Do you think the This Is It film will help you move on or will it make it worse?

Both. I NEED to see something new of his knowing that there'll never be anything new to come. But at the same time, the realization that this is the most recent piece of footage we'll EVER get is incredibly depressing.

This is kinda how I feel as well. I feel like as long as there is something like this for me to look forward to then I feel better in a way. After the movie comes and goes, the sadness will return I'm sure. Because after this there may be new music released, but there won't be any more new footage of a living breathing Michael Jackson to look forward to ever again. :(
I dont know.. My mood comes with waves... Sometimes I feel better somedays I feel like I wanna die..Im not sure what affect it will have on me.. Perhaps it can be quite comforting see him..

Waves definitely. One day I'll be fine, then the next day it's like I wanna just crawl into my bed and just cry. I don't know how the movie will be for me... I guess I'll just have to wait and see...
there is no way that these rehearsals will be as good as what the final product would have been like.
They are just that ... Rehearsals
This Is It the Movie will simply show the whole dressed rehearsals with snippets of MJ and the crew discussions the setlist and what and how the performances should be like.
Shame we will never see hat Michael wanted us to see.
But this will be pretty damn GOOD!
I was thinking about this today, and I actually think it will set me back. Im consciously trying to make myself deal with this, to not be consumed by sadness day in and day out and I now have another personal reason where I just have to think about my own wellbeing and health more and more. Watching the final weeks Michael lived amongst us was always going to be tough. But to know that I might have to relive the moment he died, all the shock, reaction, footage etc and go through all that emotion makes me feel like it will bring everything flooding back.
I'm so confused about my feelings too... Sometimes I watch Michael's videos and laugh with his joy, magic and kindness. Sometimes, that breaks my heart so much that I fell like I want to disapear!

Surely I'm going to feel very sad when I watch him performing for TII, especially because I will watch what I had seen live right there at the O2 at the second and third concerts... It was the dream of my life, the first time I'd see him personally and I was the "happiest person in the world". Now there is no possibility my dream comes true, and thinking of this hurts deeply, deeply... On the other hand, I want to see him performing... I want to see what was been prepared to me and all of us.
I think it will be very difficult/painfull to watch but it will depend on the moment.

I hope that I will be a bit stronger by then. I definately want to see it.
Both. A part of me wants to see MJ doing his thing again but at the same time it's going to make me hella depressed!
I know it's going to be very, very hard... because for me it will always be like a dream which didn't come true... :(
On the other hand I want to see him performing, I want to see what we were going to see perfom by the greatest entertainer of all time... I guess I feel like it's a possibility to feel him close and alive... to feel his magic.
I was looking forward to the movie but after reading that it'll cover his death, the aftermath & the funeral I'm not so sure. I don't think I could take watching that all over again. :(
At this very moment, I have absolutely no plans of seeing this at all. For now, my answer is it will only make things worst, but NOT for reason of seeing our beloved Michael................
It's going to be both - because I know that the theater will have other MJ fans and it'll be joyous as well as somber.
To answer this question honestly.....I would have to say...I dont really know. I will have to wait and see. I am excited about it but so sad at the same time. I am excited about seeing what Michael was working on for US. I am sad because I know that it will be the last time I will see ANYTHING new from far as his physical presence goes. I will probably bawl my eyes out and laugh and clap anyway....we will have to wait and see. I dont know if I can possibly get anymore sadder than what I am now.
Just reading this thread I'm crying again. I was just talking with a friend on the phone about getting enough tickets so I can see the movie twice. We both said we were all gonna cry like mad.

Unfortunately right now it's the off season at my work and I have too much time on my hands so all I do is listen to MJ's music and download videos for my collection. And just when I think I haven't cried for a few days and I'm healed then the funeral happened and I'm back to square one.

