Does anybody cry every single day??

I know exactly how your feeling *Billie Jean*, you are not alone hun. Its an everyday struggle for me. There hasn't been a day that's past where I just dont break down and cry. Michael's on my mind the moment I wake up and the moment I go to sleep, everything just seems so different now...its never gonna be the same now that hes gone!!! I lost a part of me, part of my soul. Michael is my world and without him I feel incomplete. I dont know how I'm ever gonna heal from this, its much too painful, I miss Michael more than anything in the world, we all do and we just gotta stay strong for each other. The only thing that is getting me through the day is knowing michael is in a better place, a place with no pain or hatred. Hes in peace now, but gawd we all miss him so much:(
yeah...almost every single day,every time i remember him and that's almost every second of my life
when there's someone else in the room,i wont cry but when i'm alone...most likely i will cry,even when i'm not exposed to something Michael....i can just remember him and cry
I posted this in another thread

I'm beginning to think i have a problem. I don't understand why i can't let go. People keep telling me, you never knew the guy, why are you still crying over him 6 months later. I HAVE NO IDEA why he's constantly on my mind. When I woke up on new years eve, I felt this unbearable pain of emptiness. Just pure emptiness. June 25th ruined my life, I wish it never happened. Are there others feeling as helpless as me?

I'm honestly finding it really tough to get over. From September to October, and some of November, it was all excitement because of This Is It, but now when everything is quieting down, I'm back to square one. While watching the Jackson Family reality show, I couldn't help noticing how content they were in episodes 2 & 3, as if nothing had happened and they were moving on with their lives already. It's a heartless question to ask....but were they even mourning?
I don´t cry everyday but I get tears in my eyes almost every day when I think about him.
I don´t look at pictures from his memorial or funeral or listen to heaven can wait and gone to soon.
I listen to his music everyday and don¨t want to listen to others.
I cry almost every day.... I am very very sad EVERY day, and my heart is just not the same, either is my mind or my sour.
My heart cries everyday, my whole attitude is a front these days because inside I'm upset and in alot of pain.

I honestly do not understand how this world will function without him in it.

I feel exactly the same way. You said it perfectly. It is like I have lost hope. It feels like my dreams have died. And yes, I do cry every day. I can't believe it has been 6 months and I feel like it is June 25. I miss him so much.:(