do your family think you are going over the top with your grief for michael?

Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

My parents havnt even got in touch with me at all about this. Thats how supportive they are....
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

I learned this news from my family and i just cant stop stop cryin but there were all there comfortin me. My dad is a fan of Michael too, he loves Michael's music.

But not my friends...they dont understand why was i cryin over someone i have never met..they will never understand how much Michael meant to me..but i couldnt care less about them right now.

Therefore we need each another here the most right now because only you guys will truly understand how i feel.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

My mother understands. She hasn't really said anything, but I know she understands. She went through the same thing with Elvis, so she's just giving me my space. I haven't spoken with anyone else I know about it, though, because I know they wouldn't understand.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

My friends were being really supportive and so was my mum, my dad however doesnt understand how i am so upset. Yesterday morning he asked me what was wrong!
However today my mum seems to be getting a bit sick of it. AShe told me i should 'snap out of it'. Don't think she realises im not choosing to be this upset. My brother is getting married on saturday and she told me i had 'better not spoilt the wedding for them'.
I am so glad i have this place to come to where i know there are other people like me
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

My mom doesn't get it, but then again, she believes the allegations.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

Can Any of you tell Me if I'm taking that Michaels gone to far?

Basically my mum and dad are supportive, but they think I'm going to do something stupid. I myself know that is not what I would EVER do and 100% what Michael would not want.
I told her that. I said she doesn't understand ( you know the connection that the real true fans have with Michael)

But inside I can't bare this. He's part of my life. Although Michael doesn't know it, he's made me who I am today. I will Love Michael more and always till the end of time.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

From where I come from I have to hide myself, but my wife understands and supports me. My kids love Michael Jackson, I have three boys, 4, 6 and 8 years old and today in the morning (like everyday) they request for his songs while I am taking them to school. I have all his songs in the car. Sometimes they fight because each one wants to play his song first. So I play the songs but after Michael died I try my best not to show my tears in front of them.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

Me and mom my is really hurt by his death,She's the one that hip me to MJ at a early age,so she been playing his albums all weekend,I been recording all his videos and news coverage surrounding his death,so i can show my kids the impact he made on pop culture
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

No, thankfully my parents are being very sympathetic right now, even though nobody else in my family is a fan.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

no my mom understands but at somone told me at work it's not a big deal he is just another singer that upset me alot
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

"do your family think you are going over top with your grief for michael?"

I don't think so. Any time that I cried was not in front of them. My mom understands how I'm feeling right now. She thinks it would be better for me to listen to the music so that I can get out all my tears (so as not to bottle it up). I just don't really have the desire to right now. My brothers have been asking what the news is in terms of the death investigation and everything. So I guess you could say they're supportive.

I'm trying not to let all of this totally consume me, either. I have been watching some of my favorite shows and working on other activities, which helps. Today I'm just going to go out and try to have some fun. :yes:
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

your right, nobody knows what its like, i feel for you all!!

It really is so sad! and my mum called me obsessive and maybe i am, i dont care, he meant the world to me!!

Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

my mom thinks i'm weak and stupid and making a big deal out of nothing. There's no one i can talk to and i feel like screaming.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

Well no.
My mother wants to have a special place in our house to remember him.
My mum even wants to have the song 'better on the other side' and to have the lyrics so she can sing/rap along with.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

sarah i am so sorry that your famil dont understand its very sad they our famiies just cant be their at this time

my family is much worst than yours calling me names because im greiving over mr.jackson
they just dont get it................................................ thats why i love this site i love all yall much love to all
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

for the fans family who isnt showing love just come on this site to chat with fans
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

Well no.
My mother wants to have a special place in our house to remember him.
My mum even wants to have the song 'better on the other side' and to have the lyrics so she can sing/rap along with.
Thats really nice, and I like the idea for the special place in the house for Michael
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

for the fans family who isnt showing love just come on this site to chat with fans
This is what I am doing since then! I don't think my parents doesn't love me! They are not loving MJ! They are not understanding how can I love someone I never meet!
They are saying that if I would die, MJ wouldn't cry for me because he doesn't care! And like that they are hurting me more that I am now! Because I am sure he would care!
Here I found people who understands my pain! Thank you guys!
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

My family are also extremely upset about Michaels passing. I was inundated with messages from family and friends who, even though not huge fans, have admitted to finding it unbelivably tragic, in that sense I am lucky that people are concerned about me.