This Is It is only maybe two hours of hundred hours of footage so there should be hopefully more to be released in DVD extras.
..........I have no idea,I just let it all happen;)
Its the grieving process,it takes time,if I rush it it will get worse later;)
I'm pretty sure i'll be crying. but i just have to see it
i plan to wait for the dvd get it and having a 2 hour crying fit in privite then i plan on watching the non death bits and having a good old time danceing in my wheelchair badly like always lol
I plan on going. I will have to get enough tickets to see it atleast 3 times, if I can stand sitting and looking at him for the final time. I dont think I will even tap my feet as I know this is not what I will feel. Emotions are strange and unpredictable. You never know what the mood will end up being. I have to go with friends as I may not be able to drive after..
Thanks for this thread. I am crying a bit now but comforted by reading what you guys have to say..
I don't know how much more we can take?
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I think it will be absolutely heartbreaking for me. Just seeing it and thinking of what could have been and how he should be here to hear what we all think of it, to get praise and awards, but he won't. I will love it because he is amazing, but it will be incredibly sad. I have to go see it though. I guess I will just take a box of tissues with me. :cry:
ITs gonna CUT like a FREAKIN KNIFE!!! I'm be TOE'UP in that theatre.

I cried listening to the fans taping michael outside of the forum. So I know to bring my big box of tissue with me for TII. I can't believe that All I ever wanted to do in life was see michael live and on stage and in the blink of an eye it got snatched away. And then not only that but michael lost his now I can even just simply see him. Its gonna CUT so bad...only 18 days.. I just don't get it.:no:

Ima be sportin my offical aeg(reedy) mj shirt and I just hope there won't be any butts that decide to attend TII to joke. Cuz I won't be in the mood.:mat:
I was looking forward to the movie but after reading that it'll cover his death, the aftermath & the funeral I'm not so sure. I don't think I could take watching that all over again. :(
WHAT THE HECK, when did you read that? Why would it cover his death? Why would they do that! I thought it was gonna be straight up TII and thats it. ho'boy:no:
i feel so sorry for all of you, its going to be very emotional, and im sure we'll all come out of the theatre crying and its going to bring back all of the terrible feelings.
For whatever may make me sadder than ever, cry a lot more or misses him ever more....I really don't care......but one thing I'm sure of will tear me apart if I can't watch this......
I think it will help me a lot.It's something I want to see very much so.I know it will be fantastic & the world needs to know the man still had it because for the last 12 years they tried to imply he didn't.
At first I didn't want to see it because I always felt Jackson on stage live was a different Jackson to the one in rehearsals.But as my brother said today 'Michael jackson even at about 40% in rehearsals is the same as any other artist at 100% live.
no it will make me sick

AEG watched MJs health deteriorate. fans saw how ill he was in June. LOoking at photos. i thought he was happy and ready to go. how wrong i was. AEG just pushed him on stage like a circus animal with no thought to his wellbeing. they watched him die and now they are forcing us to do the same. its sick

MJ told fans he didnt want to do these shows. he told fans he had no control over anything.. he was loosing weight... no one with power cared enough. they just hoped it would somehow work out so theyd get their paycheck

its sick
It will make me feel worse to know what could have been :(

i just dont feel like that

these 50 shows should never have been planned. MJ was being pushed into something he knew he wasnt up to. he'd totally lost control

i dont sit around thinking "o i should be at an MJ concert tonight" .. cos i dont think there should even have been concerts. I have no desire to see MJ doing something his heart wasnt in

he needed time to take control of everything again (whether thats drugs etc etc)... instead tghe greedy vultures just pushed him to his death
i just dont feel like that

these 50 shows should never have been planned. MJ was being pushed into something he knew he wasnt up to. he'd totally lost control

i dont sit around thinking "o i should be at an MJ concert tonight" .. cos i dont think there should even have been concerts. I have no desire to see MJ doing something his heart wasnt in

he needed time to take control of everything again (whether thats drugs etc etc)... instead tghe greedy vultures just pushed him to his death

Okay well i do feel like that! I saw him at the press conference and at the hotel afterwards and he looked so excited and happy to be with the fans again! I am not saying he was not pushed to do these shows and yes to think that kills me and makes me feel so guilty for buying the tickets (with a little help from you) for the concerts! However off course on those days i am going to feel like crap the days i should have been seeing my idol in concert, i am not gonna be fine about it!

Michael loved to preform and he wanted to showhis fans and kids he still was the ultimate performer so yes i will be thinking what could and should have been