Do you hope Michael will be made a Saint?

no. he doesnt belong to any church (officially)
if he would belong to a certain church and they made him a saint then it would limit his influence on people of other religions.

Michael is loved internationally, but religion is very important to people. how would it look say a catholic/orthodox saint to a muslim fan for example?

and i think that Michael wouldnt approve it anyway. i surely dont know but i dont think he would be ok with it

to me Michael is not a saint, but he is a perfect example of how a human can live his life with so much dignity and care about others. an example of how a human should be

we all know Michael's mistakes and weaknesses. it makes him closer to us. because we can learn from him
In Catholic and Orthodox religion, a saint is a human being who loves God and carries God's message and does good in God's name. I believe Michael fits this definition.
But first of all, allegations need to be sorted out once and for all, black on white. If this somehow can be proved, people could start seeing him as a prophet or saint or martyr.

Either way, he is a prophet of love at least in the hearts and minds of his core fans.
In Catholic and Orthodox religion, a saint is a human being who loves God and carries God's message and does good in God's name. I believe Michael fits this definition.
But first of all, allegations need to be sorted out once and for all, black on white. If this somehow can be proved, people could start seeing him as a prophet or saint or martyr.

...the allegations, the "skin bleaching", the plastic surgery, the hyperbaric chamber, the "baby dangling", the extravagant spending, and the drugs... =/

Either way, he is a prophet of love at least in the hearts and minds of his core fans.

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I agree.
I've said before that MJ is my religion. He embodied everything the world needs and leads nearly every aspect of the way I live my life, from the way I parent to the fact that I volunteer daily to the way I treat others. :)

I love this statement. I personally feel the term 'religion' is inherently contradictory to the message of whichever God one believes in (which, in my opinion, is to love one another as equals). Religion segregates people and, in too many cases, causes hate and prejudice against other people. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want, but I feel it's important to be open-minded to other views and not discredit them.

**I'm not Christian, but I've taken several Christian religion courses in school, and I've always thought "If Jesus were to ever come back, I don't think he's going to have a sign above his head saying 'I'm Jesus.' Wouldn't he rather be a very controversial figure who is easy to hate yet truly only believes in Love?" Again, I'm not saying Michael is Jesus, but I've always thought that that was one of the lessons in the Bible. So many people hated Michael because of his skin or voice or where he lived; but Michael stood for everything that is good in this world and loved humanity despite his pains. ** Again, this is for discussion. I'm not trying to offend anyone.

Personally, I feel God when I think about Michael. Michael's message is so pure and he lived the life he believed in. He believed in love and the innocence of children (which is within all of us). He believed in magic, that we can all do whatever we believe in, and it all starts with L-O-V-E love! He taught me more about living a good life than any religion or religious figure ever did.

I don't believe Michael ever thought he was a saint. There was a reason he chose to remain anonymous for most of his humanitarian work, to not wave a flag saying "hey look what I did!" He did it out of the goodness in his heart, not to draw any attention for the publicity. I think naming him a saint would do the opposite of that.

Neither did Mother Teresa or any other saint. Nobody who truly believes in the message of God would put themselves above another human being. Michael always said he's not a saint (even though Jermaine called him Saint Michael :)) and he always credited God for his music and dance. He taught by example.

One of the most thoughtful things Michael did was when he refused to answer the 'are you gay?' question on camera. He said something like 'I have many fans who believe I'm gay and I don't want to shatter their beliefs.' Michael could have easily said 'no i'm not' and faced less ridicule, but he cared more for those gay people. To me, that is Love. That is powerful.

I'm interested in reading more of your thoughts.
Oh yes, I definitely wish so.
I believe he is in heaven, as he has millions of people around the globe praying and loving him.

Putting all past allegations aside because Michael was never convicted of any wrong doing, do you wish that one day Michael would be canonized a Saint?

Mother Theresa was canonized a Saint when she died because she used to help poor people around the world during her life. Michael helped people around the world more than anyone and he gave, gave and gave even when times were so tough for him.

Do you think that maybe one day he should be canonized a Saint?
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No need to be recognized in earth as a saint... "All in Heaven are, in the technical sense, saints, since they are believed to be completely purified and holy" (according to the Catholic church).

