Elvis, Lennon, Jackson – Poll which entertainer had the greatest impact on the culture?- VOTE!!!

Well...that poll is on DailyKos. The thing about it is that that website has a lot of "hippies" who worship John Lennon.

So....you're not going to get a very balanced poll out of a far-left website like that.

I'm just saying. I'm an Independent. I'm in the middle politically, and that site is on the FAR-left most of the time...and just going from experience.....

You're going to find a lot of people on that site who think Janis f'n Joplin and Jimi Hendrix had more impact than Michael Jackson.

Sad, but true. That's what some people think. But they're wrong.

NO ONE has had more of an impact on society and pop culture than Michael Jackson. I'm telling you, we haven't even begun to feel the impact he's had on us.

We are going to see sooo much of his reflection on pop culture. I predict that.

God bless you, Michael Jackson. We miss you, brother. I hope I can make it to heaven to see you one day.

Hey all...listen to 'One Day In Your Life'. Seriously. I listened to it the night I heard about the tragedy...and let me tell you now...there's nothing more meaningful.

I wept, yall. I don't usually cry. I haven't in a loooong time. But I did when I heard that song.

I think we all need to get it out. Just cry it out. Seriously. I felt better after getting it out. Sure, I still sniffle from time to time (even tonight). But get a big huge cry out of your system and I'm telling you....you'll feel much better and you'll be better to deal with this tragic loss.

EDIT: And yes, I voted for Michael. I'm just saying...that website is skewed. It's an uphill battle, so don't be surprised if Lennon come ahead...it's not representative of worldwide opinion. It's a political niche website catering to far-left wing Americans.

But please, please prove me wrong. I'd LOVE to see Mike ahead on that hippie poll. :)
such a stupid poll
Can't vote btw.
john lennon and elvis were only big in their own little country.
Michael Jackson was/is worldwide phenomenal artist who had impact in pop music industry of every country.
Michael is far behind lol

That is laughable but what do the people who visit the Daily Kos know? The Beatles COLLECTIVELY aren't as significant as Michael Jackson, let alone John Lennon all by himself and I love Lennon's music (and he also made a difference, albeit not as profound as MJ).
such a stupid poll
Can't vote btw.
john lennon and elvis were only big in their own little country.
Michael Jackson was/is worldwide phenomenal artist who had impact in pop music industry of every country.

I don't think there's any reason to put other artists down to emphasize Michael's influence. The fact of the matter is that Elvis did have a huge impact. John Lennon is still known and respected all over the world.

But we know that Michel is no1.! Always has been and always will be.
Man....yall don't even know.....this is like if you went to Rush Limbaugh's site (by the way....thank you,...and I never knew I'd be saying this...but thank you to Rush for beign objective and fair throughout all this) and voted for your favorite political host.

DailyKos a politcal site, yall. Might as well go to the DNC or RNC and vote. This vote don't mean nuttin' at all.. It's all political bull****. It ain't no worldwide opinion poll. I'm just speakin truth here.. Thats what it is. It's a political site which caters to the farrr left her in America. That site don't care about people like us....at all.

Michael Jackson on top of every chart in the world right now. He bigger than Elvis. Bigger than the beatles. Michael Jackson was and is the king of pop. Don't forget that.
of course Michael did get my vote:)
but lennon was also a genius,and elvis is a king just like michael
Man....yall don't even know.....this is like if you went to Rush Limbaugh's site (by the way....thank you,...and I never knew I'd be saying this...but thank you to Rush for beign objective and fair throughout all this) and voted for your favorite political host.

DailyKos a politcal site, yall. Might as well go to the DNC or RNC and vote. This vote don't mean nuttin' at all.. It's all political bull****. It ain't no worldwide opinion poll. I'm just speakin truth here.. Thats what it is. It's a political site which caters to the farrr left her in America. That site don't care about people like us....at all.

Michael Jackson on top of every chart in the world right now. He bigger than Elvis. Bigger than the beatles. Michael Jackson was and is the king of pop. Don't forget that.
Thanks! Well said :yes: