Do you hope Michael will be made a Saint?

Once you get past the Catholic definition of saint, there are many other definitions. Here's one Jesuit priest's attempt, as quoted in our friend Wikipedia, to get a definition that cuts across cultures and religions:

* 1. exemplary model;
* 2. extraordinary teacher;
* 3. wonder worker or source of benevolent power;
* 4. intercessor;
* 5. selfless, ascetic behavior; and
* 6. possessor of a special and revelatory relation to the holy.


Jesuits ARE a Catholic religious order.
I am actually a Catholic, have been all my life. Went to Catholic School from Grades 1-12. Received all the sacraments etc. I still believe in God, and Jesus but have strayed from the Church in the manner of going to Mass every week etc.

While things Michael did while here on earth were extraordinary, generous and just down right heroic I don't feel he should be made a Saint. Too many people associate Sainthood with the Catholic Church, and by making him a Saint, that in a way, would kind of be like excluding him from the rest of the religions in the world. Something that you know he would not want.

He belonged to everyone (ironically I am listening to Black and White as I type this). He belonged to the whole World. He belonged to every race, religion, sex and age. To everyone. So I think the word Humanitarian is what he's really want to be remembered as and what he strived for.

You know the sad and ironic thing of all of this is? It's that we are talking about making him a Saint for all the good work he did while here on Earth, using his massive celebrity at times, and at other times doing something that we never knew about.


Mark my words, Michael is in Heaven at God's side. God embraced him when he came home and made it all alright. Made him free of all the suffering he endured here on earth. Both physical and mental. He told him all the meanness of the press and people was over, all the physical pain he had was gone. He took Michael to all his family and friends that were already there and reunited Michael with them.

Michael will always be remembered by us and the world for all the good things he did as well as his music. But when he died, he got the ultimate recognition from the ultimate Source that no title can even compare too.....God took Michael home and thanked him for all he did while he was here on earth. Of this I have no doubt.

I'm Catholic and I've strayed like you in terms of going to mass. Although he deserves massive recognition for the incredible person he was, I agree with you.

Also there are certain conditions for consideration of Sainthood such as this :

A saint is not a perfect person. There are many saints who have made mistakes even after they have found God. It's a journey. It's a beautiful relationship which keeps growing.

As for the second part, regarding the person being considered for sainthood. It isn't the person performing miracles by themselves; it is through intercessory prayer. For example, I ask Blessed Mother Teresa to pray for me to God because I have a serious illness which has not been cured. If the illness disappears and I am cured, then that would be something the Church would take into consideration when declaring the person a saint. This has also to be confirmed by doctors. It can't be a case of 'I took some medicine and I got better.'

Michael reminds me in someways of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. Pier Giorgio was a young rich man who helped many sick and homeless people but didn't look to receive attention or praise for it. Even when he died, his family didn't know the extent to which he had been helping people.
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I am not a religious person. Personally, and I am not intending to offend anyone, I do believe Jesus lived on earth, and that he did a lot of good for people, and was a really good person, who at the end died because people couldn't tolerate him being so different. I think it's easy to compare Michael to that. And no, I'm not deifying him, because as I said, I do not believe in God. I just think Michael is one of only a handful of people on earth who have ever had the ability to love in the true sense of the word, and to have the charisma and talent that makes others want to change for the better too.
Jesus lived on earth, and that he did a lot of good for people, and was a really good person, who at the end died because people couldn't tolerate him being so different. I think it's easy to compare Michael to that.

Michael is one of only a handful of people on earth who have ever had the ability to love in the true sense of the word, and to have the charisma and talent that makes others want to change for the better too.

I'm Catholic, I don't take offence, and you're right about this ^^

Sir Lord Saint King Michael Joseph Jackson I.........will be his new name!!!!
no,unfortunately he never will be made a saint,because for many people he will forever be weird. but f##k 'em. he is a God in our eyes, and that's all that matters.
Jesuits ARE a Catholic religious order.