I respect other religions. So, when I agree that I wish he be saint, it´s mainly because I wish he can be in peace in heaven with God and the angels, Happy.
I love this statement. I personally feel the term 'religion' is inherently contradictory to the message of whichever God one believes in (which, in my opinion, is to love one another as equals). Religion segregates people and, in too many cases, causes hate and prejudice against other people. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want, but I feel it's important to be open-minded to other views and not discredit them.

**I'm not Christian, but I've taken several Christian religion courses in school, and I've always thought "If Jesus were to ever come back, I don't think he's going to have a sign above his head saying 'I'm Jesus.' Wouldn't he rather be a very controversial figure who is easy to hate yet truly only believes in Love?" Again, I'm not saying Michael is Jesus, but I've always thought that that was one of the lessons in the Bible. So many people hated Michael because of his skin or voice or where he lived; but Michael stood for everything that is good in this world and loved humanity despite his pains. ** Again, this is for discussion. I'm not trying to offend anyone.

Personally, I feel God when I think about Michael. Michael's message is so pure and he lived the life he believed in. He believed in love and the innocence of children (which is within all of us). He believed in magic, that we can all do whatever we believe in, and it all starts with L-O-V-E love! He taught me more about living a good life than any religion or religious figure ever did.

Neither did Mother Teresa or any other saint. Nobody who truly believes in the message of God would put themselves above another human being. Michael always said he's not a saint (even though Jermaine called him Saint Michael :)) and he always credited God for his music and dance. He taught by example.

One of the most thoughtful things Michael did was when he refused to answer the 'are you gay?' question on camera. He said something like 'I have many fans who believe I'm gay and I don't want to shatter their beliefs.' Michael could have easily said 'no i'm not' and faced less ridicule, but he cared more for those gay people. To me, that is Love. That is powerful.

I'm interested in reading more of your thoughts.
Yes, yes, yes. I agree with everything. What you said about Jesus especially resonates with me...I am so interested in examining more closely the conceptualization of Michael as a Christ-like figure. I wonder if there are any scholarly articles about this. Truly, Michael was love. In my estimation, more than any other figure that may ever emerge on this earth.
I don't think Mother Theresa is a saint yet - it's a very long and involved process. However, I am not sure of my facts. If anyone else knows correct me :)
One of the most thoughtful things Michael did was when he refused to answer the 'are you gay?' question on camera. He said something like 'I have many fans who believe I'm gay and I don't want to shatter their beliefs.' Michael could have easily said 'no i'm not' and faced less ridicule, but he cared more for those gay people. To me, that is Love. That is powerful.

MJ made far too many well-intentioned mistakes that pained too many people for me to consider him an ultimate model (other than his singing, dancing and philanthropy, which are second to none!) No human being has yet managed to become a model across the board in all things, in my own humble opinion, nor is it necessary. We learn a little bit from him, a little bit from her, and piece it together into something brand new for ourselves.

I love and admire MJ greatly for his efforts to be good, to leave the world a better place, to personally excel in his talents, and for the strength he found in his profound connection to humanity and the planet that allowed him to recover from the incredible shock of the trial to mount this show. So wonderful. If we elevate him too far, we'll find it too hard to imagine emulating him in any meaningful way.

I've always been enchanted with the quote above. I agree that it speaks volumes of love. I know it's supposed to be a Bashir interview outtake, but I don't recall seeing it in the rebuttal program, and can't find it. Can anyone help? Thanks!
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To answer the question is Mother Teresa a Saint yet, no she is not-

"The beatification of Mother Teresa was conducted Oct. 19, 2003 by Pope John Paul II. Many believe Blessed Mother Teresa will be named a saint of the Catholic Church someday, and her beatification is the latest step in that path to sainthood.
After her beatification, the recognition of another miracle will be required for sainthood."-taken from American

I am actually a Catholic, have been all my life. Went to Catholic School from Grades 1-12. Received all the sacraments etc. I still believe in God, and Jesus but have strayed from the Church in the manner of going to Mass every week etc.

While things Michael did while here on earth were extraordinary, generous and just down right heroic I don't feel he should be made a Saint. Too many people associate Sainthood with the Catholic Church, and by making him a Saint, that in a way, would kind of be like excluding him from the rest of the religions in the world. Something that you know he would not want.

