Dont Use The Past Tense


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I understand that he is no longer with us, but I hate when people use the past tense when they talk about MJ! It makes it that much sadder. People keep saying he WAS great, he HAD good music. He may be gone, but all the things he did for us are still very much here in our lives. He IS great and his music IS amazing. Let's keep the beautiful memories alive and keep his spirit going. Because it is very much still here!
I agree I haven't and just cant and well NEVER will use the past tense with Michael, his music or anything connected to him in that way! it makes it too real and like you said much sadder.:cry:

Michael's always in my :heart:
I understand that he is no longer with us, but I hate when people use the past tense when they talk about MJ! It makes it that much sadder. People keep saying he WAS great, he HAD good music. He may be gone, but all the things he did for us are still very much here in our lives. He IS great and his music IS amazing. Let's keep the beautiful memories alive and keep his spirit going. Because it is very much still here!
It sure seems like he's still alive, since all his music is still with us. I can't think of him being gone, because it makes me think of what this world did to him, and the thought of that is just too overwhelmingly sad. :sad: :boohoo:
I tend to use present tense about michael without realising it. It doesnt bother me too much when people use past tense though. Its more about what i use. And yeah it does feel like hes still around coz his music lives on :)
I am with you guys 100%. I fully believe his spirit is very much alive so in most instances I see no need to use the past tense, and I usually don't.
Agreeeeed. I think it's just habit for people to say "was" since he's no longer here - I may have done it at times too... but you are absolutely right, Michael and his music IS and always will be great. His death doesn't change's not over. The spirit of his work, his love, his self - are still very much alive.
I have long since refused to use Michael in the past tense. My password on my computer is "MJ Lives". After 40 years and still going strong, Michael will never be used in the past tense for me except for when I refer to little Mike. :)
I have NEVER spoken about Michael in the past tense, I refuse to do so. Why? Because he'll always be here, in my heart, in your heart in everyone else is heart, always.
Agree 100% with all of you. I'll never use the past tense with Michael, never. He is very much alive iin my heart and he will be forever.
How can you not use past tense on someone who has died though.
Its correct to say he was amazing. Its soo hard to believe hes gone but its reality.
I agree. I can't stand to see people saying, "He was amazing." No, he IS amazing and he always will be. That kind of thing will never change. I don't use the past tense when talking about Michael. To me, he's more alive than he ever was. His spirit lives on through his music and, of course, our hearts. :heart:
Sometimes I use the past tense, but usually it's to reffer to him as a kid or things like that, or a particular event, like 'in this video he was so happy' but sometimes I slip and use past tense, but most of the time I still use the present tense...
well all you guys will probably hate me for this..but...believe me I have been a Michael Jackson fan for 30 years....I dont want to think of Michael as past tense...he will always be with us in our hearts..his music will live forever as far as I am concerned....however....speaking of Michael in past tense is the only way we as fans are going to be able to heal properly.....and people we have to heal...we have to face reality...I know it sucks to have to admit it but if you dont will drive yourself insane...literally....sorry guys...this is how it is reality....:cry:
^It is indeed reality that Michael is physically gone, and people do need to accept that. But it is not reality that his music, message and spirit is dead too... that's the main point this thread was making I think. :) Saying that Michael IS STILL amazing rather than WAS amazing, isn't detrimental to the healing process I don't think..because it's not disillusion - it's fact. His music, photos, videos...everything he poured his soul into and thus binded it to his works... are still everywhere; they still exist and are very much a part of our reality. So, unless those disappear, I think it's improper to use past tense. We lost Michael's body, but we didn't lose his spirit and all the gifts he gave us that only keep on giving.
Awww, guys, I so understand where you're coming from!
Every time I have to say 'was' or 'had', it tears me up inside, but...I'm forcing myself to.
I do use past tense, because I need to accept that Michael is no longer here. I need to come to terms with this, for my own sanity. It hasn't happened yet, but it has to - eventually, right?
I'm talking about Michael the person.
Because Michael the artist is larger than life.
The King of Pop will live on forever.
And he will live in my heart for as long as I'm walking this earth.
But to me, something has changed on June 25th. The world is not the same anymore.
And using past tense for me is a way of learning to live with the truth.
Awww, guys, I so understand where you're coming from!
Every time I have to say 'was' or 'had', it tears me up inside, but...I'm forcing myself to.
I do use past tense, because I need to accept that Michael is no longer here. I need to come to terms with this, for my own sanity. It hasn't happened yet, but it has to - eventually, right?
I'm talking about Michael the person.
Because Michael the artist is larger than life.
The King of Pop will live on forever.
And he will live in my heart for as long as I'm walking this earth.
But to me, something has changed on June 25th. The world is not the same anymore.
And using past tense for me is a way of learning to live with the truth.

