Do you wear MJ shirts in Public?

I love him and I don't give a crap who knows about it! lol
That's one sexy t-shirt tho. You look great. And the iPod thing's really cool.
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Yes! I wear this one in public...

and I even carry around an iPod with a MJ skin!


I love him and I don't give a crap who knows about it! lol
wow how did you skin your ipod that one is so cool :) and the shirt! I'd love to have it!
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i do wear sometimes! I have very few though :( but i do! And of course people are like...:mello:
they shouldn't be all surprised because you're wearing a MJ shirt... now come on its ridiculous how people are so ignorant in Michael!
I don't wear coz I don't have any :huh: I was thinkin' about MJ shirt. Hmm...
I got an MJ shirt like last Christmas from my best friend and I wore it religiously so much that my friends joked about it I mean I didnt wear it everyday but almost anyway sometimes people say things to me like Michael Jackson? you really like him? At first i didnt know what to say because i was thinkin why are you asking me that of course i like it im wearing the shirt but after a while i just started being like hell yeah I love michael jackson!!! haha some people even say really really cruel things but i just shrug it off whatever they're ignorant but sometimes my shirt attracts good comments like once i was at an amusement park and i noticed some guy staring at me and right away i knew it was because of the shirt but he came up to me and gave me props and was like yo i love that shirt michael jackson is the ****!! So the point is theres pros and cons but nobody could ever say anything to make me stop wearing it!!!
Sometimes I do wear my mj tshirts but most of the time in the summer when its warm enough I just wear tshirts that show off my mj tattoos. Its soo funny seeing people checking out my tatttoos, first they notice the tattoo, then when they realise its Michael, their faces are sooo funny. Ive never had a bad reaction to my tattoos, most non fans have soo much respect that I have mj tattoos.
When I was a teenager(back in 1983 and 1984),I use to wear MJ shirts and buttons. People would stare and smile back then MJ`s "Thriller" was the number one album worldwide.People of all ages experienced "Michael Mania".MJ`s music was being played non-stop on all the radio stations and his videos dominated television.
I don't own any MJ shirts but if I did I would. I got my first MJ shirt when I was about seven I wore it a lot, but it got too small. I like wearing band shirts and letting people know how great my taste is;):p
I most defiantly will as soon as I can get some more. I currently don't have any but there are quite a few I want and plan to get.
Yes i wear my MJ shirts in public and if people don't like it they can kiss my ass
When I was a teenager all I would wear was MJ t-shirts :lol:

I kinda grew out of that phase though. If there were more like.. tight tops and not those baggy t-shirts I'd still wear them though! :D But yep, you'd never see me go a day without me in an MJ t-shirt :lol: I had about 100! :lol:
I just bought a MJ shirt from Hot Topic:D I will def wear it and if someone doesn't like it too damn bad! cause I'm rockin' wit Mike Jack!

I like that MJ fans and loosers shirt...I think I may try to design my own shirt:cool: