Elton John Ok, out of hospital now.


Proud Member
Jun 30, 2009
Somewhere between Australia and Missouri ♥
He contracted influenza and then a secondary infection of E. Coli. After two weeks and him getting worse, they finally admitted him to a hospital in London yesturday. They are doing all sorts of blood work, xrays, etc. to try to get to the bottom of why it's made him so ill for so long.

I know there are people that don't care much for him, but him and MJ are my two favorites. After what happened to MJ, this really has me spooked :bugeyed I'm sure he'll be fine, it's just got me a little nervous.

I'm really not ready to lose my other favorite singer yet. :puke:
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Re: Elton John In Hospital

I love Elton John! Thanks for posting, and I wish him well!
Re: Elton John In Hospital

Thanks for letting us know. I really like Elton John and hadn't heard this yet. It's been a hard time lately, with another of my heroes Andrew Lloyd Webber undergoing treatment for prostate cancer.

I wish Sir Elton the best and hope he gets well very soon!
Re: Elton John In Hospital

Oh no! I love Elton John's music! He's an awesome entertainer. Hopefully the docs will have a diagnosis, soon.
Re: Elton John In Hospital

I hope he's ok. Too much bad stuff has been happening lately.
Re: Elton John In Hospital

Yes this year has been a cruel year. I will certainly pray for him.
Re: Elton John In Hospital

He contracted influenza and then a secondary infection of E. Coli. After two weeks and him getting worse, they finally admitted him to a hospital in London yesturday. They are doing all sorts of blood work, xrays, etc. to try to get to the bottom of why it's made him so ill for so long.

I know there are people that don't care much for him, but him and MJ are my two favorites. After what happened to MJ, this really has me spooked :bugeyed I'm sure he'll be fine, it's just got me a little nervous.

I'm really not ready to lose my other favorite singer yet. :puke:
Is that elton with michael in your avatar? Hope he gets better.
Re: Elton John In Hospital

Is that elton with michael in your avatar? Hope he gets better.

Yep it is. I only have two pictures of Elton and MJ together and that was one of them. The other was when Michael was younger. I wish there were more because I just love them both.

Thanks for all the positive responses in this thread. I really hope they figure out what's going on with him :)
Re: Elton John In Hospital

i was going to one of his live shows he was going to do last week in sheffield :(
Re: Elton John In Hospital

My prayers go out to him. I hope he recovers :cry:
Re: Elton John In Hospital

i was going to one of his live shows he was going to do last week in sheffield :(

Yeah I know people that were going to Sheffield, Liverpool, and to Face To Face w/ Billy Joel in Portland. He's got at least six cancelled shows so far, with probably a few more to be cancelled yet. He also missed Stephen Gatley's funeral, David had to go for him. And the NFL did a game at Wembley and he was supposed to lead the New England Patriots out onto the field because he loves their team but couldn't do that either.
And around Oct. 13 or so, the paps took pics of him coming out of a resturant and he was so ill he had to be helped into the car, they were trying to say he was back on the booze and all, but I knew he wouldn't after so long. I think it was the start of whatever he's all got now.
Re: Elton John In Hospital

I have great respect for Elton John. I wish him the best health. :(
Re: Elton John In Hospital

I hope he gets better, my prayers go out to him. :flowers:
Re: Elton John In Hospital

Yep it is. I only have two pictures of Elton and MJ together and that was one of them. The other was when Michael was younger. I wish there were more because I just love them both.

Thanks for all the positive responses in this thread. I really hope they figure out what's going on with him :)

Hugs to you Reghead since you're a fan! Actually, maybe your username is also an allusion to Mr Reginald Kenneth Dwight...? or maybe just a coincidence! :) I will keep EJ in my thoughts and prayers. I've always found him very tough and resilient and I'm sure he has the best care money can buy.

I would love to see bigger pics of the MJ/EJ photos you have if you happen to have the time to upload to photobucket or something.
Re: Elton John In Hospital

Hugs to you Reghead since you're a fan! Actually, maybe your username is also an allusion to Mr Reginald Kenneth Dwight...? or maybe just a coincidence! :) I will keep EJ in my thoughts and prayers. I've always found him very tough and resilient and I'm sure he has the best care money can buy.

I would love to see bigger pics of the MJ/EJ photos you have if you happen to have the time to upload to photobucket or something.

Thank you for the hugs. It's just really got me almost feeling sick. I don't want to see anything happen to EJ, I'm still really down about all that happened with MJ, you know? I don't know if I could handle it if something happened to him as well. :(
I don't think anyone has figured out my username until you just did, yes indeed that is the reason :cheeky:
Yeah he's a tough ol' pain in the butt and I sure hope he goes right on being that way. I'm hoping it was just the flu wore him down and then the bacteria creeped in, and that it isn't a result of anything more serious.
Within the hour I'll get them uploaded to photobucket. I'm in Australia but my computer is in Milwaukee (the one with all my MJ and EJ stuff on it) but my friend I'm staying with is also a big EJ fan and I sent her the pics years ago and she's going to get them off her computer in a little while for me, then I'll post them in this thread :)
Re: Elton John In Hospital

Oh dear.
My mom loves him. I was never too crazy for his music but I hope he's ok!! Please, let's not lost another great in 2009. :no:
Re: Elton John In Hospital

I would love to see bigger pics of the MJ/EJ photos you have if you happen to have the time to upload to photobucket or something.

Here is the pic I used for my avatar. Mike was trying on one of EJ's jackets :D
Still looking for the other one. I'll let you know when I find it though. :)


And if anyone knows of any other pics of these two together, let me know! I've only ever seen two.
Re: Elton John In Hospital

One site is saying he said from the hospital that he'll be alright. It's a tabloid type site though, so I'm waiting to see if he gets discharged, if David says anything or his website releases another statement.
Re: Elton John In Hospital

Ok thanks, keep us updated please :(

Not a problem. It's on my mind and my roomate's mind constantly so we are checking for updates all the time. Funny how the reason I came to Australia for a year was to visit a good online friend of mine, whom I met on an EJ forum in like 2002 and we became massive friends, and now here we are, normally thousands of miles from each other, trying to keep each other happy until we know he's okay. It's just weird that this is happening while I'm here.
Re: Elton John In Hospital

I hope he gets better, too.
Re: Elton John In Hospital

What is happening to the world, not another celebrity, I hope he gets well, I got also scared for Elizabeth, this is like the worst year
Re: Elton John In Hospital

He contracted influenza and then a secondary infection of E. Coli. After two weeks and him getting worse, they finally admitted him to a hospital in London yesturday. They are doing all sorts of blood work, xrays, etc. to try to get to the bottom of why it's made him so ill for so long.

I know there are people that don't care much for him, but him and MJ are my two favorites. After what happened to MJ, this really has me spooked :bugeyed I'm sure he'll be fine, it's just got me a little nervous.

I'm really not ready to lose my other favorite singer yet. :puke:

Oh no :( 2009 is a terrible year. I can't wait for it to be over, yet I don't WANT it to be over because it's the year Michael lost his life :(

Anywho, I hope Elton John will be fine. I respect him and wish him well.
Re: Elton John In Hospital

oh no!!! I will definately pray for him!