Does Michael have a GAY fan following?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Interesting debate just occured with some of my mates so thought id pose the question... does Michael have a big GAY following?
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Well he's not a big gay icon like Madonna, Cher or Janet, but of course he has gay fans. Michael has all types of fans lol.
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Is it that relevant though? Michael's music addresses the whole world, regardless of sexual orientation, race, religion etc. One of the reasons he's been so successful. And if people feel drawn to his art, it's not because they are gay or straight, black or white or whatever.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not attacking your question or anything :flowers: It's just that I know that putting fans into such categories often leads to statements like: "Oh, gay people like him cause he's gay" or "Oh, the Muslim community supports him because he has converted and he's now a Muslim himself", and the list can go on... Such things tend to get on my nerves
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Here's one gay fan following :)

Are you gay by the way Sean? If that's your name...
^ every artist has Gay fans some more than others, i'm Gay yet i aint a huge fan of Cher and Kylie :doh:
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yeah he's not a gay icon but Michael attracts people from all walks of life.....I think people can relate to him because he's misunderstood....and people deal with being different and misunderstood everyday...especially gay people
He has me, with my snappy, two circles with two snaps emoticon :chichi:

He has more gay fans than you might think ... if you ever doubt it, go check out a gay dance club. The 'Gays' love their Michael Jams :yes:

And the mixes that are spun ... Girl, paalease. You know how creative us 'Queens' are **muah**
a 'gay' that is not in love with Cher ?? :eek: for shame :hysterical:

**holds back my inner Jack McFarland**

Jack, not everyone has to like Cher. Here is something shiny, now go play with it.

Everyone knows who Jack is ... right ??

From the sitcom, 'will and grace' .... not familiar ?? You have to go and Youtube it. You will pee in your panties :)
I'm sure he does have a pretty good gay following, but I don't think he's up there with Madonna or Cher in that department. I don't believe many people will really list "gay music icon" in his list of accomplishments.

Somewhat related, someone once said to me, "Sid, I bet Michael Jackson has a big gay fan following" like it was an insult, even though it's really not. To which I calmly replied, "I heard your brother's ass has a big gay following." Which is funny because his brother is bi. That is all.
I think Mike's fan base is so large that it doesn't even matter if your GBLT/str8 or whatever. Errrr'body just love tha Mike Ja'keezy.

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^ I agree :yes:

a 'gay' that is not in love with Cher ?? :eek: for shame :hysterical:

**holds back my inner Jack McFarland**

Jack, not everyone has to like Cher. Here is something shiny, now go play with it.

Everyone knows who Jack is ... right ??

From the sitcom, 'will and grace' .... not familiar ?? You have to go and Youtube it. You will pee in your panties :)

OMG! the episode where Jack has the Cher doll :rofl: and she walks into the restaurant where he's dining with the doll :rollin: "woooaaahh" *flicks hair*
a 'gay' that is not in love with Cher ?? :eek: for shame :hysterical:

**holds back my inner Jack McFarland**

Jack, not everyone has to like Cher. Here is something shiny, now go play with it.

Everyone knows who Jack is ... right ??

From the sitcom, 'will and grace' .... not familiar ?? You have to go and Youtube it. You will pee in your panties :)
lol i love how this convo moved onto will & grace, and might i add that clip always makes me laugh out loud! love it! haha!

*puts share doll away*...That was a joke i dont have one and neither do i like Cher...thats rite i dont live up to my stereotype lmao!
^ I dnt live up to the Steryotype either :lol: although i do like a couple of Cher songs
I don't see why not, I never knew one's sexual orientation had an impact on their music taste.
naughty 'Gays' not loving the goddess . . . that is not right :hysterical:

**takes flag away from both of you**

:pride_flag: :pride_flag:
Michael's fan base is possibly THE MOST diverse out of any other popular entertainer. He just appeals to everyone...everything about him. The dancing, his image, his songs, his message, his fashion, etcetera blahblahblah.

So, about the GAY thing (not sure why we're capitalizing GAY, but ok lol), like everyone said, he has a big following with EVERY "group" of people! :D
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a 'gay' that is not in love with Cher ?? :eek: for shame :hysterical:

**holds back my inner Jack McFarland**

Jack, not everyone has to like Cher. Here is something shiny, now go play with it.

Everyone knows who Jack is ... right ??

From the sitcom, 'will and grace' .... not familiar ?? You have to go and Youtube it. You will pee in your panties :)
Will and Grace is the greatest show ever hahaha
I love when Jack meets Cher and thinks she a bad impersonator

Anyways, I wouldn't know because I'm not gay, but I'm sure he has a gay following. Come one Sean remember all the gay members at MJNO?

UPDATE: oh you posted the clip HAHAHAHA
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