Dr. Etok writes that Michael's secret girlfriend was known to the media


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So Dr. Etok wrote on her blog that Michael's secret "girlfriend (female companion)" was a woman that the media knows. So someone asked Etok why the media wouldn't expose this woman as Michael's girlfriend and Etok said that the media doesn't realize that this was his girlfriend. So the girlfriend was obviously seen with Michael from 2005-2009. But she's not a celebrity. Any ideas about who this could be?

Or should we trust Dr. Etok at all? She's pretty convincing, I must say. I read somewhere that Karen Faye called her "another Billie Jean" so I don't know why Karen wouldn't know that Dr. Etok was a friend of Michael's.
Sorry - but Dr. Etok needs to STFU.

She's just trying to get more media attention & is scraping the bottom of the barrel just to get more press.
Sorry - but Dr. Etok needs to STFU.

She's just trying to get more media attention & is scraping the bottom of the barrel just to get more press.

LOL. I do wonder about this, though. I read somewhere else that there was a petite Asian woman who was his girlfriend in the last few years. Could this be the person, if Etok's assessment is true?

By the way, two posters right below my original post, I love both of your signature videos. I could watch those all day!
LOL. I do wonder about this, though. I read somewhere else that there was a petite Asian woman who was his girlfriend in the last few years. Could this be the person, if Etok's assessment is true?

By the way, two posters right below my original post, I love both of your signature videos. I could watch those all day!

You're welcome! Be mezmerized by the UNF!

I'm a stickler for MJs privacy. This so -called "doctor" had talked & blabbed about MJ before and I'm rather jaded and bored with her comments.
Yeah there's been rumours of this for a long time, I don't know that they're anything more than rumours. I guess there's a chance something in there might be true.
LOL. I do wonder about this, though. I read somewhere else that there was a petite Asian woman who was his girlfriend in the last few years. Could this be the person, if Etok's assessment is true?

By the way, two posters right below my original post, I love both of your signature videos. I could watch those all day!

petite asian woman eh? Ok .... she must be talking about me! :lmao:

sorry i just couldn't resist. :lmao:

you know how after it rains worms comes out of the ground? and they are everywhere. well, its beginning to feel that way. don't these worms know the sun is shinning so she should go back where they came from:agree:
Well, we would have seen this woman somewhere because Dr. Etok said that she was seen by the media around Michael which makes me think that there must have been some photos of her around him at some point. I just don't remember seeing any woman around him in the 2005-2009 photos (which is when Dr. Etok said they were "dating.") And Dr. Etok said that this woman visited him in Bahrain. Also, Dr. Etok said that this woman would have been around Michael much more during the O2 concerts, which makes me think it's someone who lives in England.

Wouldn't the fans who camped out around Michael know who this woman is?
Okkkkkk :rolleyes2:.....next:coffee:

LOL, you're right. It's all so crazy. Who knows who to believe anymore? I was just curious but now I see that I'm basing my curiosity Dr. Etok, on a woman I never met and who may not have even known Michael (where's even one photo of her with him?)
only petite asian girl Ican think of around Michael was Susan Yu, Meserau's partner. Though now i realize i am just adding completely unfounded speculation to the rumors. Whatever the case, secret girlfriend or not, petite Asian or not, I hope he was happy, that's all I want. I can't stop thinking of his comments to Glenda, where he was saying that he didn't want to die without knowing what a real relationship is like.
Me thinks that Dr. Susan is trying to extend her 15 minutes.

I mean, if she knows who this secret girlfriend is, why doesn't she just come out and say it. Why the need to beat around the bush and create a secret girlfriend guessing game.

It just appears that Michael Jackson, SWEET Michael Jackson had the unknown ability to make folks go completely CRAZY!
etok claimed mj asked her to have his baby. bit stupid if he had a G.F. shes a crazy idiot like all the others.
only petite asian girl Ican think of around Michael was Susan Yu, Meserau's partner. Though now i realize i am just adding completely unfounded speculation to the rumors. Whatever the case, secret girlfriend or not, petite Asian or not, I hope he was happy, that's all I want. I can't stop thinking of his comments to Glenda, where he was saying that he didn't want to die without knowing what a real relationship is like.

Good catch! She's married with a child, but who knows. I doubt it's her anyway, if there is a "secret girlfriend." No time for such a relationship, as she's a partner at a law firm like that.

Anyway, it's very true that Michael wouldn't have asked Etok to have his baby if he had a girlfriend.
asian meaning what chinese type? indian? mj had an asian nanny.why am i even discussing this lol
If Michael had a "companion", wether or not the media knew it was his "girlfriend" they would have said it was anyway... so, yeah.. go away "Dr. Etok".
If Michael had a "companion", wether or not the media knew it was his "girlfriend" they would have said it was anyway... so, yeah.. go away "Dr. Etok".

You're absolutely right.

Thetruthbetold, beautiful signature photo.
Gold Pants Girl, I love your photo of Michael. Made me laugh! Thanks!!

One question, though. If Dr. Etok wasn't who she says she is, why did the LAPD question her? Didn't they do some research to make sure she actually knew Michael?
LOL. I do wonder about this, though. I read somewhere else that there was a petite Asian woman who was his girlfriend in the last few years. Could this be the person, if Etok's assessment is true?

By the way, two posters right below my original post, I love both of your signature videos. I could watch those all day!

petite Asian woman? hmmm.. she must be talking about my friend, who loves Michael. I wonder why she didn't tell me about this. :lol:
Why do fans even bother with these lunatics? Yea, MJ had a "girlfriend" but asked loony Etok to have his baby. Yea, that makes perfect sense.