Do you think Michael will ever put the word "sex" in the title of his song?

Pretty young thing(PYT) is a very rude song. 'It has all the hallmark of sex, without the word. Then there is Rock with you. Lady in my life,Break of Dawn and many more. Pure sex. No need to mention the word. Just leaving somethings for the imagination you know, so that grandma's and children wonyt feel too embarrassed.
Yeah, but those are all songs Michael didn't write, lol.

Sh*t, all I'm saying is Michael, from what we've seen, doesn't like to talk about it directly or in detail. And there's nothing weird or wrong with that.
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I always thought those BOTDF songs are AGAINST the sex. Wasn't BOTDF itself dedicated to some hiv patients. I found those songs as an enlightment, what you shouldn't do.

But actually it would be nice to hear more open songs like "Break Of Dawn" and where he talks about the everyday sex between men and women more frankly.
He did that with "In The Closet". Half of Michael's songs reference or are about sex in some way, he just does it vaugly and tastefully, never directly or literally.
Pretty young thing(PYT) is a very rude song. 'It has all the hallmark of sex, without the word. Then there is Rock with you. Lady in my life,Break of Dawn and many more. Pure sex. No need to mention the word. Just leaving somethings for the imagination you know, so that grandma's and children wonyt feel too embarrassed.

Right. I forgot about PYT.

BTW, MJ does not have to write a song to know what the song is about. He still sang the song. MJ wrote songs, (didn't he write ITC) that was about sex. Heck, I still can't listen to ITC because of the content. LOL.

Yeah but, its not.......I mean in comparision they arent as filthy as say listing to something that other artists lyrics about sex. Thats what I mean and thats what I like about MJs songs they aint filthy

That is what I thought. I see what you are saying. I can't even listen to that one Kels song (R. Kelly) when he was talking about sex. LOL. I know he did a lot, but it was that one song..... damn, I forgot. LOL.

But actually it would be nice to hear more open songs like "Break Of Dawn" and where he talks about the everyday sex between men and women more frankly

I wouldn't mind if MJ did his own version of "Would You Mind" from Janet. LOL! :wild: Hehehehehe. Hmmm, as for BOD, it was a nice song and MJ was getting............all in the covers. He was feeling that song.
One more thing to note is, in most of Michael's song's where he references or talks about sex, he comes at the subject from a more mature, in depth level, usually intertwining the subject with themes of betrayle, fear, mistrust, etc... He hardly ever actually just sings about sex as a subject matter, he uses it as a catalyst for other, deeper themes generally.
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He did that with "In The Closet". Half of Michael's songs reference or are about sex in some way, he just does it vaugly and tastefully, never directly or literally.

Well, I don't think singing mysteriously about everything isn't always tasteful. There are also audiences who want lyrics more frankly. Like "Billie Jean" for example is more frank than many others his songs. Its lyrics are much clearer than for example Superfly Sister's or In The Closet's.
It's more tasteful to hint at something then say "I want you to ram me hard", like Janet might sing, lol. "Billie Jean" alludes to sex, he never says anything about it directly in that song. It's clear what he's singing about, but it's allusions, not direct. And like I said above, sex is usually a catalyst subject he ueses for more interesting subjects. "Billie Jean" included. The song isn't about sex, it's about how a woman uses an affair to falesly accuse someone of something.
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Well, I don't think singing mysteriously about everything isn't always tasteful. There are also audiences who want lyrics more frankly. Like "Billie Jean" for example is more frank than many others his songs. Its lyrics are much clearer than for example Superfly Sister's or In The Closet's.
You mean, ytou need to be spoon fed? You do not understand metaphors?:tease:
ITC was about sex. The way I listened to the song, it was about sex. Of course, the title of the song was assuming something else, but listening to the song and seeing the video, it was indeed, imo, about sex. He was not in your face about it, like Kels or Janet was/is but he was in depth about it.

Oh yes, the song, "She Drives Me Wild" had something to with sex. He even mentioned something about having a mojo in his pocket and got it ready doe something, something, something. I forget the rest of the lyrics to that song.

You mean, ytou need to be spoon fed? You do not understand metaphors?

Yeah, I think that is what it is for Topflux. For some reason, he can't take the metaphors. LOL. I like the way MJ does that with his songs. I know what he is talking about after listening to the song.
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It's more tasteful to hint at something then say "I want you to ram me hard", like Janet might sing, lol. "Billie Jean" alludes to sex, he never says anything about it directly in that song. It's clear what he's singing about, but it's allusions, not direct. And like I said above, sex is usually a catalyst subject he ueses for more interesting subjects. "Billie Jean" included. The song isn't about sex, it's about how a woman uses an affair to falesly accuse someone of something.

