Do you think the This Is It film will help you move on or will it make it worse?

I don't know if it will help me move on or it.
But one thing i do know, is that i'm going to be crying the entire time i'm in the theatre.
Like many of you, I am totally confused about how I feel. I don't want to go because I feel AEG and Sony are both guilty of treating Michael badly and are AT LEAST partly to blame for his death. I feel it's very bad taste and emotionally draining for the fans if they do show funeral/memorial footage because we are still grieving. Also from a performers perspective - they are showing us his REHEARSALS which isn't right. Warming up and behind the scenes stuff is for the performers themselves - not the audience and I can't help but wonder if Michael would be okay with that being as he was such a perfectionist. He spent his lifetime putting everything he could into each performance in order to entertain us and I don't know if it's fair that they should expose him whilst he was rehearsing.

On the other hand though, I do so want to see him one last time - what fan wouldn't? I also want to judge for myself how he was in his last few days and whether there are any clues or answers as to what the hell happened. I will feel guilty if I do go and guilty if I don't. AEG seem to be very good at this game...

I'm going to wait for the DVD.

I understand that AEG is a company first and foremost, and therefore, must do what they can to recoup their losses due to Michael's passing and the end of these shows. I completely get that. But this is all happening too quickly for me. It's only been two and a half months. I'm still grieving and I don't think I could take seeing this in a movie theater, of all places. I anticipate getting very emotional and I don't feel comfortable letting it all out around a bunch of strangers, fans or not.

Secondly, I saw the poster up close yesterday. I was hit with a tremendous wave of emotion, for two reasons. The first was that Michael looks so happy and over the moon. He was obviously really excited for these shows. The second reason was that I could very well see what the fans were talking about in regards to his health. I'm afraid that it will be hard to watch because we will be seeing him deteriorate slowly on film. I hope that this isn't the case, and I will still see it, but not in the theater.

I need more time.
Probably it will make me feel worse. I still want to see it though, what Michael had in store for us. But I know that I will be devastated after seeing it.
I'm readying myself to whatever emotion my system wants to generate on Oct. 28 but as of now I'm just excited like hell. I've never seen Mike live and this is the closest thing I could ever get my 'michaelmania' so there's no stopping me.

Yeah I've never seen him live either, so that is what is going to make it so hard for me because I will NEVER have the chance to see him for the rest of my days. However, seeing him prepare for something that meant a lot to him will make me happy. In the end, it will probably make it much worse for me. I'm still in the whole "denial" stage. =(
I can't say yet. All I know is that I'm pretty scared to watch the movie. Scared of how I will react, scared to see michael again because I know wha happened, scared that I will miss him more after seeing it. I don't know :( I'm just as scared as I was before watchin the memorial service and the burial... I can just hope that it will help me, because I don't like feelin like this... :(
I'll probably be anxious-shaking before the film, smiling and crying during the movie and be angry after the movie.

Other than that, I don't know.
i still cry when i listen to some of his songs.
i will bring a box of tissues with me when i watch TII. i need them
it is definitely gonna makes me even more miss him and emotional after watching it...
i hope i can move on.i don't know.
It will be bittersweet.... I just saw the clip of the trailer and nearly broke I can't imagine how watching the whole film will be. Although maybe it'll be a after I completely fell apart watching the memorial, I felt much better for a few weeks. So maybe this will be similar...but over all, no, I don't think it'll help me move on. I think after seeing it I'll just keep asking myself WHY :cry:
It is just going to make it worst for me. I don't like seeing or even being reminded about This Is It. It just makes me cry way too much. Which is why I won't be watching MTV VMAs. I am just going to be taping it. It is going to be a long time before I can even think about being able to handle it. I have enough trouble looking at the last pictures taking of Michael alive. Or seeing old video footages of Michael as it is. My heart still very much aches for Michael. I am crying now because I just miss him so much.
I think it might bring all the emotions I've felt during June-August back again, but it's Michael, so I'm going to see it(most likely). This month I've been feeling numb, so that's why I didn't include this month. Definitely not to say that I am over his passing because I'm not.
I think it will be absolutely heartbreaking for me. Just seeing it and thinking of what could have been and how he should be here to hear what we all think of it, to get praise and awards, but he won't. I will love it because he is amazing, but it will be incredibly sad. I have to go see it though. I guess I will just take a box of tissues with me. :cry:

I was just thinking, people at the theaters will know whose going to see TII, because everyone will probably have a box of tissues!
Well, yesterday I was digging in my closet and I found my jacket of my MJ erra. I decided I was going to wear it with an arm band and sunglasses.

Maybe I can find a wig to match. This way nobody will recognize me when I cry.
^ believe me, more than 90% in the movies will be fans, they won't pay for tickets if they don't love him. And if you see your loved one there, and realize they're gone forever you wont hold a tear back. Believe me. Maybe some others may say that you don't have to show your love and your feelings by crying, but it'll happen automatically. I'm sure of that.

I'm confused too like many others here, I'll be definitely crying, but I don't know if it will make me feelin worse after.
^ believe me, more than 90% in the movies will be fans, they won't pay for tickets if they don't love him. And if you see your loved one there, and realize they're gone forever you wont hold a tear back. Believe me. Maybe some others may say that you don't have to show your love and your feelings by crying, but it'll happen automatically. I'm sure of that.

I'm confused too like many others here, I'll be definitely crying, but I don't know if it will make me feelin worse after.
That's true but I'm sure there will be also those who aren't big fans. They don't hate him but aren't fans either. And they will say "he was just an artist, why you cry". Michael was not "just an artist". But they don't see it.