people as Burno. Eminem is an easy target in such a controlled MTV environment. If this is staged, I don't see how it would help promote Eminem's album. If anything it loses him a lot of crediblity and makes him a laughing stock, because everyone is laugh it him. If Eminem was in on this joke, he's must be quite thick or still on drugs. The only person who gains from this brilliant joke is Sacha Baron Cohen in promting his film Burno.

If this was a joke Eminem was unaware of, I guess he might write one of his childs nursrey ryhmes with a Hip Hop beat about Sacha Baron Cohen. But I would say Eminem met his match last night and will be defeated in every round, but Sacha Baron Cohen who's very funny, sarcastic and intelligent in a far more advanced way then Eminem.

Also put it this way, Michael Jackson made MTV the channel it is with his Beat It and Thriller videos making him the MTV's first and ultimate superstar. Yet in 2002 they played a nasty joke on Michael by pretending to give him an Artist of The Millenium Award. And just when Michael left the stage, the host Jimmy Fallon made a joke about Michael's surgery which he will have heard. MTV also got Britney Spears to perform at the MTV Music Awards when she was obviously not in a heatly state to perform just to humiliate her. If they can play nasty jokes on Michael Jackson with him not being aware and humiliate Britney Spears why wouldn't they also humiliate Eminem, who is the prime target for a joke from Burno/Sacha Baron Cohen.
I srsly fell bad for Eminem, if this was not stage. I like Eminem, and his music. I really hope this was stage... :/
I srsly fell bad for Eminem, if this was not stage. I like Eminem, and his music. I really hope this was stage... :/

If it was staged, do you think Eminem was wise to take part because it's not exactly good for his reputation as a tough guy. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't stage, and Eminem's PR team say nothing to keep it as a myth if it was or wasn't staged to save face.
Hmm.. guess Em would be making a new song about Mr. Bruno then :D
All of that and what most of you have said. But it's still
disgusting no matter how you slice it....no bun...I mean pun intended. :ermm: