Do you smoke?

Do you smoke?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 18.6%
  • No

    Votes: 96 81.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Are you by any chance a fan of CM Punk?

My mum used to smoke, but it was because of me that she stopped. I told her how much I hated it and stuff and she stopped when I was about 10. She hasnt smoked since and doesnt even have the urge to smoke.

One time I stole her cigarettes and ran away with them for the whole day. She sent my brother and his friends to find me and get them from me, and it turned into a big game for me...hiding in trees and stuff, I loved it. Eventually she realised I really hated it and stopped.

Did cm punk get his hair cut a few months ago
hahaha, cancer sticks, that's what I call them too! Funny to hear someone else say that.
I don't smoke them either, by the way!

oh yeah, I call them cancer sticks all the time. I also call them 'Death on a Stick' because that's what they are.
I used to :( Mixed in with wrong crowd at high school. Gave up for a few years then dated a guy in 06-07 who smoked had one drag end of 06. Then was out with friends about Sept of 07 & had a drag but haven't touched one since. My uncle died about a month ago from Emphysema. It stinks your clothes, breath. I can't be around people who smoke the smell makes me sick not to mention all the health issues. I did it because I was going through a hard time with depression & didn't respect myself.
Im now trying to help others to quit :)
No, I don't smoke. I've never tried it and I don't think that I ever will.
I can't stand the smell or even being around them. I am sensitive to a lot of strong smells and cigarette smoke is one of them. I really hate the smell more than anything. I also did a speech on smoking and I learned a lot. I won't ever do it.
I have never smoked and I will never smoke. I absolutely HATE it.
I used to smoke. Gave it up when my wife was pregnant with our 1st child. I went 3 years without one before stress got to me and I started lighting up this past spring. I've been trying to quit again. It's been a month since my last cigarette. :)

I do however would at least like to try a cigar or a pipe. I love the smell of pipe smoke
I don't and never tried. Never felt I wanted or needed to. But unfortunately my dad smokes a lot, so I smell it all the time. Well, I'm used to it now, but I hate it when that smell gets into your clothes.
I am totally against smoking of any kind. Mainly because I already lost 3 relatives to smoking. I still believe that is what killed them. And I almost lost my mother to her smoking habit. If me and my brother didn't spent years being constantly on her case about smoking. She didn't finally quit until she started having breathing problems in her 30s. Now she is in her mid 50s and she is still really paying for it. Because of the fact that she has adult asthma now. And it was all brought on by her constant smoking over the years.
No I don't smoke either. Tried it when I was younger but thankfully didn't like it. I just hate the smell of stale cigarette smoke, it makes me want to heave!

Another question..

If you are a NON-smoker, would you date someone who did smoke?
I dated a smoker and ended up having the odd one myself - we'd go out for a few drinks, I'd get tipsy and take a cigarette. I hated it when we were sober though, it really was like kissing an ash tray.
I used to smoke. But I quit 20 years ago. The only time I want a cigarette now is when I drink alcohol. Luckily, I seldom drink. I still think that's weird though. Sometimes I'll have a glass of wine or something and then I want a cigarette! Weird.
I used to smoke. But I quit 20 years ago. The only time I want a cigarette now is when I drink alcohol. Luckily, I seldom drink. I still think that's weird though. Sometimes I'll have a glass of wine or something and then I want a cigarette! Weird.
i quit 6 months ago,like you say about having a drink,i,m glad i quit that too,because i know if i had a drink i would want a cigarette,
No I don't smoke either. Tried it when I was younger but thankfully didn't like it. I just hate the smell of stale cigarette smoke, it makes me want to heave!

Another question..

If you are a NON-smoker, would you date someone who did smoke?
To answer that; no.

Why? Who knows.. something we stupidly start and get addicted too.

Is it bad for me.. YES, do I wish I didn't smoke YES ( sometimes ). But i'm not gonna sit here and say I don't enjoy having a siggy coz I do. Hence why I haven't tried to quit. :fear:
No, I don't.

Everytime my mom smokes in the car the smoke irritates my throat, I wish she could stop smoking in the car, I also wish Ontario bans smoking in the car like in Nova Scotia.