Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine' UPDATE: He and his partner welcome son.

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Agent M

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Jul 17, 2009
M.I.B. Headquarters
Elton 'cannot adopt in Ukraine'

Sir Elton John cannot adopt a 14-month-old boy because he is not married and too old, a Ukrainian minister has said.

The star, 62, said on Saturday that he hoped to adopt a boy, named Lev, whom he met while visiting an orphanage.

But government minister Yuriy Pavlenko told the Associated Press that the age difference between an adoptive parent and a child must be 45 years or less.

Sir Elton's civil partnership with David Furnish would not be recognised as a marriage in Ukraine, he added.

"Foreign citizens who are single have no right to adopt children... and the age difference between the adopter and the child cannot be more than 45 years," family, youth and sports minister Mr Pavlenko said.

"The law is the same for everybody - for a president, for a minister, for Elton John."

However, the BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse in Kiev says the question of whether Sir Elton's civil partnership can be recognised in Ukraine could still depend partly on politics.

Ukraine is entering election season and the issue of foreign adoptions is a sensitive one, he says.

If Sir Elton decides to proceed in the face of government opposition, the presidential candidates in next January's race could still sink his bid, he adds.

On Saturday, Sir Elton said at a press conference in Ukraine that the boy - whom he met at an orphanage for children whose lives had been affected by Aids and HIV - had "stolen my heart".

He and partner Furnish, 46, had always "talked about adoption", he said.

"David always wanted to adopt a child and I always said 'no' because I am 62 and I think because of the travelling I do and the life I have, maybe it wouldn't be fair for the child.

"But having seen Lev today, I would love to adopt him. I don't know how we do that but he has stolen my heart.

"And he has stolen David's heart and it would be wonderful if we can have a home. I've changed my mind today."

Sir Elton and filmmaker Furnish toured the orphanage as part of the singer's work with the Elton John Aids Foundation.

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Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

Well, I approve of this decision. It's nice that he wants to give this little boy a home and "family" but he IS just too old.
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

The kid would be better off with Elton and the life he can offer him, than being left in the orphanage
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

Elton should "provide his own material" to a surrogate mother and bring his own kid up, than to adopt a child...
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Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

Elton should "provide his own material" to a surrogate mother and bring his own kid up, than to adopt a child...


I think it's good, adoption I mean. There are so many children that needs a real and safe family with people who would care, we should provided that to them before making any new babies.

As for Elton (Reginald), he is a bit old, but it was nice of him to think of that to help this child.
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Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

I adore Elton but I wasn't so sure about the whole adoption thing. I think maybe he was bitten by the cute adorable child bug.... I can't see him, sitting at the oak table with his cup of tea in hand, reading the paper, when WHAM! he gets hit by a flying toy, tea going everywhere... Hey I helped raise my brother who went nuts during the terrible twos and threes! They are cute but a little nuts too! lol
I agree his life would be better with Elton and David than in an orphanage...the amount of orphans vs. the amount of people who want to adopt is very lopsided there. It's really sad. And I'm not fond of the main reason for denial is because he's gay. THAT is ridiculous...
Elton has given so many millions to help children and families with AIDS and I sort of think that is where Elton's heart should be. Not in necessarily adopting an HIV positive child. The kid just tugged at his heart strings is all. Would mine too! Poor kid :(
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

Elton should "provide his own material" to a surrogate mother and bring his own kid up, than to adopt a child...
Although I think that Elton is somewhat old to be adopting a child, he would obviously have a much better life with Elton and David rather than in a Ukrainian orphanage.
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Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

That's bullshit. Why not? Why people are like that when their talking about homossexuals? Too old, of course... --'
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

I think thats sad that he can't adopt a child that really needs a home. This type of hate on us gay, lesi, and bi community need to stop. who a person sleeps with ( just as long as they are over 18 and says yes to it.) has nothing to do with how they raise kids.
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

I don't get all of this "too old". Many children are raised by grandparents way older than 62. As far as sexuality is concerned, there are many cases of homosexuality in the animal kingdom, not just in humans. So saying it is wrong is an opinion.
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

I don't get all of this "too old". [...]
Too old because death is more and more likely. What if he passes withing the next few years? What's going to happen to the boy? Though I agree in this case their decision might be based on his sexuality, which is just wrong.
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

Too old because death is more and more likely. What if he passes withing the next few years? What's going to happen to the boy? Though I agree in this case their decision might be based on his sexuality, which is just wrong.

any one of us could get run over by a bus and die... he is not that old. he is only a couple of years older than my mum and she is just as healthy and energetic as she was when she had me. it is ridiculous how hard they make it to adopt. it's like they want these children to grow up without a family or love. you know some of these orphanages are just so.. uh there are no words. i've heard of children never being picked up, cuddled or even talked to. they grow up not knowing how to communicate properly..what kind of life is that? i know this is not true of every orphanage, but still. i think he is wonderful for doing this and it is a crying shame that that country has such views on age/sexuality.
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

Elton should "provide his own material" to a surrogate mother and bring his own kid up, than to adopt a child...