He belonged to everyone (ironically I am listening to Black and White as I type this). He belonged to the whole World. He belonged to every race, religion, sex and age. To everyone. So I think the word Humanitarian is what he's really want to be remembered as and what he strived for.

You know the sad and ironic thing of all of this is? It's that we are talking about making him a Saint for all the good work he did while here on Earth, using his massive celebrity at times, and at other times doing something that we never knew about.

Instead of Michael being made a Saint because of the fact that he was so different in how he cared about the Human Race, shouldn't we be kinda giving people with fame a little bit of a kick in the butt to get up and continue Michael's good work?

All these celebrities who have come out since Michael died praising him (rightfully so), why not put your money where your mouth is and continue on his good work? You know the saying actions speak louder than words? Well here is their chance to show us what they can do to help people in Michael's name.

It's a shame that Michael has the record in a way of how generous he was giving to charities. Celebrities should be trying to compete with that record instead of trying to see who has the best "crib" or car or record, or movie or TV show. I almost think that the only record of Michael's that both he and I would like to see him be dethroned in is that. Because it only means people who need help the most are getting it.....

Mark my words, Michael is in Heaven at God's side. God embraced him when he came home and made it all alright. Made him free of all the suffering he endured here on earth. Both physical and mental. He told him all the meanness of the press and people was over, all the physical pain he had was gone. He took Michael to all his family and friends that were already there and reunited Michael with them.

Michael will always be remembered by us and the world for all the good things he did as well as his music. But when he died, he got the ultimate recognition from the ultimate Source that no title can even compare too.....God took Michael home and thanked him for all he did while he was here on earth. Of this I have no doubt.
speaking of saints?
i have strange dreams about michael been buried and god calling him saint-michael
most regains say
most saints on earth have do some kind of mircale to become a saint in heaven
im sure our saint-michael is happy in heaven and jesus has plans for michael
i know michael
is happy watching over us been the same saint he was on earth
The name Michael consists of three parts:
1) (mi 1189), the common inquisitive particle that seeks after identity: who?
2) (ke 937), common particle of comparison: like, as.
3) (El 93), the shorter version of Elohim, meaning God.

The name Michael is commonly translated with Who Is Like God? But, more accurately, the name denotes a question or rather an inquisition for the identity of God: Who's God? What's God Like? As captain of the heavenly armies and expeller of satan, Michael's main mission is perhaps to inspire humans into seeking the identity of God.

In the Book of Daniel, the archangel is presented as a “great Prince who stands up for the children of your people”.

One of the most thoughtful things Michael did was when he refused to answer the 'are you gay?' question on camera. He said something like 'I have many fans who believe I'm gay and I don't want to shatter their beliefs.' Michael could have easily said 'no i'm not' and faced less ridicule, but he cared more for those gay people. To me, that is Love. That is powerful.

I'm interested in reading more of your thoughts.

Where is this interview? Do you have a link? In many interviews I saw he said he is NOT gay. It was clear and loud.
Mark my words, Michael is in Heaven at God's side. God embraced him when he came home and made it all alright. Made him free of all the suffering he endured here on earth. Both physical and mental. He told him all the meanness of the press and people was over, all the physical pain he had was gone. He took Michael to all his family and friends that were already there and reunited Michael with them.

Michael will always be remembered by us and the world for all the good things he did as well as his music. But when he died, he got the ultimate recognition from the ultimate Source that no title can even compare too.....God took Michael home and thanked him for all he did while he was here on earth. Of this I have no doubt.

I also believe in your words.
a step waaaay too far.
let's not forget guys that michael jackson was a singer! how ever great and amazing we think he was/is.

i'm actually quite shocked that someone would think he should be saint! i mean, oh i dunno. i just think some fans put him on a pedestal that really he shouldn't be on.
Saints are humans like us, with flaws, with sins, but with intense preocupaton for spirituality, love, God, so intense that can last years and years till death.
Many of them were sinners - prostitutes ( Mary from Egypt ), practicionars of Black arts ( st. Christian ), or young men indulged in the pleasures of life as St. Augustin
Many of them were ridiculed by society, tortured by society, emprisioned, killed etc Many of them performed miracles, but not all of them.

