Do you think Michael ever reads this website?

I'm sure he knows about the mj sites on the web, even this one. But probably once in a blue moon (meaning rarely) when he has time.. he probs peaks in. lol :) No doubt he uses the computer sometimes lol.
Oh uh... no comment. :giggle:

Okay comment, well... I don't think so... I mean....
Well ya I'm pretty sure he KNOWS of the site, visits.. Not sure!!

I mean he did call Trish once... Ya it was durring the mjjf days, but if he knew about that, why not mjjc?
Well ya I'm pretty sure he KNOWS of the site, visits.. Not sure!!

I mean he did call Trish once... Ya it was durring the mjjf days, but if he knew about that, why not mjjc?

oooh...what? please explain?
I have no idea if he comes to this website or not...I'd think he has visited some fan forums or websites sometimes, just to see what fans are saying about him. I mean, in my opinion he'd actually be stupid NOT to do that. :lol: I mean, what better way to see what fans really say and think about him and everything he's done, said, etc. than reading their true, uncensored opinions from fan boards! :yes: No better place to "eavesdrop" than fanboards. At least in my opinion.

But like I said...if he comes to THIS particular place...I have no idea. Maybe...maybe not? We may never know...:lol:
Before MJJC we had MJJF..

MJJC became our new home after MJJF closed down.. Anyways while MJJF was up Michael called the founder of the site; trish, and talked to her for some time.
And before MJJF...there was KOP...and before KOP there was MJIFC....:lol: And let's not forget teh Sony chat! :lmao: (Why do I think of OTTERS everytime I think of the Sony Chat...I wonder, I wonder...Potter Otters....Hmmm...:lmao: Only DUTCHO will know! :lmao: )
You truly never know, although he has been hard at work on his next album for quite some time, I call it his next as I refuse to call it his 'comeback' when he never went anywhere!
people always ask this question I say no...maybe in the past he did...but I know he knows of these kind of boards and sites
Of course Michael does come here because there is a certain mysterious person who wanders around the board and writes riddles with the name BACK.I'm just saying.......... where has he been?
Oooh I love those riddles. :D I solved one of them.. but man.. I hope Back cames back.. it's fun guessin what he is sayin. :shifty:
Of course Michael does come here because there is a certain mysterious person who wanders around the board and writes riddles with the name BACK.I'm just saying.......... where has he been?

Actually I don't really like the riddles.. :scratch:

(Sorry! :lol:)
Who knows guys. :shifty: Michael might be one of the "Guests", down below if you are in a thread.
u never know.. Who's lerking in this forum..................................

"I always feel like somebody's watchin' meeeeee......"
*flips out*


One could be MJ.. :shifty:
and the other Blanket!:wild: OMGAAH
*spazz* :lmao:

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*flips out*


One could be MJ.. :shifty: and the other Blanket! :wild: OMGAAH
*spazz* :lmao:

hahah maybe its them..ha j/k??? Blanket is adorable!
*flips out*


One could be MJ.. :shifty: and the other Blanket!:wild: OMGAAH
*spazz* :lmao:


:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:

"and the other Blanket"...:ursofunny: That was so random it TOOOOOOOOOOTALLY CRACKED ME UP!!!!!!!!!!

You're SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!! :kickass: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:
nah he dont mess with this lil' old place ... he does know about it and appreciates the fans supporting him ... wait, didn't he call us also ?? I am confused now :lol: he called MJJF more than once, maybe that is why I am thinking of ??

Hello Michael if you are out there... hey, make a video for Hold My Hand and release the single :cute: **muah**
and **muah,muah,muah to the kids also**
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Maybe he comes here, after all he's just like the all of us, he also has the right to know if there's a new album coming ;)