Do You Think MJ Will Top HIStory?

So what would you guys who don't think Michael can sell X amount of copies of an album have said a year ago about Michael being able to sell out 50 concerts only in London?! I bet you wouldn't have thought so in a million years!
I don't care to be honest, as long as he makes a good record :) He doesn't need to top anything. If I enjoy the record, it just doesn't matter to me.

Same...but MJ seems to be very competitive, even against himself, so it's still kinda cool to see him knock things out of the park sometimes.

well, when MJ made the Thriller album, no one expected it to be the success it was. Afterall, how many copies had Off The Wall sold?

It's God who decides these things.

Before MJ did the HIStory album, i have seen that back then many in the media were saying how he is finished. Well, he came and blasted 28 million copies sold.

Before and after the trial, many were saying MJ is finished.
When MJ announced the concert, the Billboard editor as quoted as saying, the question is, who will ant to go and see Michael?

Then what happened? 50 sell-out shows, beyond anyone's expectation, with no album to promote.
And these are concerts in one country when MJ still has the capacity to put on a sell-out show in each country on the surface of the earth. That is about 200 more sell-out shows.

Now, some may say it's the digital age, but are there no records to set in the digital age?

Can MJ beat Thriller, well, only God knows because we also thought that MJ could put on more shows than Prince's 21 shows in O2, but no one thought he could more than double that.

So, when you talk of music sales, how much will the public want to get hold of a copy of MJ's last major album, whether in physical or digital format?

100% in agreement with your post...all points, but I want to add on to the bolded parts. I do think we have to realize that the industry as a whole has changed with the emergence of the digital age. Although MJ can never be counted out of bringing something new to the old arena, I don't think it's fair to specifically keep him in a box the standards have changed. There's the digital arena now and as you mentioned, there are many records to be set and/or broken there. So maybe instead of looking for MJ to break records ONLY in an arena that's just not set up to function the way it used to in the past, we should be looking forward to him possibly setting different records in a newer one. HOWEVER, if he kicks arse in both, we'll that'll be...another record. Yay him! Do I think he can do least in terms of topping History? I think if anyone can, it would have to be him. There's really no one out right now who can be fairly used as a measuring least when talking about MJ numbers. How long has it been since anyone put up MJ-type numbers? We're in an industry now where selling 5 million CDs is considered blockbuster.

As for bringing God into it, Imma have to agree with rsw22 and ATLF. God provided the talent so He has everything to do with it. And talent alone doesn't always guarantee success. There are many elements to success that go along with talent, imo. Timing and the inspiration to carry thru with that talent comes into play as well, imo. To add K.O.S' point, I think an audience also has to be ready and needy for that talent...which I feel was clearly shown with the demand for the 50 shows. MJ is halfway to the perfect moment. I don't mean to get religious up in here (cuz I know it's not something everyone is into and I respect that) but it IS Sunday, still, so what the hey... I believe God gives some ppl a gift/talent and when He feels the perfect moments have arrived for them to display that talent to a people who are in dire need of it, he gives the talented individuals the will or inspiration to follow thru. Unfortunately, you can have talented folks who a) have their gift overlooked due to bad timing or b) don't heed the call when the time is actually right...for whatever reason. There are plenty talented people living on the streets and you wonder HOW and why they've ended up there - having been blessed with the talent they have. So talent, alone, imho, isn't the main ticket to success. I sincerely believe it's a nexus of all the right elements coming together at the proper time, guided by a heavenly hand (free-will complying, of course). In short, don't count God out...if you have the slightest belief in Him at all. :flowers:

As long as he doesn't mime, he's topped HIStory in terms of performance by default.

Ouch! :fear:
Amen, Wendy! it aint all about talent alone. As you said, timing places a role too. And right now is Michael's time....have yall seen all the media reports on how the music from the 80s is back with a vengeance? So are the artists of the 80s. This is the perfect time for people like Michael and Whitney to jump in. Ever notice that when current affairs aren't going well for people (economy, recession, unemployment, uncertainty) they look back to the good times they had in the past. This is why I feel that if Michael's new music speaks to people where they are today and encourages them, he will do well. People want to hear and see him because he represents a better time in their lives.

So what would you guys who don't think Michael can sell X amount of copies of an album have said a year ago about Michael being able to sell out 50 concerts only in London?! I bet you wouldn't have thought so in a million years!

That's right, Stacy. I don't even believe that Michael and Randy Phillips thought he would sell out like this. That is why they started out with only 10 shows. And remember, there are still a couple mil people in that database who never got a ticket. In order for Michael to pick those people up, he will have to either extend this tour or tour somewheres close to London for these people to attend. This is just some amazing stuff happening, man.
Michael actually got his most postive media in years during the HIStory era, after the album was released. Michael looked very happy, and it was also a great time to be a fan with a billiant album, No.1 singles and a tour spanning from 1995 to 1997 with the Blood On The Dance Floor album and No.1 single. I have great memories of that era.
Yes, I got some 100% positive articles from during the HIStory era. :)
I also think he looked the happiest during those times when he was with LMP. I love the HIStory teaser, the songs, the album, the energy surrounding it, just amazing!! I miss it so much = (
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So what would you guys who don't think Michael can sell X amount of copies of an album have said a year ago about Michael being able to sell out 50 concerts only in London?! I bet you wouldn't have thought so in a million years!
Actually there is a thread with title Will MJ sell out concerts? Something along this line. Then, some fans suggested MJ to do a tour with his brothers or with Janet because they think MJ alone won't sell out. And, some said he should do arena because he won't sell out stadium and said he has smaller fanbase than madonna. Where are those fans now? Got to go find out that thread.
Actually there is a thread with title Will MJ sell out concerts? Something along this line. Then, some fans suggested MJ to do a tour with his brothers or with Janet because they think MJ alone won't sell out. And, some said he should do arena because he won't sell out stadium and said he has smaller fanbase than madonna. Where are those fans now? Got to go find out that thread.

