Elvis, Lennon, Jackson – Poll which entertainer had the greatest impact on the culture?- VOTE!!!

haha, from the website:

''Update: Wow this looks like an Iranian election. Went to be bed with MJ in third place with about 50 of 320 votes cast and this morning he as stormed into the lead.

OK fess up who linked this to a Jackson fan club site? ;-) ''

Great work guy's! High Five's all round!
hm.... I don't see any sense in this voting,,, crying all morning...
BUT - Michael has 852 votes, and Elvis already 716... so, I am going to vote anyways..
I can't believe some people on that site are saying that if it weren't for Elvis or Lennon, there'd be no Michael Jackson. That's an enormous insult to the black music industry, the artists who DID influence Michael and the artists who paved the way for Elvis himself.
Exactly! Just because Michael came after Elvis & the Beatles it doesn't mean he was influenced by them.

I can't believe some people on that site are saying that if it weren't for Elvis or Lennon, there'd be no Michael Jackson. That's an enormous insult to the black music industry, the artists who DID influence Michael and the artists who paved the way for Elvis himself.
I adore Lennon and Elvis too! They are genius, and they have made A LOT for music in the whole world. And to be honest their influence was as huge as Michael's.
But I am voting for Michael. Because he is simply the best. The best artist ever. that's all.
I can't believe some people on that site are saying that if it weren't for Elvis or Lennon, there'd be no Michael Jackson. That's an enormous insult to the black music industry, the artists who DID influence Michael and the artists who paved the way for Elvis himself.

You've hit the nail on the head. That is one of the things that bothers me about these legacy polls. Where are the black artists who influenced Elvis or the industry in general? Black musicians are really getting the shaft.