Does Michael have a GAY fan following?

^ I like abit of Diana better than Cher IMO
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Michael has so many types of fans. He has crossed the spectrum. I am sure he has gay fans too.
it comes down to this. When your in Michael Jacksons category. u cant really say he has a certain group of society as fans. He has global appeal, everyone loves him
Im gay and i love him , always have always will ... but then you gotta think aswell, my mum loves him, my friends love him, my wee cousin who is 8 loves ... even my grandad !

the world loves michael !

so yeah i guess you could say he has a big gay following, but also a massive straight following too lol
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I´m Gay and i´m proud of that. But for me Mike is to female that he turn me on :rofl:

Sorry my english is sooo shitty!

it's just an ironic statement is all. We think that we're working towards what we want only to find out we messed up somewhere along the way but it all ended up good anyway :D

it's just an ironic statement is all. We think that we're working towards what we want only to find out we messed up somewhere along the way but it all ended up good anyway :D

Double checking, dont like to misunderstand, or be misunderstood you see, better safe than sorry. Lol, alls good :angel:sorry if i caused offence.
no offence :flowers: when in doubt always ask is my belief ^_^

As for gay fans for MJ... I say the more the merrier :wild:
I think this is a VERY interesting subject.

I am gay and I love Michael Jackson... I do find him attractive actually. I know many gay fans of Michael and to be honest, most of my friends that are gay and do love Michael do not find him attractive. So I'm the weird one. :) LOL
Yes Michael has a big gay fallowing and that is why he always tried to stir away from talking about his personal sexuality in detale.. He was asked before if he was gay, and he asked the reporter to turn off the recorder. The reporter said that while the recorder was off, Mike said that he is straight but does not like talking about his sexuality because he has a lot of Gay fans.
Yes Michael has a big gay fallowing and that is why he always tried to stir away from talking about his personal sexuality in detale.. He was asked before if he was gay, and he asked the reporter to turn off the recorder. The reporter said that while the recorder was off, Mike said that he is straight but does not like talking about his sexuality because he has a lot of Gay fans.

Hehe, thats a cool story!
Yes Michael has a big gay fallowing and that is why he always tried to stir away from talking about his personal sexuality in detale.. He was asked before if he was gay, and he asked the reporter to turn off the recorder. The reporter said that while the recorder was off, Mike said that he is straight but does not like talking about his sexuality because he has a lot of Gay fans.

Does it make any difference whether Michael had had his words recorded or the reporter simply said what Michael had answered? :lol: Either way, we still found out :lol:

Anyway, I find his answer very sweet and it shows how caring he is towards all of his fans :yes: :wub:
I think an interesting question would be, do Male Gay fans find Michael attractive?
Look I'm COMPLETLY straight, I'm litrally obsessed with women however I do find Mike attractive.I even told my girlfriend Michael is the only guy I'l forgive her for cheating with, I mean the man is too damn good looking.
I know the Bad Era tops it but there's something very attractive about the MJ of today, that smile, those eyes..that voice. I understand why all those girls cry and go crazy when they've just hugged him.
Look I'm COMPLETLY straight, I'm litrally obsessed with women however I do find Mike attractive.I even told my girlfriend Michael is the only guy I'l forgive her for cheating with, I mean the man is too damn good looking.
I know the Bad Era tops it but there's something very attractive about the MJ of today, that smile, those eyes..that voice. I understand why all those girls cry and go crazy when they've just hugged him.

Hehe, you are right on with what you said there!
Look I'm COMPLETLY straight, I'm litrally obsessed with women however I do find Mike attractive.I even told my girlfriend Michael is the only guy I'l forgive her for cheating with, I mean the man is too damn good looking.
I know the Bad Era tops it but there's something very attractive about the MJ of today, that smile, those eyes..that voice. I understand why all those girls cry and go crazy when they've just hugged him.

You are soo right! There is definitely something very sexy about him this year. His eyes, and smile just make me melt. :wub:
Look I'm COMPLETLY straight, I'm litrally obsessed with women however I do find Mike attractive.I even told my girlfriend Michael is the only guy I'l forgive her for cheating with, I mean the man is too damn good looking.
I know the Bad Era tops it but there's something very attractive about the MJ of today, that smile, those eyes..that voice. I understand why all those girls cry and go crazy when they've just hugged him.

Awh. You know what, you definitely deserve some cool points for that! Your girlfriend is lucky!

Well, I'm not gay...more like bisexual but most fans I know are girls and they're straight.
The guy fans I know are straight. I never really met a gay fan.

Oh and Gisselle, I LOVE YOUR SIGNATURE! OMG, Shia is so hot.
But, back on topic. haha
Look I'm COMPLETLY straight, I'm litrally obsessed with women however I do find Mike attractive.I even told my girlfriend Michael is the only guy I'l forgive her for cheating with, I mean the man is too damn good looking.
I know the Bad Era tops it but there's something very attractive about the MJ of today, that smile, those eyes..that voice. I understand why all those girls cry and go crazy when they've just hugged him.

I say the same about Johnny Depp. :lol:
im sure he does..i have some gay and bi male friends who adooooooooore mj. its so funny tho cuz they are all masculine so when they told me they were gay i burst out laughin..they r all like no we serious lol..i was like oops..haha i love those guys
Look I'm COMPLETLY straight, I'm litrally obsessed with women however I do find Mike attractive.I even told my girlfriend Michael is the only guy I'l forgive her for cheating with, I mean the man is too damn good looking.

That was too cool and cute :lol: She's one lucky girl :D

I have to agree with you :giggle:

@ michaelsson: guess you never know what lies underneath a tough appearance :lol:
I was wondering. Is it that macho gay men prefer femine guys and vice versa? That can't be it because sometimes you see a gay man couple and they're both very masculine. But what about two femine guys together? Do you see that often? When opposites don't attract. I don't know...
I believe we all have a femine and a masculine side to us and I love it that Michael is so ok with his femine side. I mean the occasional fake eye lashes and long hair... He just so cool that everybody loves him.
Well, I'm more of a masculine guy, not physically but mentally, I just cant get on with girls as easily as with guys, lol! Anywho, i love Mike and other more sensitive guys, I'm sensitive, just don't like the apparently girly thing of Gossip and I don't agree with it at all!
Well, I'm more of a masculine guy, not physically but mentally, I just cant get on with girls as easily as with guys, lol! Anywho, i love Mike and other more sensitive guys, I'm sensitive, just don't like the apparently girly thing of Gossip and I don't agree with it at all!
OMG I said i was a guy lol, my bad!

Something you forgot to tell us Em ?? we can deal with it, honest...we won't judge you ;) tell us the truth :D