do you think michaels new move...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
....we all heard about was that hand hip thing he does in the human nature clip!!! LOL it was definitly enetertaining!!!! 'the flip-flap'
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....we all heard about was that hand hip thing he does in the human nature clip!!! LOL it was definitly enetertaining!!!!

no lol he just playing around , having fun .. hope u not serious lol
why is it not funny its hilarious im not disrespecting mike I have the upmost respect for him, he would probably wet himself if he watched it back, we need to enjoy and embrace michaels legacy and having a sense of humour isnt a bad thing.
I almost cried laughin'. It was defintiley entertaining! but I think it aint the new move, c'mon be HONEST to yourself, wha kinda move is that?
i dont really think it was his new move, but its awesome!!
Oh my god. I hope they don't include that in the film.
In fact, even though I liked the fact he was singing live (and it was good) I hated all the moevements he was making. It was all a bit pointless and too feminine. Maybe they could just play the audio over a different clip. LOL
i shall name michaels new move the 'flip flap hip hand wiggle' the 'flip flap' for short.
^ Pointless and Feminine - MJ does whatever felt natural, and that came naturally, I love seeimg Michael improvise to his music.
'flip flap hip hand wiggle' :lmao: good one! Imma use that to, credits to ya.

(OK I need to stop this, it's becoming an addiction :p)

(OK I need to stop this, it's becoming an addiction :p)

nah, I think it NEVER gets old.

and in the sense of celebrating Mike's sense of humor, then I'll agree - it's funny. I just get really bothered with ppl who are like OMG what's that, why is he dancing like that? That's not him...and alike drama queens.
nah, I think it NEVER gets old.

and in the sense of celebrating Mike's sense of humor, then I'll agree - it's funny. I just get really bothered with ppl who are like OMG what's that, why is he dancing like that? That's not him...and alike drama queens.

I don't know if he's joking or not, I just think it's a funny move - like the uncomfortable crotch grab in "Wanna be startin' something". :p

However, I don't think he'd keep this move after watching the playback.
It's just, we're making fun of a fun move - nothing more, nothing less :D
Maybe he just needed to shake things a little, and used his hand to throw us off? :lol: :ph34r:
award for 'one of the best dance moves ever' goes to michael jackson with the moonwalk

award for 'one of the worst (but undeniably funny) moves goes to michael jackson with the flip-flap
It wasnt a move lol

I think it was just a stage signal to tell the cameraman to move back. If your on stage in the middle of a show, you cant just stop and tell a cameraman to move back so I guess they have special signals. This was to tell the cameraman to move back.

If you watch Billie Jean from the 1st show of the 30th anniversary shows, he points upwards to cue for his live vocals. It passes of as merely a dance move but really he is signifying to turn of the vocals.

The funniest bit about that animation is the 'im really happy for you' bit lmao.
Hahahahahaha! Thats hilarious! No, i really really do not think that is his new move, i mean Michael Jackson moves are usually moves that many people find difficult to master...a 2 year old can do that!! Aww i love it, i love him- so cute though :)

Your right, it never gets boring. Bless him.
What yall talking about? It's a great move!!!!

At least it's one I can learn too!
whahahaaaa omg so funny! It's the FLIPFLAP yall! But seriously, I know what he does: he's portraying the swooshing sound that's there at that time in the song, it's there on other tours too, just go watch youtube, you'll know what I mean. Ahh, our Michael always becomes the music when he hears it, even in his head. So if there's supposed to be a swoosh swoosh, that that's what he does! I call it the SWOOSHSWOOSH! :D

(OK I need to stop this, it's becoming an addiction :p)

:toofunny: I don't think that's the new move. I hope not. I don't think there has even been confirmation there will be a new move has there? Well if there is one, I hope it will be amazing, like "Motown 25" amazing. I wasn't alive for the Motown 25, so it would be cool if I could have like a "Motown 25 moment."