Do you think Michael will ever put the word "sex" in the title of his song?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Like for example Marvin Gaye has "Sexual Healing"..

I heard a rumor he would have had a song called "Sex Manual", but I don't know if it's true.
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Yeah, he's gonna remake "Sex Shooter" by Appollonia 6, and George Michael's "I Want Your Sex". :p
No, lol. Didn't Janet say recently that Michael get's hugely embarrassed every time she tries to talk to him about sex? lol.
That's not recently. :mello:

..:hysterical: Well, aw, it's still cute.

And no, I don't think Michael will put the word sex in the title. :mello:
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Well, I meant in the last year or so. Here's the transcript, actually.

So how did you find out what was going on?

My brother Mike and I were very close at the time, so he was the one who told me. Now don't forget, he's very young at this point too, so he's teaching me whatever it is he knows about it.

Can you imagine any situtation where you'd have an in-depth sex talk with Michael now?

No. (laughs) I think he'd be too embarassed.

One of my favourite songs on the new album is 'Enjoy' It reminds me of "escapade" - era Janet.

This song was hard for me to sing. I recorded it the night before I was go to Michael's ranch. That's when we were waiting for the jury to come back with a verdict. It was nerve-racking because he was on my mind a great deal. I cried in the studio while I was singing that song.
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I am not trying to be mean at all but what the heck is up with this topic? What kind of game are you playing, Topflux? I have noticed that you tend to make threads about really petty and unfunny things without any substance. Almost every week, you tend to make a thread about something so unusual and distrubing. Just stating.

Can you imagine any situtation where you'd have an in-depth sex talk with Michael now?

No. (laughs) I think he'd be too embarassed.

That doesn't mean that he never had an in depth conversation with his sister about sex. Considering the fact that it would be awkward for anyone to have an in depth convo about sex with a sibling. Janet is not MJ's woman, she is his sister and I do not think anyone would expect MJ to have an in depth convo about sex with Janet. The whole question was distrubing, just like what this thread is going to become. Also, it was more of her opinion than actual fact because she said that she thinks instead of she knows.
Doesn't this deal with Michael's personal life? :mello: I thought this was prohibited or something. It looks like the thread is heading that way.. like.. c'mon. Sex. lol
Wondering about Michael having the word in the title of his songs.. and? lol
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LOL @ Janet. The last thing I'd do is want to talk to my brother about sex.

As for this thread, what the hell? lol. Go listen to Break of Dawn or something.
I am not trying to be mean at all but what the heck is up with this topic? What kind of game are you playing, Topflux? I have noticed that you tend to make threads about really petty and unfunny things without any substance. Almost every week, you tend to make a thread about something so unusual and distrubing. Just stating.

That doesn't mean that he never had an in depth conversation with his sister about sex. Considering the fact that it would be awkward for anyone to have an in depth convo about sex with a sibling. Janet is not MJ's woman, she is his sister and I do not think anyone would expect MJ to have an in depth convo about sex with Janet. The whole question was distrubing, just like what this thread is going to become. Also, it was more of her opinion than actual fact because she said that she thinks instead of she knows.
I agree. Also, janet didn't say that Michael was embarrassed, she said she "THINK' he would be. Any adult sibling would be embarrassed to have indept convo about sex with each other. Why should they do that.
It should just be fun, but some people have to get all defensive and weird and act like we're trying to paint Michael as sexless. I just posted what Janet said, lol. SHE said he would be too embarrassed to talk in depth about it. She's his sister. She know's him better then any of us, lol.

Michael's never made a direct reference to sex except for in I think "She Got It". Half of his songs deal with the subject, but he never actually says it. So in likelyhood, realistically, he won't ever put the word in a song title, lol. That doesn't mean he won't sing about it, since he does all the time. Jeez people, lighten the heck up.
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Why is it important that michael has the word in the title of one of his songs.
Will you rest better at night michael put sex in the title of one of his songs. Go play a video game if you bored. Better yet read a book or something.

Peeps seriously start to go off their rocker when it gets quiet.
It should just be fun, but some people have to get all defensive and weird. I just posted what Janet said, lol. SHE said he would be too embarrassed to talk in depth about it. She's his sister. She know's him better then any of us, lol.

