Do you think the This Is It film will help you move on or will it make it worse?


I have just about reached a point where I can think about him and not feel overwhelmed with sadness and disbelief. I still have a heavy heart thinking about him but for the sake of my own sanity I have consciously tried to not let the whole grieving process consume me any longer.

Seeing the This Is It movie will be a surreal experience. I'm half looking forward to it and half dreading it at the same time. I just know it's gonna hurt seeing him sing and dance and do what he does best just days before he died. But as a fan I feel compelled to see it.

Do you think this film will help you come to terms with what has happened or do you think it'll bring the hurt back to the forefront again?
I do believe that the movie will help, and let me move on, into a different chapter of Michael's career. (I say that because although he has left us, his music and legacy will continue to live, we all need to look to the future, you can't live in the past, Michael's gone) And I hope watching the movie will bring me to see Michael in a different light as I do with James Brown, Elvis and John Lennon.

I'm looking forward to hearing new material and any new video footage that comes available, as I'm sure it will.
I can answer. It will make me worse. My heart aches for Michael. Seeing him at a rehearsal for a project he never got to do hurts very badly. I will probably be very emotional the whole time.
As much as I feel I moved forward with this (not moved on), I can cope with listening to him etc, like normal now (i like to smile alot when listening, probably the biggest difference for me after his death).

New footage like we're going to see will open up the can again when I'm watching but I'll be able to close the lid after seening it. Reflecting on it and seeing him happy and ready.
Please mods, don't lock this thread. The whole thing is still so raw and I personally find it comforting reading how others are feeling about this.

It's nice to know I'm not alone in feeling this way.
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Seeing what Michael do best makes me truly happy....

It will hurt, I'm sure but seeing him one last time will help me...

Michael worked hard on this so I am only glad to see it. It's better than never seeing it.
I'm not sure really...I think it will depend how I'm feeling on the day I see it. Mostly I am dreading seeing it, I would even say I'm fearful of it. I'm hoping so badly it won't make me worse, but I think definitely right after I see it I will be a mess. :( I wish I could deal with this differently.
i think it'll make me sad to know that he didn't get to see this come to fruition but i'll be happy to know that we did get to see what he was planning.

im sure i'llbe crying through the first few times i see it
It's going to hurt because I'll see Michael doing what he loves. But I'm hoping it will help, somehow I don't think that's going to happen. :(

And like MJstarlight said My heart aches for Michael too :cry:
I think it won't help me at all seeing what he was still capable of and what should have been it will only make me more angry.
But I'm sure going to see it as it will be the last we are ever gonna see of him :(
I will be excited to see it, especially on the big screen. I will probably be emotional though.
I'm readying myself to whatever emotion my system wants to generate on Oct. 28 but as of now I'm just excited like hell. I've never seen Mike live and this is the closest thing I could ever get my 'michaelmania' so there's no stopping me.
It will be emotional, I'm sure. I think it will be extremely difficult sitting in that dark theater room and watching him do what he does best, knowing what is waiting for him next. I think for me, personally it will perhaps make the grieving worse. It's the knowing that those days were his last on earth that is gonna haunt me. I don't know, maybe it will help me move on. The funeral didn't it so maybe this will. I won't know until I see the footage.

But I'm glad that we will get to see a bit of the magic he had planned for us. That will give me joy. He would probably want us to get a glimpse of the spectacular show.

I'm gonna bring lots and lots of tissue. It will get heavy and painful.
Both. I NEED to see something new of his knowing that there'll never be anything new to come. But at the same time, the realization that this is the most recent piece of footage we'll EVER get is incredibly depressing.
i'm not sure, at times when I think about him I feel really sad, but when I listen to his music or watch the videos it makes me kind of smile cause those things will always be there, and it's like he's still around you know? For instance I can always go back at watch the motown 25th anniversay special, like that moment is frozen in time...
Right now I'd have to say I'm not ready to view TII yet. Perhaps by the time it hits theaters things will be different, I just don't know.

To be honest, if there's going to be a way to view it alone, in my home, is about the only way that might be emotionally tolerable in the near future. "Moving on" is slowly becoming reality, but I'm just not quite there yet. :no:
Thankyou for these wonderful replies. It's soothing to read them.
Depends on what we get to see. If we see a happy MJ, dancing like he always did, we know that he died a happy man and not the sad person the media wants us to believe he was.
worse. brings it all back again like after the 7th u had all the emotion but u felt slightly better as u moved away from that. then last week brought it all back again to many like it was june 25th/7th july again. i cant see this film doing anything but bringing it all back
It also depends what angle they take. I hope they at least have the integrity not to deliberately play on peoples emotions, for example showing footage of the funeral and memorial etc.

That isn't respectful to Michael's memory, it isn't fair on his children and family and the fans don't need to see that again.
Both. I NEED to see something new of his knowing that there'll never be anything new to come. But at the same time, the realization that this is the most recent piece of footage we'll EVER get is incredibly depressing.

Same here, I haven't really cried in a long time now, I've been down and sad, getting tears in my eyes thinking about him, seeing him on youtube. But i KNOW that seeing that movie I'm going to rock bottom again, its going to be so wierd knowing that this is the last time youll ever see some new recent footage of him....
What I think is most difficult now is the idea of never seeing anything new from Mike, in that sense that he will never do another interview again, never another photoshoot or a video.
I know he's made alot of songs after the Invincible album, but it wont be the same. I miss him..I really do. :cry:
I'm dreading it.

I hope I feel better about it by late October. I'm definitely going to see it, but the thought of seeing it right now depresses me.
its goning to hurt like hell all over again but i don't think i can't not see it.
its something i have to do.
I would feel worse not getting to see this now I know it exists.
I dont know.. My mood comes with waves... Sometimes I feel better somedays I feel like I wanna die..Im not sure what affect it will have on me.. Perhaps it can be quite comforting see him..