Does Michael have a GAY fan following?

Lets put it this way,He has a huge spectrum of fans around the world so I can't see why not, be it all genders, Bi,Hetero, Gay,You know what I'm trying to get at but I know he's not Gay but he appreciates his many fans for their support no matter who they are.
I think an interesting question would be, do Male Gay fans find Michael attractive?
my cuzin is gay and he loves michael and my best friend is gay and she adddddores him lol
Does Michael have a GAY fan following?


I think an interesting question would be, do Male Gay fans find Michael attractive?

Why not make a thread on it? :cheers:

I know The Legend Continues/NamanDancer is totally sprung by BAD era Michael. I must say, if I was a gay man, that would be my fave era looks-wise too ;D
Do you? If so rock on dude!

I actually dont...However the man ooozes Sex appeal on his BAD Tour! my my my! all that thrusting and emotion is enough to make ne1 want a bit of Michael lol
OK, I'll be the first 'gay' here to admit it ... yes, Michael is attractive. Well, as much as a person can be attracted to another human that they have only met briefly...someone they do not know.

However, the attraction is much different than an attraction to say, Brad Pitt or Dwayne Johnson. It's on a complete other level. Men rarely make me weak in the knees **NO COMMENTS** that is too easy of a cheap joke :chichi: Michael's energy, just him standing there, is giant. There is an emotional attachment to him, that I doubt will ever be broken. Blaaah blaaah blaaaah yada yada yada ...

Michael sends me !! OK :eviltongue:
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Not only MJ has a gay following, but from all walks of life.

I'm gay and I performed his songs at karaoke bars here in Atlanta, and I get a huge response.

Michaels fan base is only for people 4'11 and under, female with a little bit of male to the left of the face, bisexual or open to fun with all genders, and preferably with a mole at the end of ones nose. If you don't fit the criteria...! Be Gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you fit the criteria then carry on. :angel:
a 'gay' that is not in love with Cher ?? :eek: for shame :hysterical:

**holds back my inner Jack McFarland**

Jack, not everyone has to like Cher. Here is something shiny, now go play with it.

Everyone knows who Jack is ... right ??

From the sitcom, 'will and grace' .... not familiar ?? You have to go and Youtube it. You will pee in your panties :)
I just had to comment to this :clapping::rofl:
I think Mike's fan base is so large that it doesn't even matter if your GBLT/str8 or whatever. Errrr'body just love tha Mike Ja'keezy.



and let me add....that i am straight and could always understand why there are women who find certain guys attractive, but Michael is the first whose sex appeal i could actually feel, even though i am not attracted to him in that way. now if u wanna make that a new u wish...perhaps that 'category' has been around, but i wouldn't know it, if i wasn't in it.
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I wouldn't say I find him attractive. But then I'm more in to guys my age that are cute and pretty :)

To Catherine.. (about 3 posts above me):

Your avatar is quite suggestive and I like it a lot :p
Oh NOOooooo!!! I don't have a mole at the end of my nose :cry:

ya best git ta steppin' and get an appointment at the plastic surgeon. No self respecting MJ Fan leaves home without it proudly displayed :chichi:

and let me add....that i am straight and could always understand why there are women who find certain guys attractive, but Michael is the first whose sex appeal i could actually feel, even though i am not attracted to him in that way. now if u wanna make that a new u wish...perhaps that 'category' has been around, but i wouldn't know it, if i wasn't in it.
There was an article on mjeol fansite, very well written, entitled 'Why I love the brotha.
I wish I could find it. It was written by a straight black guy. He said virtually the same as you. Fun to read really. I wish I could find it and post it here.
Michael effected everyone of every age and every sexual orientation, including lesbians.:yes:
i think he´s sexy ;) especially the new pictures from the shopping trip in vegas.
he looks amazing! :)
There was an article on mjeol fansite, very well written, entitled 'Why I love the brotha.
I wish I could find it. It was written by a straight black guy. He said virtually the same as you. Fun to read really. I wish I could find it and post it here.

Please do!
I think Mike's fan base is so large that it doesn't even matter if your GBLT/str8 or whatever. Errrr'body just love tha Mike Ja'keezy.


agree , mike's fanbase is so much diverse , there is not more diverse fanbase than mike's one .

adult , youngs , kids , girls , olds , black , women , teenagers , asian , African , south american , gay ,lesbian , bi ....well the Universe .

But i must admit that during the Bad era , michael could make any heterosexual turned gay lol .
But i must admit that during the Bad era , michael could make any heterosexual turned gay lol .

yeah, I think so!:D

Though I'm a woman, and I'm straight, still I think so, because he was so extremely hot then IMO. :wub:
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^ I agree :yes:

OMG! the episode where Jack has the Cher doll :rofl: and she walks into the restaurant where he's dining with the doll :rollin: "woooaaahh" *flicks hair* :D

If I could turn back tiiiiiioooooommmme!!!
*flips hair*

Does MJ have a gay following? Yeah sure, I lost count of the number of gay, lesbian and bisexual fans that I've met, but MJ appeals to EVERYONE.

His gay following isn't as strong as the likes of Cher, Madonna, Kylie and Janet.