But of course not everyone even cares about Michael, I can accept that.

For anyone not receiving support definately come here, I take great comfort from everyone on here, we're all experiencing the same loss. It helps.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

i,m 34yrs old and michael has been in my life since i was 12 or 13,i know this is gunna sound really terrible,i am married and i love my husband dearly i was a jackson fan when i met him,but in my head and my dreams i feel that i was married to michael also,

I felt the same way
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

yes...they think im over the top and crazy, tho im not doing anything but grieving and crying from time to time,...which is normal..
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

I think some of my family think I'm being over the top. But I don't live with any of my family except my sister and she's pretty supportive.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

my mom and dad both called when they heard, all my mom said when she heard me sobbing is: "yeah, well, you got to get over ir. he was an amazing artist, yes. but hey, everybody's talking about it, everybody's sorry, everybody's hurt.." i love my mom, don't get me wrong, but she has never understood and never will. she was always asking me when will i finally grow out of Michael. i met her today and i was holding my tears, but i was not too chatty, and she goes "what's the matter? ...oh.. you're still sad about Michael?" how can i not be, he made me who i am. i do realize my mind's a bit fuked up, it's always been, cause it is NOT normal to love someone you never actually knew so much that it hurts. but he means the world to me.
My dad.. well, he never truly understood, but he always tried. He always referred to Michael as "my Michael". when he called me and heard my crying, his voice changed and i wouldn't be surprised his eyes got all teary. he calls me all the time to check if i'm ok.
my two best friends who i live with have been very supportive. i am so blessed. they've taken care of me and cried with me all night long. they never had experienced anything like that themselves, but they always knew just how much Michael means to me, they always kind of thought of him as someone they actually knew, by the way i spoke of him. they cried their eyes out just watching me cry and grief. for a whole day or so i was not really able to talk, but the next night i just could not stop talking and telling them about Michael, and they'd gladly listen, even though they had to be a up and ready for work in 3 hours.
i am not picking up my phone no more, cause loads of people are calling and texting me, but a lot of them just go: "omg, did you hear? wow! so sad. billie jean was my favorite MJ song" or "aw, i just called to say i heard about Michael, i'm sorry.. wait, are you crying? are you actually crying? are you serious?" just fuk off, you know. sadly, but i do not even want to speak to them again ever.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

Thats really nice, and I like the idea for the special place in the house for Michael

Yes it was very nice of her that she proposed a place where I can remember Michael every day.
But yeah my mother is a fan more than 30 years.

I feel sorry for all those who are calling names at home, please come and stay at mjjc. We are strong together here.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

I'm sorry for those whose families are not being supportive, pain is pain and if they love you they should respect that and try and comfort you.

My family know I'm hurting but I don't think they quite understand how much although they have been giving me some space. A family member rang me up to let me they were thinking of me and I know I should appreciate it but the way they sounded was all jovial on the phone and like it was trivial and downplaying it. Also on another forum where I've known people for a long time, most people were supportive and understood how I felt but one person was telling me how they thought he was weird and strange and basically telling me how they didn't understand why anyone liked them and then proceeded to tell me they 'felt' for me. It just seemed really insensitive especially when they knew how I felt and I expressed that I was hurt by it and then told me that I was misunderstanding them and felt bad for me while continuing to tell me that they didn't get people's fascination for them including me and didn't want to know why.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

My family gits it and have been cool about it. My brothers and sisters texted/called me and made me feel alot better abuot things.

The only problem is that My family and I are in different parts of the state. I don't see them on a daily basis. My friends don't get it, I don't think they realize how much Michael means to me. Right now, I really need this forum. I don't know what I would do without it.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

I think this forum has been invaluable to everyone, it been a great source to vent feelings openly especially for those who feel they can't do that to loved ones.
Re: do your family think you are going over the top with your gief for michael?

everyone in my family loved him,
but i cried at the telly and shouted please he cant be dead
am 17, and i sat up till two wachting it on sky news before listen to a talk show on the radio where fans could phone up.
u woke up the next morning crying and couldnt stop my mum told me to stop rying
or ill be crying for weeks over it.
but if stoped crying now, untill i hear songs such as
DSTYGE and MITM they really bring a tear to my eye, and when you see him in his really early days do too.
my parents want me to get over it, and tell everyone am deverstated
so i sitin my room and cry, cause they just tell me to stop it
but they dont no what he ent to me.