Or it's about a man in denial.:yes:
It's more tasteful to hint at something then say "I want you to ram me hard", like Janet might sing, lol. "Billie Jean" alludes to sex, he never says anything about it directly in that song. It's clear what he's singing about, but it's allusions, not direct. And like I said above, sex is usually a catalyst subject he ueses for more interesting subjects. "Billie Jean" included. The song isn't about sex, it's about how a woman uses an affair to falesly accuse someone of something.

Yes, it's another one of those "educating" songs. But the story is more frank. I think if Billie Jean was made nowadays there would be more sex. Because without sex the whole story wouldn't have happened.
Yeah, I think that is what it is for Topflux. For some reason, he can't take the metaphors. LOL. I like the way MJ does that with his songs. I know what he is talking about after listening to the song.
I think it also lets you take away more than one meaning for a song too. like some songs may be about sex but I can read them as something else it makes them interesting. Hes good at that, hinting making you think its nice
Or it's about a man in denial.:yes:

Be careful what you say, be carefu what you do, because a LIE becomes the truth", lol. It's about how everyone believes the girl even though she's lying. Michael said it's about girls who involved themselves with his brothers growing up or tried to claim they fathered their children when they didn't. Of course, there's also the story about the crazy chick named Billie Jean who said Michael was the father of one of her twins.
There is a lot of sex in Billie jean. Any body should know that all that dancing on the floor in a round is euphimism for sexual activities.
Not me, but someone else out there.. All the most common people.
Then if they need to hear songs blatantly sexual they can go listen to lots of songs by other artists. There is sooooooooooo many to choose from nowadays lol.
But I understand you point but if hes not usually like that then they should just be happy with the lyrics he writes/sings its not as if hes had a bunch or dirty songs and suddenly decided not to sing like that anymore so you know
Actually, the word DANCE comes up quite often in MJ songs and titles. MJ told that Rock and roll is euphormism for sex because the word was forbidden in the 50's.
I actually think that MJ uses the word 'dance' as a metaphor for sex.
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I think it also lets you take away more than one meaning for a song too. like some songs may be about sex but I can read them as something else it makes them interesting. Hes good at that, hinting making you think its nice

True. I was just about to say that MJ keeps us guessing. However, usually I tend to believe what makes sense to me. LOL.

Any body should know that all that dancing on the floor in a round is euphimism for sexual activities.

Yeah, but it can also mean that literally the man is dancing on the floor with the girl. "Billie Jean" is basically about the baby momma dramas. It could also mean that the man is in denial of the chilld because usually when a woman that a man had a fling with ends up pregnant and tells the man, that man would initially deny it. Why? Because he does not have a relationship with the woman and the man is not married to the woman. So, the denial part makes sense. The man didn't take a DNA test (I doubt they existed in the 1980's) to know if he was indeed the father.
True. I was just about to say that MJ keeps us guessing. However, usually I tend to believe what makes sense to me. LOL.

Yeah I love Mjs songs they just take you places, they set a mood and the beats can create a scenario in themselves. Maybe thats just for me but if I'm really just chilling man his songs can take me away. But thats not the topic so I should shut up b/c I could go on forever about his songs and mood and imagery
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True. I was just about to say that MJ keeps us guessing. However, usually I tend to believe what makes sense to me. LOL.

Yeah, but it can also mean that literally the man is dancing on the floor with the girl. "Billie Jean" is basically about the baby momma dramas. It could also mean that the man is in denial of the chilld because usually when a woman that a man had a fling with ends up pregnant and tells the man, that man would initially deny it. Why? Because he does not have a relationship with the woman and the man is not married to the woman. So, the denial part makes sense. The man didn't take a DNA test (I doubt they existed in the 1980's) to know if he was indeed the father.
This is why BJ is such a clever song because it deals with both sides of the issue, so if the man thought he got off scotfree when he denied that the child was his, then he needs to look at the picture of the kid, cause the eyes says different and they did Dance on the floor in a round:doh:
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With all MJs hints and metaphors I feel sorry for his kids if he tells them a story at bed time. They'll probably be up all night just trying to figure out the meaning(s) lol ...........No :p
They'd be used to it by now. They are very clever too.
Yeah I love Mjs songs they just take you places, they set a mood and the beats can create a scenario in themselves.

Same here. A lot of songs do that to me.

so if the man thought he got off scotfree when he denied that the child was his, then he needs to look at the picture of the kid, cause the eyes says different and they did Dance on the floor in a round

Oh yes, I see what you are saying. However, the man can also be in denial because he might have heard rumors that the woman sleeps around. Yeppers.

I think MJ could make a song with sex in the title but the lyrics would be so complex you could believe it werent even about sex at all lol

Yeah, like he did with ITC. It would be called S.E.X. Stop Explaining Xandax. LOL!! You know what I mean?

BTW, I think MJ reads books to his children. LOL. I do not know, I am just saying.