I went to a Jesuit university, so I'm pretty aware of that. The priest's article was about "family resemblances" in "saints across various cultures and religions." My whole point was to note that he WAS Catholic as a caveat to his definition, that though it was an attempt at a universal definition, and sounds like a pretty reasonable one, some might find it skewed to a Catholic description (or maybe not -- I really have no idea). I also added the note as some might not realize that's what "S.J." means after someone's name ("Society of Jesus" = Jesuit priest).

On some other comments by other posters... I'm not religious, but I have to say it's truly silly season if some folks are now angry at churches for not making MJ a saint... (not saying all are).
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Yeah, there are actually similarities among them.

Both are "King" Jesus is the King of Israel & Jews, Michael is King of Pop /Music

Both love life and teach about love and charing for the world.

Both have many followers and very influential

Both are hated by some people. When Jesus was alive, some people even throw stones at him for saying he is the son of God. Michael was greatly misunderstood and some still think he is a child molester.

Both of them are betrayed by there close friends for money. Judas betrayed Jesus by telling the authorities which one is Jesus and they captured him and crucified. Michael was betrayed by the Arvizos and crucified by the media.

They were both killed.
And only after they died, people started to acknowledge them and appreciated them.

very well said. :agree:
I'm Catholic and I've strayed like you in terms of going to mass.

We gotta go to church more often! I really feel bad now since I'm also a Roman Catholic and I attended Bible class and go to church every week when I was younger but ever since I move overseas to study and work, my busy life had consumed me more. I really hope God forgive me. I still go to church once a while but not as often anymore.

I don't think Michael should be cantonized as a saint and he doesn't need too. He is not Catholic.

Personally, I don't believe in religion, it divides people. I believe the existance of God as the creator of the universe, earth and heaven. I choose to believe in Jesus as a massenger and son of God to spread his massage. But I'm also very open minded to understands how other religion works.

I like to believe there is only One God and he sends influncial people overtime to spread his words and love for one another and remind people to do good. Religions are only branches of God teaching founded by a special person send by God but every true religion purpose is the bring people closer to God in order to save them.

In our lifetime, there are many influencial person. Michael Jackson is only one of them and he happens to be a huge celebrity. He should not be consider to be related to a saint, prophets, angels or even figures like Jesus, Buddha or Muhammad. Ofcourse he bear some resemblence to them in term of his kindness, love for the world and influencial power, but Michael is different to them. Why? Because those people doesn't do concerts, sing and dance and create albums! But that doesn't mean that Michael is not also send by God. He certainly have so much kindness and a powerful aura that shine within him. He had also infuenced many people to do good, be kinder to one another and donate to charities. Throughout his life, he had always been trying to teach people to be kind and try to be a good example. The use his talent in music to spread the massage of healing and love in hopes that people do every bit they can to make the world a better place.
To say that he only wants people to appreciate him and not misunderstood him will be a bit selfish because he wants to heal the world and make other lifes better as well.

Oh yeah,

YOu may find this article pretty interesting. I'd read about Archangels before but I'm more familiar with Archangel Michael and Gabriel only.
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No i dont, cause i mean, first i dont like those kind of things, and second, Michael had some moves on stage they will just you know say OH MY GOD!, thats how most of thoese people are, im glad cause i think to say someone is a saint is good like to say it as a compliment, but to actually convert anyone on one, i mean, thats man made, and i dont believe in saints
It was Michael himself that said he tries hard to be like Jesus Christ. He follows in his footsteps and tries to be like him, the best he can. I believe Michael was pure and innocent, a lot more than what most of us are.
MJ is a God.


:agree: :angel:
It was Michael himself that said he tries hard to be like Jesus Christ. He follows in his footsteps and tries to be like him, the best he can. I believe Michael was pure and innocent, a lot more than what most of us are.

That doesn't mean he achieved becoming like JC. I love Michael. But he was not pure and innocent; he said he wasn't, and that he did not like being viewed this way. I think it's best to honor the real man, the human being that was Michael Jackson, and not deify him. That makes him a more reachable model for the rest of us. (I do fully get it that most people (like the poster above) don't mean it literally when they say MJ is a God -- I say it on my own posts, and I think it's kinda sweet :) )