Michael's never made a direct reference to sex except for in I think "She Got It". Half of his songs deal with the subject, but he never actually says it. So in likelyhood, realistically, he won't ever put the word in a song title, lol. That doesn't mean he won't sing about it, since he does all the time. Jeez people, lighten the heck up.
No, she said, she THINKS, he would be too enbarrassed. There is a difference. One is an opinion, the other is fact.
Thinks, knows, whatever. What's the point in harping on symantics when we all know what she meant. She was saying how, in her experience, she thought Michael would react if she tried to broach the subject with him. And she's someone who talks openly about sex all the time. Dang people, for real, I posted it just because I thought it was cute. Michael's acted embarrassed before when people brought sex up with him. There's nothing weird about that either. It just shows he want's to keep that kind of thing private.
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Thinks, knows, whatever. She was saying how, in her experience, she thought Michael would react if she tried to broach the subject with him. And she's someone who talks openly about sex all the time. Dang people, for real, I posted it just because I thought it was cute. Michael's acted embarrassed before when people brought sex up with him. There's nothing weird about that either. It just shows he want's to keep that kind of thing private.
She would have been contradicting herself because she just told everyone that MJ was the one who told her about the birds and the bees. But again, she was only saying what she thinks, not what actually happened. i doubt she would want to speak to her brother about sex now. Even though I happen to believe that MJ is quite open with his thoughts on sex. I don't believe he would be embarrassed at all. he is just not crude.
When janet had her superbowl moment, he was surprisingly quite matter of fact about it and didn't see what all the fuss was about.
Mike shys away from even saying the word.. Telling Bashir not to say it on TV.. loL!
Oh brother. :smilerolleyes:

I'm not trying to paint Michael to be some naive innocent over here. I'm just saying what Janet said and how Michael's ACTUALLY reacted to it in the past. That's all we have to go off of. Janet was what, 10, and Michael was what, 17 when they had the conversation about "the birds and the bees", lol. I doubt either of them actually talked graphic details, lol.

Why the hell do ya'll have to be so serious about this? What's more, what's wrong with not wanting to talk openly about sex or get in-depth about it? Janet was saying Michael would probably be too embarrassed to have an IN-DEPTH conversation about it. I see nothing strange about that and I just brought it up as a reason for why I doubt Michael would ever put the word sex in the title of one of his songs. That and he never has in a 40 year plus career, so...
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No I dont think he would ever put that in a title. He never seems to have overly sexual songs and his songs about sex or whatever tend to be stated in a more tasteful way than other artist, if that makes sense. But then again it would all depend on what the song was about just having the word sex in the title doesnt mean it will be a very sexual song or whatever. But I doubt it
I am not trying to be mean at all but what the heck is up with this topic? What kind of game are you playing, Topflux? I have noticed that you tend to make threads about really petty and unfunny things without any substance. Almost every week, you tend to make a thread about something so unusual and distrubing. Just stating.

I don't understand. This is a very normal topic. And every topic really doesn't have to be "funny". I don't see why this topic would be "petty and unfunny".

lol And why on earth should I just talk about "usual" things. No one would be posting here if it was all about "usual" things all the time.

What's so "disturbing" in this thread? This topic came into my mind when I was listening Marvin Gaye's songs and Prince's songs.
Datsmay can I ask you what you mean??

Well maybe I should have been more clear...

If Michael will shy from saying the word ON TELIVISION.. he would shy from saying it in music..

Not that he shy's away from the word sex, or sex itself.. I think we all know MJ has sexual thoughts.. lol!

And I think it's sexier in music to tangel it, but not indulge.. Listen to the words he uses in his songs.. He grazes sexaul topics, makes it more seductive than SEX.. That makes people drawn in more...

He's used the word sex before though...
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Why is it important that michael has the word in the title of one of his songs.
Will you rest better at night michael put sex in the title of one of his songs. Go play a video game if you bored. Better yet read a book or something.

Peeps seriously start to go off their rocker when it gets quiet.

I didn't say anything about it being "important". lol There are much more important things. I was just asking do you think he will ever do that.
Datsmay can I ask you what you mean??

Well maybe I should have been more clear...

If Michael will shy from saying the word ON TELIVISION.. he would shy from saying it in music..

Not that he shy's away from the word sex, or sex itself.. I think we all know MJ has sexual thoughts.. lol!

And I think it's sexier in music to tangel it, but not indulge.. Listen to the words he uses in his songs.. He grazes sexaul topics, makes it more seductive than SEX.. That makes people drawn in more...

