Do you think Michael will ever put the word "sex" in the title of his song?

Like for example Marvin Gaye has "Sexual Healing"..

I heard a rumor he would have had a song called "Sex Manual", but I don't know if it's true.

Explain something to me Topflux. How come it's always and only you hears all this kind of rumors, and we all leave in the shadow of not knowing anything?
Sex manu-- I didn't read that :blink: Sounds like an unreleased Janet track :shifty:

As for the rest of this thread, go on :giggle:
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Don't stop til you get enough, how could I forget that one,.

Ooooh I love how Michael references to sex without really saying the word...using metaphors and inuendos. I LOOOVE that. It's so creative and actually, even more sexy.

DSTYGE is one of my favorites lol. :p

These lyrics aint SEXUAL enough for you??? lol! If so yall are some nasty ppl.. ha ha!! ;)


He wanna do it up keep it high
Deep in the night
He wanna eye ball
Get hard
Playing it right

He wanna turn the key
Hurt the sheets
Move to the left
He wanna hot scrub
Hot love
Making it wet

Johnny's begging pretty please
(Keep the brother on his knees)

And some need the WORD sex in there??? ha ha!!

lol true.
Explain something to me Topflux. How come it's always and only you hears all this kind of rumors, and we all leave in the shadow of not knowing anything?

I can't explain that. There are still many people at Sony who know what Michael is doing. And I'm not the only one who is hearing similar rumours. It happens all the time with Michael. How much do we know really? It's always rumoured he is here and there but usually he is nowhere said in rumours. It's been rumoured about the new album but you still haven't heard anything official really. But you will hear sooner or later.
Then if they need to hear songs blatantly sexual they can go listen to lots of songs by other artists. There is sooooooooooo many to choose from nowadays lol.
But I understand you point but if hes not usually like that then they should just be happy with the lyrics he writes/sings its not as if hes had a bunch or dirty songs and suddenly decided not to sing like that anymore so you know

I didn't mean anything "dirty". Sex doesn't have to be "dirty". For example Gaye's "Sexual Healing" isn't dirty.
There is a lot of sex in Billie jean. Any body should know that all that dancing on the floor in a round is euphimism for sexual activities.

In the round generally means in the middle of of a group of people watching you.

"Where we danced on the floor in the round" means they were on a dance floor surrounded by people. I don't think he would be referencing them having sex in the middle of a dance floor where everyone can see them, lol.

WHen he sings "She called me to her room", that's the sexual reference. He met her on a dance floor. I don't think he uses the word dance as a reference to sex in that song at all.
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Guys whilst it's ok to discuss this topic in regards to Michael's music, please don't let it cross over into his personal life. If you can stay on the path you guys are already on this thread will be fine :flowers:

Also please refrain from personally attacking each other. ;)
This topic reminds me of this article:

"[FONT=&quot]"Thriller" was mostly about romance. He sang from the heart with one girlfriend as his "Pretty Young Thing" and promising a gal that she'll always be "The Lady in My Life." Jackson also aimed messaged to young men. In "Billie Jean" he warned young adults to think twice about unprotected sex.


[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Reflecting over 25 years in pop, we miss the heartfelt innocence of "Thriller."
Sure, rock ’n’ roll was built on double entendres.
But today’s artists rely too much on references to body parts, particularly below the waist.
We long for the time when Michael Jackson referred to just one body part: the heart."[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I like that article. It's simple & positive & true! :happy:. And I love that MJ's never too explicit. It definitely is more sexy when you hint subtly and leave the rest to imagination. All I know is songs like 'Lady in my Life' & 'Break of Dawn' & 'Butterflies' make me go all sorts of warm & tingly inside :blush: :swoon:. Soooo many of today's songs are just too much. And what's worse is that they can be so catchy and you don't even know what you're singing or bopping along to. Some songs are just so NASTY! I was so disappointed to learn that Akon's 'I Wanna Love You' radio song was really 'I Wanna F*** You' -_-. I didn't know 80% of those lyrics either - I just liked the chorus! And that ends up being the case for a lot of songs for a lot of people. If Mikey just keeps it real like he always has, then I don't think he'll need to put 'sex' in the title - that should never be an actual objective by the way, just a byproduct of what you're creating. And I should hope that he wouldn't want to either because it does separate him from the pack. His music does create great imagery and have double meanings as some of you guys have said, so I kinda feel like it would be a little below him to get real straightforward - if that were the case.

And if we really need to hear something of the sort, well we already got saying "I can be your sex machine" in the P.Y.T. remix this year :cheeky:.

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Looks to the left and the right ummm, wow 5 pages. I got some reading to do. Moving this to Groove section.
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"Sex Manual"???