exactly my point!! there isnt anything wrong with accepting his body's departure from this earth! but his music is very much alive and at its peak!! We wont let anybody take that from us!!!! :) :)
i all ways use past tense on here as it has happen in the past like thiller was out yesterday.
it is just how i speek
awww we are all hurting so much and missing MJ :-(

Like a rare precious gem,
A jewel amongst men.
you SO earnt your crown.
Prince of Pop.
King of Pop
A legend can NEVER die...................

I hate to use past tense............and dont say dead or died even................

rather...............passed........but not in past......make sense?

Very much alive in our hearts and minds.................
oh.. i dont use the past tense at all. he's not dead - i mean his spirit is alive. why would i use the past tense. he's just not HERE with us in person. he's with us in spirit.
awww we are all hurting so much and missing MJ :-(

Like a rare precious gem,
A jewel amongst men.
you SO earnt your crown.
Prince of Pop.
King of Pop
A legend can NEVER die...................

I hate to use past tense............and dont say dead or died even................

rather...............passed........but not in past......make sense?

Very much alive in our hearts and minds.................

I ADORE this lil' poem, did you write it???:wub:
I agree with you guys 100% about using past tense for Michael. And I feel guilty about using past tense for him. But I guess it is something I am forcing myself to do. Even though it just hurts so bad when I refer to Michael in past instead of present tense. Which is why I have to stop doing that. It is like how I absolutely hate seeing 1958-2009 when it comes to him. The correct and proper way to say it is either 1958-Forever or like in my signature 1958-Eternity. Though I prefer eternity over forever now.
well all you guys will probably hate me for this..but...believe me I have been a Michael Jackson fan for 30 years....I dont want to think of Michael as past tense...he will always be with us in our hearts..his music will live forever as far as I am concerned....however....speaking of Michael in past tense is the only way we as fans are going to be able to heal properly.....and people we have to heal...we have to face reality...I know it sucks to have to admit it but if you dont will drive yourself insane...literally....sorry guys...this is how it is reality....:cry:

I agree with thunder here guys.
Sorry. Even though I use present tense alot.. for us to heal we have to come to the realisation and acceptance that Michael is not here with us in human form anymore. His spirit and music will live forever, and he is still with us in our hearts and minds. Referring to him in past tense does not make him any less relevant to our lives. For us to grow it's important to not refer to him in present tense always because at the end of the day it just hurts us more knowing he's not here.

Be at peace that Michael is at peace now. He can live a happy, normal life in heaven or whatever awaits us all after we're gone. When I use past tense - it makes me happy in a way that now Michael is happy and FREE. Free from the tabloid speculation, rumours and all the poor things he experienced in his life. He now gets all the good stuff in heaven. He can live a normal life now in heaven.. He can care for children there, have water balloon fights, dance on clouds - and most importantly be himself without judgment an
d paparazzi following him everywhere. He is now amongst the angels.. he is HAPPY. Be thankful for that.

Every cloud has a silver lining. This is a big silver lining. God needed Michael more guys.
He no longer is, therefore he was. Not saying it doesn't make it any less real. Sorry
Well, I think nobody is talkin' in past tense because they want it or because they're doing it on don't they?:mello:

I found it a bit harsh to tell people what they should and shouldn't do. If anyone finds it hard to talk in past tense, then don't.
If people want to talk in past tense because it helps them, then do it!
Simple as that.

And ofcourse he's living inside of us all and talking in past tense doesn't mean the person doesn't think so.
That's what we're here for, I mean....dah, that's quite obvious! :lol:
I'm not ready to use past tense yet. I use 'is' everywhere and pray that no one feels the need to correct me.
well all you guys will probably hate me for this..but...believe me I have been a Michael Jackson fan for 30 years....I dont want to think of Michael as past tense...he will always be with us in our hearts..his music will live forever as far as I am concerned....however....speaking of Michael in past tense is the only way we as fans are going to be able to heal properly.....and people we have to heal...we have to face reality...I know it sucks to have to admit it but if you dont will drive yourself insane...literally....sorry guys...this is how it is reality....:cry:

It's Sad, but true. I agree 100% with this post.
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