GROW UP, its a shame Elton cant adopt a child but like others have said i think its due to his sexuality not age i mean he is 62 its not as if hes in his 80s, and the Orphanage are being abit stupid not letting the Child go of and have a better more happier life with Elton and Dave.
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Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

I think thats sad that he can't adopt a child that really needs a home. This type of hate on us gay, lesi, and bi community need to stop. who a person sleeps with ( just as long as they are over 18 and says yes to it.) has nothing to do with how they raise kids.
I agree. We're on XXI century for God's sake!
I'm staight, but I hate people who don't respect homo, bissexuals,... it's a shame!
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

Why doesn't he try to adopt a child from the UK where he lives??
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

edit: misread post, sorry
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Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

Who do you think you are belittling somebody's lifestyle with derogatory terms like "f**"?

Although I think that Elton is somewhat old to be adopting a child, he would obviously have a much better life with Elton and David rather than in a Ukrainian orphanage.

So lifestyle?

Not a natural part of human being...?

As for a lifestyle, its unacceptable... to me, being a bio father thats different...
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

I think thats sad that he can't adopt a child that really needs a home. This type of hate on us gay, lesi, and bi community need to stop. who a person sleeps with ( just as long as they are over 18 and says yes to it.) has nothing to do with how they raise kids.

i agree.
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

So lifestyle?

Not a natural part of human being...?

As for a lifestyle, its unacceptable... to me, being a bio father thats different...

I'll say it once and i'll say it again you need to grow up, there Gay people who can make better parents than some str8 family's. and who are you to decide whats Natural or not?
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'


David's in his 40's, And that boy would probably be the luckiest kid in the world with them. They just deprived him of a chance of having a normal life with two loving parents.
That really saddens me.

"The law is the same for everybody - for a president, for a minister, for Elton John."

lol, not really since he has no right to marry and they refuse to recognise his civil partnership...
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

So lifestyle?

Not a natural part of human being...?

As for a lifestyle, its unacceptable... to me, being a bio father thats different...
Everyone in this world can make a baby, but just a few are real fathers to them.

I knew parents who didn't give a sh*t to their kids, do you think it's normal? They're with other family now and they're HAPPY. That's the important thing!
Do you think that kid would be happier in the orphanage than with Elton? And why? Gays don't love? Gays don't have feelings? Gays can't be fathers? Give me a break!

I really don't understand the way you think, but you need to work your brain a little bit more, or to know things then.

Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

So, women who are in their 70's and some even near 80 years old can have children but Elton John can't because he's a 'natural sinner'?
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

Oh really, he cant, but this is the new vibe in hollywood, every celebrity adopts a child, he has to as well
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

That's bullshit. Why not? Why people are like that when their talking about homossexuals? Too old, of course... --'

It has nothing to do with his sexual preference. He's 62 years old. alot of people are lucky to live to 70, so imagine how that kid will feel if his father pops his clogs in 8 years time. The rules are the same for everyone. Elton John shouldnt expect preferential treatment because he is famous and has money.
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

any one of us could get run over by a bus and die... he is not that old. he is only a couple of years older than my mum and she is just as healthy and energetic as she was when she had me. it is ridiculous how hard they make it to adopt. it's like they want these children to grow up without a family or love. you know some of these orphanages are just so.. uh there are no words. i've heard of children never being picked up, cuddled or even talked to. they grow up not knowing how to communicate properly..what kind of life is that? i know this is not true of every orphanage, but still. i think he is wonderful for doing this and it is a crying shame that that country has such views on age/sexuality.

I totally agree with you. Which is why I think it is just terrible that Elton can't adopt that child.
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

It has nothing to do with his sexual preference. He's 62 years old. alot of people are lucky to live to 70, so imagine how that kid will feel if his father pops his clogs in 8 years time. The rules are the same for everyone. Elton John shouldnt expect preferential treatment because he is famous and has money.

I think it is because of his sexuality, I read that they also declined him because he's a ''natural sinner'' (their words).
Re: Elton John 'cannot adopt [a 14 month old boy] in Ukraine'

I think it is because of his sexuality, I read that they also declined him because he's a ''natural sinner'' (their words).

Even if he was straight, he wouldnt be able to adopt the kid, so blaming in purely on sexual discrimination is just pointlessy MAKING him a victim of discrimination. the bottom line is he doesnt fit the age criteria, regardless of who he chooses to spend his life with.
Elton John and David Furnish Become Parents


Elton John and his partner David Furnish have become parents of a son born to a surrogate mother, it was disclosed today.

The boy, who has been named Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John, was born on Christmas Day in the United States.

“We are overwhelmed with happiness and joy at this very special moment,” they said in a statement issued to magazine Us Weekly. “Zachary is healthy and doing really well, and we are very proud and happy parents.” The rock star’s spokeswoman confirmed the report but said no details of the surrogacy arrangement would be disclosed and they intended to respect the privacy of the surrogate. The boy weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 22 inches long.

John, 63, and Canadian filmmaker Furnish, 48, have been together since the early 1990s. They entered into a civil union in 2005 and tried to adopt an AIDS-infected orphan in Ukraine last year, but were thwarted by government regulations.

Their son’s middle name “Levon” is thought to be a reference to John’s 1971 song of the same name, whose lyrics were written by his long time collaborator Bernie Taupin and inspired by drummer and singer Levon Helm.

Speaking in January the singer said: “David and I have always talked about adoption, David always wanted to adopt a child and I always said 'no’ because I am 62 and I think because of the travelling I do and the life I have, maybe it wouldn’t be fair for the child.” But he said he had changed his mind after their “hearts were stolen” by the child they met in Ukraine, who they were not allowed to adopt. He said he now felt he could “give a future” to a child.

Jackson, woop! LOL.

Seriously though, congratulations to them. :)
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