That's what this thread is turning into with it's tutorials on lyrics... lol
I can't even listen to songs that get too explict because they just sound stupid. Even if the melody is good or it's catchy, as soon as the singer sings some ridiculous, oversexed part, I just roll my eyes.
I don't think he ever will. He doesn't really talk about sex in public, he always goes like ''Ooh, I'm emberassed''. I think it also has to do that a lot of children listen to his music, I mean that's the group he wants to reach most right, so he'll probably never will and I'm just fine with that because I can't imagine something like ''Michael Jackson-Sex bladiebla'', that's just not him. I think he was having a hard time already with the ''In The Closet'' lyrics and I don't think he will push it any further.:p
I should've known this. You couldn't have a conversation right way.. :(
No, I can't see him putting the word sex in a song title, he's not that kind of artist.
I was so disappointed to learn that Akon's 'I Wanna Love You' radio song was really 'I Wanna F*** You'

Same here. I was watching down the street and this dude was blasting that song and when I read the real lyrics, I was personally insulted and in some ways, violated. It is a shame that most of the artists today cannot let the listener just IMAGINE what they are listening to. Some of these artists want to be explicit when it comes to sex. It is really sad.

I should've known this. You couldn't have a conversation right way

Alright, you are posting rumors about MJ having a song called Sex Manual and not really backing up what you are saying. Then, you want to complain that you knew that we couldn't have a conversation right away? People are just stating opinions and thoughts, that is all. I mean, what more do you want?
In the round generally means in the middle of of a group of people watching you.

"Where we danced on the floor in the round" means they were on a dance floor surrounded by people. I don't think he would be referencing them having sex in the middle of a dance floor where everyone can see them, lol.

WHen he sings "She called me to her room", that's the sexual reference. He met her on a dance floor. I don't think he uses the word dance as a reference to sex in that song at all.

DANCE has a double meaning in this song. This is why the song is so clever. Michael used the world DANCE as a euphemism for sex. He told Will.I.Am that 'rock and roll' was used instead of sex. MJ changes this up and uses 'dance'. Read the lyrics again and you will see that it tells a story about a casual relationship between a couple who met at a dance hall, yes, but they ended up 'dancing on the floor' until 3. She told my baby we 'danced till 3'...then showed a photo of baby crying, his eyes looked like mine, CAUSE we danced on the floor in a round.

The dancing was that of a sexual nature, the girl now blames him for the result and he is in denial. He did go there, just this one night. She was not his lover.Just a one night stand. :D
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I don't think Mike would put 'Sex' in the title, all out there like that. :lol: you know he likes to get all philosophical with his lyrics and sh!t.

"Close your eyes.
Let your expectations fade.
I’m your favorite memory.
Remember me.
Never again have you felt this way.
Lets improvise.
If you know how baby.
I can be you everything." - (Imagination by Floetry)

Now I could see MJ singin' somethin like that :blush:
DANCE has a double meaning in this song. This is why the song is so clever. Michael used the world DANCE as a euphumism for sex. He told Will.I.Am that rock and roll was used instead of sex. MJ changes this up and uses 'dance'. Read the lyrics again and you will see that it tells a story about a causual relationship between a couple who met at a dance all, yes, but they ended up 'dancing on the floor' until 3. She told my baby we danced till 3...then showed a photo of baby crying, his eyes looked like mine, CAUSE we danced on the floor in a round.

The dancing was that of a sexual nature, the girl now blames him for the result and he is in denial. he did go there, just this one night. She was not his lover.Just a one night stand. :D

Oh, yeah, I guess you're right, lol. That is clever.
Oh, yeah, I guess you're right, lol. That is clever

Oh wow, you admitted that someone's was right. That is amazing. :)

Now I could see MJ singin' somethin like that

Same here. That is totally Michael.
Michael has a lot of hints about making love in his songs.his lyrics are very,very sensual a lot of times.but this direct talk,letting nothing for the imagination, is too dirty and vulgar for him!
and come on,don't take everything so serious;-)
With no disrespect intended to anyone...

First and foremost: There is a very "BIG" difference in making Love than "just" having sex...

Second: What happens privately between a man and a woman, man and a man, woman and a women is their deal and should always stay privately between them...period..!

Third: Personally, I am very comfortable about my sexuality, talking about sex, it's human nature, and a part of life.

Four: Since 92/93 finding myself back into the single scene; so many men were/are skirt chasers, trying to get another notch in their bed post...most not all men seem to look at is the physical attributes of a person...

For me: I am truly impressed by a man/men when they are more interested in the "inside beauty" of person...Physical attributes can feel more like a curse than an asset...

If we as a society were more open, honest, text "EDUCATE", with our younger folks when they ask questions about sexuality, there would NOT be so many children having children..!

HEAL THE WORLD~~~"Education Is The Key"
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yep, topflux, i must agree with Bee who said " Considering the fact that it would be awkward for anyone to have an in depth convo about sex with a sibling."

I would not, never, ever!! You??

anyway i do think that journalists often ask questions that no decent human being would ever address to any person who is not a very close friend.

cheers, bb