Ebony Michael Jackson's special tribute magazine

could anyone help me?
i am new in ordering stuff on the internet with my debit card, but when last week i ordered a magazin they took off my money from my debit card immediately (this is how it should work i think). I have preordered now Ebony but they did not took my money off yet..i wonder if this means that the order is not succesfull, or they only take it off when they ship it?
Tell me about it. :)


That cover is awesome.
Can you pre-order from the UK and they'll send it out to you? Other than that, I'll get WHS to get it in for me. I had a book shop get in Redemption from the States for me so I'm sure they can do this.
Excellent, thank you for the heads up, I just ordered it :)
Can you pre-order from the UK and they'll send it out to you? Other than that, I'll get WHS to get it in for me. I had a book shop get in Redemption from the States for me so I'm sure they can do this.

I asked in WHS today and they said they can't order individual copies :/

BUT Borders said they are definately getting the tribute editions of Ebony and Rolling Stone :D But we have to wait a few weeks because they have to import them from the US...the manager told me to check back in the next 3 weeks :D
This is the only tribute magazine that I am going to buy. I love MJ's smile!
Hopefully its better then Rolling Stone, that magazine was disgusting
It should be much better since MJ did an actual interview with Ebony in recent years and had fun doing it. Look at the beautiful smile that they got out of him that day. It shows he had a good time with them.

it would'nt suprise me if they will have it in stores in WHS. B/c i remeber getting my ebony 2007 with mj on front in whs.
I've tried to pre-order this on the website. When I go to it and it says '1' in the box and there's an option to 'add to the cart', when you do, it says the cart is empty?!?!

Can someone who ordered this internationally please provide an idiot's guide as to how to make it work?

Thanks very much
hadn't been able to find it at all by my house....went to nyc for vacation and found it....JACKPOT!!! I KNEW that ebony would do his tribute right, they've been there every step of the way treating him well. That's why he gave them exclusive coverage in 2007.

Other mags couldn't help STILL bringing up dirt or getting facts wrong, but EBONY did a beautiful job. It's well worth the 10.99, i was happy to get it
My scanner is acting a fool... I'll see what i can do.

I LOVE this one.. I love it so much I have two of them.. it's probably THE BEST tribute mag out there!
Thanks for the news on the mag. I ordered 4 copies for me and my MJ friends and paid international shipping rates. I had an e-mail earlier this week to say they'd been despatched - now I can't wait for them to arrive!

I'm in the UK and i couldn't find it anywhere!
I phoned up Borders yesterday to ask if they had it, and they told me that all the Tribute magazine's had sold out instantly and they don't know if or when they'll be getting more, and even if they did they didn't know whether the Ebony tribute would be one of them, so i ended up buying one off Ebay.
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where can i order international the ebony tribute magazine ?

I'm in the states, and I didn't think the tribute issue was that great. The pictures were beautiful, but it didn't have a lot of text.

Apparently, the November 2007 issue had the great interview. There are some excerpts of his 2007 comments in this tribute edition, but not a lot.

I know others didn't like the RollingStone tribute, but I thought it was a much better overview.
wow, that's a beautiful cover
i like it and also love his smile.
it can makes me so sweet...isn't it???
waiting for it^^

RIP Michael
I'll never leet you part
For you're always in my heart
I bought the last Ebony tribute today all MJ stuff was sold out. Some of stars comments made me crying,

I brought that issue in Sainsbury yesterday evening and they had about 5 copies even after I took my copy ;)
my copy arrived today all the way from OHIO lol lovely magazine, although i was expecting that photoshoot from 2007 to be in it :( anyway, great magazine, even some pics i've not seen before.