Does anybody cry every single day??

I still am. I haven't even skipped a day. And I have no clue when I'll get to the point where I don't cry everyday & it's a couple times a day. I just wrote some poetry about Michael like 5 minutes ago and cried while I was writing it. My tears fall, my heart is aching..though many months have passed, I still can't accept the truth that he is forever gone. I miss him more everyday. I miss him in every way. I am dying on the inside. I miss him with every piece of heart I have left.. :weeping:

I do, trust me you are not alone I can't stop crying for him, losing him has hurt me so much I feel depressed alot and I can't stop thinking of him. I feel like I am just going through the motions of my everyday life. It just upsets me he was taken this way I find it hard to deal with some days but I am trying to be stong.

I'm really missing him right now... :(

I don't know where to go to with my tears. I just watched TII on YouTube and it made me feel like it was June 25th all over again... the pain just all came back. :weeping: I should never had watched it again, I'm not ready for it, I just can't stop crying. It hurts.

Almost everyday. It doesn't take much for me to cry either. Then if I hear something good for Michael like he won this or Thriller getting put into archives I am so happy for him. But then I feel sad because he isn't here to see this.
I'm watching MSG now and my tears are flowing... i don't cry every day Billy but i hurt everyday.
i HATE 2009 but i also dont want to move on.
Billy... you are not alone my love xxxx
I am a 33 year-old-man, I almost never ever cry, but when I heard Michael was dead, I cried out all my tears for days, weeks, and still today I surprise myself with a tear running down my cheek. My sould is definitely still crying, because Michael made me see magic when I needed it the most, when I was a child, a teenager and now a man. His death is just as if my childhood went away with him.
His death is just as if my childhood went away with him.

I'm 38yrs old and I've been a fan since I was just 11yrs old, when Billie Jean was No.1 in the charts and that's before the Motown 25 Billie Jean performance or the Thriller video. I became a fan a little before Michaelmania of 1983 started, I became a fan because I was transfixed with what I saw and heard, and liked what I wanted and not swept up by a craze. I've always been a little proud of this. I agree, Michael's death has also taken away part of my childhood, and it also ended the 20th Century for me. 2009 before Michael's death seems like years ago more then months ago, the world changed for me without Michael because he added a huge thunderbolt of power and magic, which I was looking for as an infant and found when I saw the Billie Jean video on Top Of The Pops in Feb 1983. Now the body and source of that huge thunderbolt of power and magic, is gone. I'm left with the body of work our idol left, and still feel that huge thunderbolt of power and magic but it's not the same without Michael in our world.

I don't cry everyday, but I feel sad Michael's not with us all the time and feel a huge hole in my heart. I feel sadder as the months pass in which Michael will turn from a person of the present to a person of the past. I will never get used to documentaries etc talking about Michael as someone no longer with us, I'm only used to hearing about Michael as someone in the present and to me Michael will always be in the present.

Sometimes when I'm at home and listen to Michael's music, I feel so energized from Michael's music that I really feel his energy and genius. That's when I get a few tears and want to cry, but I don't as I hate crying. Certain things like Michael Jackson's This Is It movie, kind of bring him back to life for me even though I know it's just a film.
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There are days that I do cry everyday for him, and there are weeks that I cry eventually as every time I think of him. I cry when someone or something mentions his name. I can’t watch his videos much or listen to his music for longer hours yet, because I become very sad thinking of his absence.
The crying comes out of nowhere. I can’t help it but I cry in silence or cry like a kid at home, in my room and my family knows it. I don’t hide from anyone because I’m not ashamed of it. People do know I love MJ for 25 years. Actually when I’m driving, the city it’s beautiful and full of lights, or when I am with my family and people start to talk about something funny or enthusiastic, I keep my thoughts on him, or on how much I love him and miss him, and the time cannot erase my feelings. God knows me and God knows my heart and feelings. The world doesn’t understand that their best artists have left for another glorious stage up there.

He left soon because his glory didn’t belong to this dimension. His heart was larger than this. He was needed there most as Stevie Wonder beautifully said in the memorial day. I think a lot on him being up there with God because maybe now, all his questions has being answered by God himself and he’s achieved the fully glory of its existence by understanding the purposes of his existence and the reasons we was mistreated while he was here. I imagine his glory up there and I guess we would be impressed with what we will see happening someday! Party will be a small definition of it, because there’s nothing more glorious to a human being than being live in the presence of God himself! Can you imagine that?
The certainty of certain things do comfort me, but I don’t know if they comfort the totality of MJ’s fans around the world, because we are all so different yet reunited by a common love we all have for Michael!

