Do you need to see Michael's body to heal?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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I'd probably want to see that they took care of him after all he's been know, to make sure he didn't look the way some are describing him to look like...
I know that when 2 of my family members past away at separate times, it helped that I saw their body. I dont know why this is but I guess thats why they have open coffins at funerals. Michaels kids were told it would help them in time according to Jermaine. Well for me Michael was apart of my extended family. He was there my entire life. I dont know if I want the world to see Michael like that but I dont know if it would help me or not.

What are your thoughts?

I heard a little while ago from a good source..someone to do with the ceremony that Michaels Body wont even be there on the 7th
I think there will end up being pictures regardless.

I don't know how I will feel about it until that moment comes.
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Fans continued to register by the thousands early Saturday, hoping to be among the 8,750 people who will be randomly picked to attend the memorial service for singer Michael Jackson next week.
By 5:30 p.m. PT (8:30 p.m. ET) Friday, seven hours since the lottery's announcement, more than half a million people had registered to snag a pair of tickets to the ceremony at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California, according to Jackson family spokesman Ken Sunshine.
The overwhelming response prompted organizers to open up the lottery to non-U.S. residents as well, he said.
"When you grow up with Michael Jackson's music pretty much your whole life, you feel like you lost a family member and you have to go to the funeral," said Add Seymour of Atlanta, Georgia, who registered soon after the announcement Friday morning and planned to fly out if he was picked. "I got some frequent flyer miles just in case I wanted to do something wild and crazy -- and this is wild and crazy."
Yet, despite the interest surrounding the service, few details emerged by early Saturday. Organizers would only say there would not be a funeral processional to the arena, indicating Jackson's body would not be brought to the public memorial.
I don't. I don't want to. However in some way I'd want to see the casket. I had a dream I did this morning. It hurt like hell, but still I felt I needed it. I don't know if we ever will, though. And I can deal with that, I think.
I don't think so. If I ever saw him laying in a coffin I'd just pass out, cause it would be too unbeleivable and against my nature. I'd rather imagine him singing, dancing, being a goofball and just happy, not laying somewhere dead.
Yes I would like to see, but I'd be surprised if they show it
I wonder if they will bury him in a place that we could visit?
No I don't need to see his body to feel better! I already feel better!
I have never seen Michael in real, so I don't want to see him dead! It will be a nightmare! :bugeyed
I don't. I don't want to. However in some way I'd want to see the casket. I had a dream I did this morning. It hurt like hell, but still I felt I needed it. I don't know if we ever will, though. And I can deal with that, I think.

they showed the casket of CNN will be made in Indiana and costs $25'000,

the picture was right there on the screen....they said it has a bronze structure, blue interior lining, and a gold finish

it looked very nice
I don't want to remember him dead, coz MJ eterno
I think it would be better for everyone not to see the body. It would help us to remember him as alive, like he is. If it was possible to see the body, ok I admit I would have to see it, and I'd say goodbye to him through that image. But what an awful image to carry with you.

I hope the media don't get to see it, because not everyone is respectful, and some would even take the P--- out of it. Wrong.

I trust the family will make the right decision for everyone. xx
Hell no, I don't need to see his body. I don't want to remember him dead in a coffin anyway. I want to remember him alive, young and doing what he loved to do. I want the recent rehearsal footage to be the last time I saw him. Doing what he loved.
My thoughts exactly :yes:
I'm not sure if that is the last thing I wanted to have 'recorded' in my mind but I think it would help me to understand and realize that he is REALLY no longer on earth, physically speaking. As hard as it gets, everybody has an end. But as I said before his music will always live.
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l can't see him bt l will it will be terrible experience but l have to overcome it l will see it on the tv in tuesday l hope they won't show his body.........
We all heal differently but for me I do not want to see the body at the funeral. I find it morbid, and because the body is embalmed and has been dead, it never looks natural no matter how much make up the mortician applies. I prefer remembering the person as they looked alive. . . . Again, that's just me personally, as I know it's a sensitive subject and realize that we all cope/grieve/heal differently.
I don't want to see Michael in a casket. I prefer to keep my memories of him while he was alive. Right now it seems like he is still here in a physical sense but out of the lime light, not really gone. But I know he is.