Do you think the King Of Pop Will be at the VMA Awards?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
I am hoping Michael will make a surprise appearance and the VMA awards is next month so hoping Michael will be there
Sorry mjjfan94 but the prefixs that you see when you post a thread is only for staff to use, but you may continue to discuss about the VMAS.
No, I don't believe he'll be there. Nothing's really happended yet musially so I don't see why he would show up.
I hope he goes. Debut performance of Akon and MJ doing Hold My Hand. Afterall, Akon's album will be out in Oct, and that means lead single out in Sept. Timing would be good.

I'd have MJ do this:

Open the show with a dance based "Thriller-medley" (because it is the 25th Anniversary of the awards AND of Thriller - great way to officially wind down T25 promotions and celebrations)
So the opening would be similar to MTV 95 where he reeled off a medley of older hits.

Then, like 95, perform something new from the charts like he did with YANA, but this time it would be Hold My Hand....

Thats my idea... I dont see how in any way that could be a bad idea. Like in 1995, he would only agree to perform if MTV sign a contract permitting NO ONE to make jokes about him. :)
cannot see it happening at all. Hold My Hand would have to start being played in high rotation in the next week at the latest to get the song out there.
cannot see it happening at all. Hold My Hand would have to start being played in high rotation in the next week at the latest to get the song out there.

not really... there are like 37 days til the awards.. thats what.. just over 5 weeks.. with a song as simple as Hold My Hand, it wouldnt need many weeks of play for people to warm to. Its such a basic song that you can learn it and love it quickly. I dont know anyone, apart from MJ fans who hate Akon, who doesnt like this song even after a single listen.
After what MTV did to him in 2002 with the whole Birthday Award crap, I wouldn't show up if I were him. He helped build that network, and for them to do that was horrible. But I know Michael Jackson is a kinder person than I am, so he'd probably give them "One More Chance."
^^ MJ has moved on with Sony and continued signing with them after their differences, so maybe MTV could be the same.

In my opinion, I doubt he will be there.
I'd like to see him perform. But I'd rather it be a a proper song off his new album, not a collaboration with Akon. "hold my hand" is ok, but it's nothing special IMO.
I'd like to see him perform. But I'd rather it be a a proper song off his new album, not a collaboration with Akon. "hold my hand" is ok, but it's nothing special IMO.

but thats the thing...

he doesnt need acceptance from a few MJ forum goers.. he needs it by the WORLD... and the response to this song has been incredible from a tiny leak... the song is simple. its not innovative. BUT, people LIKE it. thats all MJ needs to kick-start things. something for people to associate his name with the words "cool" or "like" or even "love"... "wow, u heard the MJ and Akon song? I love it!".. Rather than "wow, u see MJ in his PJ's in the wheelchair" haha:lol:

If people love their first impression of MJ, it gives him a better chance to achieve acceptance when HIS OWN new album and music comes out! (remembering 7 years since his last album means alot of young fans will have never had the opportunity to have ANY musical impression of Michael... TV shows like this, MTV awards, are the BEST way to showcase ur talent coz its FREE to view.. unlike something like T25 which u have to buy to appreciate)

Thats why I think doing MTV is a good idea... however, having said that I STILL dont think he will do it. I can justify why he should and shouldnt.. and I dont really care which he chooses. He knows what he is doing:)
Yeah, I'm really not going to say anything more. I don't have any right to tell him what he should do (not that i have) but he's been in the business long enough. He knows what he's doing, so good luck to him.

To be honest, if he does come out with this song with Akon just as a starter before he brings out a new album with incredible material then cool.. looking forward to it :)
Because the director of Sony BMG commercial music told me. And, theyre currently discussing having his upcoming album released via Sony BMG also.

You serious? Can you tell us more on what was said? or just an overview of what was said? Sorry, I've been away from this forum for a bit.
Really Damien? Hmm...

as far as the VMA's go... I'd say we just wait. If HMH is released sooner than we expected (before September), it would kinda make sense but right now it's an unsure thing.
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You serious? Can you tell us more on what was said? or just an overview of what was said? Sorry, I've been away from this forum for a bit.

He said nothing more. I have no other information apart from that he IS still, currently, right now signed with Sony BMG. I cant help you anymore than that:) Sorry!
I read somewhere yesterday that Akon was 'planning' to bring out Aquitted in October. So... possibly a radio release in August for HMH? and a single release in September? Very possible while he finishes up his 'last 2 songs' for the album.
I used the think the MTV Music Awards were cool (well the motion graphics still are), but now it's just an awards show to humiliate artists/acts and famous people. The MTV Music Awards has lost the prestige it once had, because it doesn't really celebrate music and talent anymore.
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well as far as i know MTV isn't under new management, Sony is...Tommy Matolla is gone...that's who MJ had the beef with, not sony itself. But MTV is still the same old crappy MTV and I hope MJ doesn't go on that show. lol

If he does than, whatever makes him happy...i'd be happy to see him on tv again...but i hope they dont screw him over.