Thanks, that would be interesting to see! lol.
Given that IF Mike has new material we don't have a clue what it will be no one can say what it will top. These days artists get famous on a better to burn out than fade away basis, FAST album sales that build quickly the fizzle out. Michael is more an edurance seller, people will bash an album because it hasn't touched Thriller and have the audacity to suggest he has failed simply because he set the highest standard possible in the first place.

When other so called hit albums have been forgotten about and peaked crashed n burned Michaels slowly but surely never get forgotten and build and build, like invincible a failure that soled millions of copies or the No 1s flop album that also over time has sold millions.

When Sony needs a sure fire income what do they do, push out a greatest hits because they know there are enough MJ fans will buy one even if they don't need to unwrap it.

Thriller is a benchmark but HE set it.
if theres a real label behind it as there was with history in europe then i dont see why not. the sales of vince showed that big sales are still there if the record label does its job
And who gave him that talent? Even Michael himself gives God credit for his talent.

Geez, just poo poo the entire prayer thread, will ya!! Michael says keep the faith. And that is exactly what is gonna get him through this thing. People have the freedom to believe what they want. When you say things like prayer don't help, you are criticizing people's belief system. Have some tolerance, please.

WHATEVER HAPPENS, Michael hasn't even set foot on the stage yet and he has already broken somebody's record. 50 sold out concerts in less than 5 hours. This is just a sign of things to come! I don't like to measure Michael's success by comparing his latest with his past efforts. So I'm not really looking back at History and no other album. I am looking forward to the NEW frontiers that Michael is gonna conquer.

Michael got his talent from his parents. They passed on their genes to Michael.

Just like my nephew got my brothers musical talent. He is one year now and started to walk, no run a few weeks ago. My brother told me he went to the stereo and tried to put on a CD. My brother put it on and the kid started to dance. 1 year old!

I love him so much.

And I disagree that people can not criticize a belief. Belief is not a virtue. It is a right, but not a virtue. Some people believe that spanking your kid is ok, but we don't let them say that for two seconds before we criticize their belief.

Not comparing the two though, just pointing out that people are free to believe what they want, and people are free to criticize a belief. It is how the world progress.
I agree if we arn't brave enough to question then we stay like monkeys lol.

I have faith and am comfortable enough with it to allow others to question it.
can we keep religious stuff in its own threads.


If we want to analyze Michaels chances of topping himself, I think the best way is to look at how he did it before, what is different about the music business today, and how the new generation of kids listening to music will view Michael.

Unfortunately, all the allegations and the tabloid bullshit these last years, have ruined it for Michael.

He will always be the biggest, and he will always draw a huge audience and sell millions of records. BUT, to many people view him as a child molestor and a freak. If Michael was never accused of these things, I think he would be bigger then he ever was.

Michael has always captured new generations of people listening to music.

His style of dancing is the first thing kids notice, and it makes sure he will always stay on top.

They always discover the dancing first, then the music.

Unfortunately, as long as the tabloids keep writing lies about Michael, and sheep like people keep believing it, Michael is going to have a hard time topping what he did in his prime.

It is not impossible. I have no doubt Michael can outdo himself artistically.

Michael is not the Titanic. He is the biggest, but he CAN'T sink. That is why he has survived all these years. He is THAT big.

Counts for something, right?
The new album will no doubt do better than Ibvincible - in sales anyway.

Hope it will be HUGE!
Do I think that Michael can top HIStory in terms of the quality of the songs and the songwriting..then definitely yes I think he can, he still has that fire and creativity inside of him and I think it will show through in the concerts and any new releases. Saleswise though I don't think it can beat HIStory (although I'm not going to rule it out completely) because the market has changed so much since then, illegal downloading has driven down record sales a lot but I still think that Michael's album will sell huge in this current market.
Sorry, forgive me. I'm the delusional one. I forgot that during the 80's and 90's the majority of people acquired their music online for free. You are right, I should have really thought this through.

Your argument and logic make much more sense now that I think about it. The new album will top Thriller.

OMFG! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
as an artist he might top anything, but it has happen too much in the last years..
although 50 sold out shows were quite surprising actually.
but i dont get what god has to do with the whole topic o_O
some people believe in god, others do not. so dont be disrespectful.
i personally agree that talent and using ones talent has nothing to do with god at all.. but thats because i dont believe in god lol
i read most of wat yall had to say and i think michael can top history thats in my heart and soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think he can top DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!! HIS 2ND BIGGEST ALBUM!!!!!!!!! i say this because us the fans we are dying for an mj record THE ANTICAPATION for this LONG AWAITED ALBUM when it finally comes its gonna be BANANAS......... the longer he says im working on new music all all the more the fans wait and that builds THE EXICTEMENT FOR US THE FANS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then the concerts i say he will top the sales of DANGEOROUS AROUND 30 MILLION WORLDWIDE
Well with the look he already topped dangerous xD
watch michael he is A GENIUS , he knows every time he says new music is coming we freak out!!!!!!!!!!!!! he be saying this eversince 2006 !!!!!!!!!!! that ANTICAPATION IS SICK !!!!!!!!!!!! the new album will do BEYOND HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!! remember TRELLJJ TOLD YA SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY THE REST OF JUNE AND GET READY FOR JULY !!!-TAKE CARE
MJ's new album is gonna be the bomb!!
its gonna be more than just a 1 disc set i think.
This album WILL top Thriller!!!!!!