Dr. Etok writes that Michael's secret girlfriend was known to the media

Who cares if he had a girlfriend and who she is/was?

I for one, do not care.
you know how after it rains worms comes out of the ground? and they are everywhere. well, its beginning to feel that way. don't these worms know the sun is shinning so she should go back where they came from:agree:

No she's not good enough to be called a looney toon, Michael loved looney toons remember?

Silly silly. You guys just made me happy for a min. =)
Hehe PrincessMichaela glad to hear we got a smile out of you, Michael woulda liked that :)
Susan Etok is a media whore _ and has proved it many times over
Her story was told and people lost interest in her a long time ago
she is just trying to extend her 15 minutes as another poster stated
Why is she still around gossiping about Michael ?? .. I cant stand her
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Susan is trying to extend her 15 minutes. Remember, this is the same woman who said that Michael was obsessed with her genes and wanted her to have his child. When people talked about her appearance, she then said he wanted her to be the mother of his children because of her intelligence. I wouldn't put too much weight on the things Susan has to say.
Maybe she's talking about Grace (sigh)

Well, she said that it's not Grace. I now believe that she's just saying these things to get people to read her blog. I don't believe a thing she says. Not one photo of Etok with Michael...also, if this were true, Entertainment Tonight and the rest of the media would be on this like white on rice.

Nope, she's not telling the truth. I doubt she even knew Michael. Next!
If he had girlfriend thats great. He deserved for love.
But why Dr. Etok would know about her exactly. I don`t understand...

Can you post a link here to her blog, because everytime you make a thread about her she complains to me which I'm pretty much tired of.

I'm now at the point you dont want to get burnt stop playing with fire.

So please post the link in here for when she emails me.

Ta Very much


uve got a stalker lol