Saints often come with a message, each one of them spreaded love and also a particular mesage.

Saints do not have to be only Catholic - there are Ortodox ( Oriental Christiniaty )saints also, there are Buddist saints, Zen saints etc etc

Sainthood is not only the propriety of Vatican. Yeah them performing duty and try to identify ( following some criteria ) the saints from the Catolic community. Even so many are left out, or some are in even they don't deserve it ( kings from Medieval times that forced their way there, cardinals with political influence etc )

Saint are the man and women - filled with love on this Earth, if that love persist enough and spread for years, level of spirituality and God within us, increases. Saints bring us a message. Miracles can appear - but there are not a necessity to be a saint. There are saints with NO miracles performed, but with prophetic messages for ex. or just helping others endlesslly. Ortodox church for ex. recognise Saints those who didn't did miracles. or there are Saints with only POSTMORTEM MIRACLES.

Also the social level, the profession, does not matter - one can live in a clastle and be a saint, and other can live in a cave and be not. It's not relevant, it's the inner state, the beauty of the soul, the light, the crowds attractions ( yeah they are attracted like flies are to light ).

Everyone of us can become a saint. The door is open - poor, rich, male, female, the saint is just human condition, like artists in culture, saints are in spirituality. Advanced but HUMANS, not angels.

In the end what makes a human saint is God, not the Church, the church just try to depict them and name them on paper. And as I've said there are saints from other religions too.

I am not saying that Mike is one, but I am not saying he isn't. There are indication he might be one. ( including one sort of miracle, the Gaving getting so quick better from his bad cancer already spreaded in the body ) Often after a miracle occures the saint has to suffer immenslly and be ridiculed - almost like a recipice ( read Saints lives and see for yourself )

So what's ridiculouness if some might thing that he is? He would be among thousands and thousands.... the Earth is full of them.... many of them are completlly unknown and unrecognised.... You can also become saints, is the state God reserve to humans if they want.
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speaking of regians or saints
i lost without saint-michael telling everything will be alright
I am now convinced there are people who honestly believe he was as holy as Jesus Christ himself.

Yeah, there are actually similarities among them.

Both are "King" Jesus is the King of Israel & Jews, Michael is King of Pop /Music

Both love life and teach about love and charing for the world.

Both have many followers and very influential

Both are hated by some people. When Jesus was alive, some people even throw stones at him for saying he is the son of God. Michael was greatly misunderstood and some still think he is a child molester.

Both of them are betrayed by there close friends for money. Judas betrayed Jesus by telling the authorities which one is Jesus and they captured him and crucified. Michael was betrayed by the Arvizos and crucified by the media.

They were both killed.
And only after they died, people started to acknowledge them and appreciated them.
Yeah, there are actually similarities among them.

Both are "King" Jesus is the King of Israel & Jews, Michael is King of Pop /Music

Both love life and teach about love and charing for the world.

Both have many followers and very influential

Both are hated by some people. When Jesus was alive, some people even throw stones at him for saying he is the son of God. Michael was greatly misunderstood and some still think he is a child molester.

Both of them are betrayed by there close friends for money. Judas betrayed Jesus by telling the authorities which one is Jesus and they captured him and crucified. Michael was betrayed by the Arvizos and crucified by the media.

They were both killed.
And only after they died, people started to acknowledge them and appreciated them.
you got point here
Once you get past the Catholic definition of saint, there are many other definitions. Here's one Jesuit priest's attempt, as quoted in our friend Wikipedia, to get a definition that cuts across cultures and religions:

* 1. exemplary model;
* 2. extraordinary teacher;
* 3. wonder worker or source of benevolent power;
* 4. intercessor;
* 5. selfless, ascetic behavior; and
* 6. possessor of a special and revelatory relation to the holy.

MJ would have a little trouble fitting some of these definitions, especially the "ascetic" part :) (meaning poor, simple, self-denying). But maybe that's less a characteristic of "saint" in other belief systems -- Jesuits take a vow of asceticism so may be a little biased in that direction.
He'll always be the one to bring people back to the Light of God...