He's used the word sex before though...

That's all I was saying KOPV, but people just lose their minds if they think you're trying to make Michael out to be asexual.

And yeah, he's used the word before, but rarely, lol.
These lyrics aint SEXUAL enough for you??? lol! If so yall are some nasty ppl.. ha ha!! ;)


He wanna do it up keep it high
Deep in the night
He wanna eye ball
Get hard
Playing it right

He wanna turn the key
Hurt the sheets
Move to the left
He wanna hot scrub
Hot love
Making it wet

Johnny's begging pretty please
(Keep the brother on his knees)

And some need the WORD sex in there??? ha ha!!
It should just be fun, but some people have to get all defensive and weird and act like we're trying to paint Michael as sexless. I just posted what Janet said, lol. SHE said he would be too embarrassed to talk in depth about it. She's his sister. She know's him better then any of us, lol.

Michael's never made a direct reference to sex except for in I think "She Got It". Half of his songs deal with the subject, but he never actually says it. So in likelyhood, realistically, he won't ever put the word in a song title, lol. That doesn't mean he won't sing about it, since he does all the time. Jeez people, lighten the heck up.

It is not fun when you want to assume that MJ doesn't have an indepth convo with his sexually charged sister, Janet. She clearly stated that she THINKS that MJ would be embarassed. She basically said, to me, anyway, to people that MJ doesn't talk about sex. I didn't like that ish. Janet is not MJ's woman. Janet is his sister. LOL. I mean, he changed her diaper!! LOL. I do not even talk sex with my twin and we were in the same womb. LOL. I mean, maybe MJ talks about sex with his homies or his brothers, but his sister? A female that is not his woman? Come on.

I am one of those "some people" who have to be all "defenisive". I can see MJ as a sexfull dude who can be horny at times. But there is a time and place for things. I am actually shocked that you are saying this, Nicole, because I usually expected you to be the defensive one. LOL. Damn, maybe I need to expect the unexpected with you.

Now, SHE SAID THAT SHE THINKS, not what she knows. Yeah, she would know MJ better than any of us. But we are not talking about that. She always said that she and MJ shared secrets with one another and when an interviewer was nosy and asked her what they were, she told the interviewer that she is not going to tell him/her.

MJ has been singing about sex since the OTW era. I know these things, Nicole, I am a fan as well. Dang, why must you always try to educated fans that know the same things that you know? Just asking.

I do not see the point of this thread. When I read it, it bothered me a little bit because MJ does not have to put "sex" in his song to make it sexy. He doesn't need to be all smutty about it. Just saying.

Carry on.
Thinks, knows, whatever. What's the point in harping on symantics when we all know what she meant. She was saying how, in her experience, she thought Michael would react if she tried to broach the subject with him. And she's someone who talks openly about sex all the time. Dang people, for real, I posted it just because I thought it was cute

Thinks and knows are two different things. So, it wouldn't be "whatever". She meant, her opinion because she said that she thinks. If she know for a fact, she would have said, "know". She didn't. If you think that was cute, fine. but I find it laughable. Michael never needs to lower himself to be asked such a question about his siblings. Yeah, MJ shys away from the "sex" word because this society is obessed with sex and talk about so openly as if it was something that was not meant to be private between two people.

I'm not trying to paint Michael to be some naive innocent over here. I'm just saying what Janet said and how Michael's ACTUALLY reacted to it in the past. That's all we have to go off of. Janet was what, 10, and Michael was what, 17 when they had the conversation about "the birds and the bees", lol. I doubt either of them actually talked graphic details, lol

Interesting. No offense, but don't you usually paint MJ as this naive, innocent man child in most if not ALL of your posts? I read every posts on here and you are one of the main ones that does that on here. Just stating the facts. When MJ was 17, according to Tatum O'Neil in her book, she stated that MJ always talked about sex with her. Now, she stated that as a fact, not an opinion.

He never seems to have overly sexual songs

Are you serious? Listen to ITC, RWY, BOD, LIML, that is all I can think of. LOL.

He wanna do it up keep it high
Deep in the night
He wanna eye ball
Get hard
Playing it right

He wanna turn the key
Hurt the sheets
Move to the left
He wanna hot scrub
Hot love
Making it wet

I am not even gonna lie, if I heard the song, I wouldn't know what he was talking about.
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