The world it’s an empty place without MJ here. But I know he’s in a better place. I cry because I miss him, and I can’t conceive the circumstances of his passing knowing he was into natural things for decades. I can’t accept human evilness and how those bad people were in the pursuit of MJ’s life when he was here, trying to exterminate him and destroy his pure and beautiful soul! God knew that in all of its bases, saw his suffering and decided to make the call for MJ. Who are we to go against God’s allowance? We should think of that more folks…maybe we would accept things we don’t want to see…

MJ it’s a great life example of human being. He wasn’t perfect and made his mistakes but God really loves him and accept him for who he was.
I feel that he is fine and saved from all evilness…

I love you all!

He’s alive up there and forever in our hearts here…until we meet again…

Yeah I've been starting to cry every day lately. I think I'm watching too much of the Jackson's Family Dynasty.
Not every day but i still cry a lot.

I think i'll never really get over this.
not every day,however if i hear certain songs or have flashbacks it can hit me and it is hard to believe he is gone and in light of the garbage we are mainly stuck with. he is missed
Just about, I might have one day out of the week I don't cry. It's seems to get harder every day and I miss him more each and everyday.
I'm CRYING so hard right now.... :weeping: I'm feeling weak...missing parts...incomplete...

I'm holding you, stay strong. Michael is in your heart. He's there. His your strength to keep on going. Feel him.
Big hugs to everyone! Hang in there. Michael is so loved and so missed.
Yeah he is so very missed. It was just last night I was really crying over him a few times or so. Which was why I was so very glad that I was in bed and asleep before the new year had started. Because I just really hated the thought of having to enter the new year without Michael in it. I know I was only avoiding the inevitable. But I just wasn't in the celebrating mood. And I just couldn't stand the thought experiencing the first minute of the new year without Michael in it. And it was just this morning when I got up. I had put Inside Edition on I just really started crying over Michael. The very second I saw Michael's............ I am sorry I still can't say that dreaded c word and Michael in the same sentence. I am really crying now just by thinking of that horrible, horrible thought of Michael being in that. I still have trouble of trying to wrapped my mind around that is where Michael is going to be now and for all eternity. I am really starting to cry now just thinking about it. It is still really so very hard for me. I just so really wish that was me and not Michael in that dreaded horrible thing. I just really hate having to live in a Michaelless world now.
I've never full on cried, but I get teary eyed almost every day. Then it really depends on the day too. Some days everything feels ok, but then other days I just feel pretty melancholy most of the day. Between thinking about how he was treated on earth, hearing certain songs, hearing some negative comments from some of my family members about Michael, it can be really painful. Those kind of things can turn a good day into a bad one. Sometimes I can enjoy singing and dancing to Michael's music and other days I'm in no mood to do that at all. Sometimes I just want to wallow in the sadness because I think I feel better in a way, just to let the emotions pour over me.

I'm happy Michael is in a better place. I just wish I had the opportunity to meet Michael when he was alive, even if it might have been nearly impossible in my circumstances anyway...I can't help, but wonder what if...I can't help but torture myself sometimes about how I could do things differently. And I surely would, if I was allowed that chance...if it were possible.

I don't think the sadness will ever completely leave, but I made a promise to myself and Michael to be happy on New Year's Eve and I was. I will still miss him forever, until I hope that day comes when I finally can meet him face to face in spirit.

Hugs and L.O.V.E to everyone. :hug:
I never CRIED.. Dont know if I should feel proud or not.. But definetly sad..
I don't cry every single day,but I do breakdown for a minute here and there. The only time I didn't become upset was maybe around .. Mid-November. I have been greiving often through December and even in this New Year It's pretty obvious why...I have so many feelings and emotions about it all...but probably the main thing is that Michael isn't here on earth. I know it is the stages of mourning..I've lost close family Father My only and eldest Brother & my I know how it feels to lose a loved one and Michael's passing felt the same..that strange empty...or missing something in the middle of the night ache..and you get out of bed because you feel there's something or someone missing.. :cry:
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I definitely tear up whenever I hear I'll Be There and usually at the end of Human Nature. It's still strange to think that he's gone.