Do you hope Michael will be made a Saint?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Putting all past allegations aside because Michael was never convicted of any wrong doing, do you wish that one day Michael would be canonized a Saint?

Mother Theresa was canonized a Saint when she died because she used to help poor people around the world during her life. Michael helped people around the world more than anyone and he gave, gave and gave even when times were so tough for him.

Do you think that maybe one day he should be canonized a Saint?
Oh come one now...That is pushing it a bit no?

MJ wasn't even catholic...why would they make him a saint?

I personally do not believe in any of that stuff.
No, no... I respect this concern, but I really don't think MJ should be done so at all. MJ was not catholic... he didn't believe in saints. He was just as human as we, so he made lots of mistakes... just like we all do :)
cause michael always insisted to treat him as a fellow human being.

He is a man with messages to the world and i do beleve he,s close to god, closer the the most of us are.
But that doesn,t make him a saint.
I am now convinced there are people who honestly believe he was as holy as Jesus Christ himself.

:lol: there are probably some
I don't know if your message was an answer to mine, or to the person who started the thread but...
I'm not one of them though since I'm not religious myself, for me Jesus is a guy with a lot of charisma who decided to show people how to love each other his own way (no offense intended). For my answer, I was just speaking on facts, like mother Theresa helped sick kids.. Mike too, stuff like that... many thinks Michael healed Gavin guy...

with love
Not a Saint, no. I would, however, like his humanitarianism and philanthropy to continue to be acknowledged. He accomplished a lot of good on this Earth as just one person. Imagine what we could all do together.
:lol: there are probably some
I don't know if your message was an answer to mine, or to the person who started the thread but...
I'm not one of them though since I'm not religious myself, for me Jesus is a guy with a lot of charisma who decided to show people how to love each other his own way (no offense intended). For my answer, I was just speaking on facts, like mother Theresa helped sick kids.. Mike too, stuff like that... many thinks Michael healed Gavin guy...

with love

Was to the first post :doh:
Michael was not a saint and I do not think he would want to be considered one.
In my opinion Michael was already a "saint". He did so many good deeds without fanfare or reward other than his own piece of mind and happiness. Besides, no decision board can truly bestow that title on anyone, only God can do that.
I am now convinced there are people who honestly believe he was as holy as Jesus Christ himself.

Um no, you are very very wrong. I in no way believe that Michael was anywhere close to what Jesus Christ was. People do not become Saints when they are considered equal to Jesus. If that were true, nobody would have ever become a Saint. Michael helped more people in his lifetime than the average person and I believe that is indeed a very good reason for someone to be canonized a Saint.

If Michael didn't believe in it nor want that ever to happen to him, then I respect that. But nowhere did I suggest he was equal to Jesus...
I like Michael. He did a lot of good things for kids and people and the world. He was a creative genius (and maybe in other ways as well). He certainly left his mark on this world and will live on forever in his work and in our hearts. But no, I do not think he should be made a Saint. He wasn't a saint. He is a hero to many which I'll give you that, but a saint? No. He was imperfect which is good because he was human. Anyway, don't saints have to perform miracles or something to qualify for sainthood, lol?
In my opinion Michael was already a "saint". He did so many good deeds without fanfare or reward other than his own piece of mind and happiness. Besides, no decision board can truly bestow that title on anyone, only God can do that.

Beautiful! I feel this way, too. God must have a very special spot for Michael, and I'd suspect he is every bit as dear to God as any saint.

Btw, every saint has something they are patron of. Michael could be patron saint of dance. :) He'd sure be the cutest saint.
I like Michael. He did a lot of good things for kids and people and the world. He was a creative genius (and maybe in other ways as well). He certainly left his mark on this world and will live on forever in his work and in our hearts. But no, I do not think he should be made a Saint. He wasn't a saint. He is a hero to many which I'll give you that, but a saint? No. He was imperfect which is good because he was human. Anyway, don't saints have to perform miracles or something to qualify for sainthood, lol?

A saint is not a perfect person. There are many saints who have made mistakes even after they have found God. It's a journey. It's a beautiful relationship which keeps growing.

As for the second part, regarding the person being considered for sainthood. It isn't the person performing miracles by themselves; it is through intercessory prayer. For example, I ask Blessed Mother Teresa to pray for me to God because I have a serious illness which has not been cured. If the illness disappears and I am cured, then that would be something the Church would take into consideration when declaring the person a saint. This has also to be confirmed by doctors. It can't be a case of 'I took some medicine and I got better.'

Michael reminds me in someways of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. Pier Giorgio was a young rich man who helped many sick and homeless people but didn't look to receive attention or praise for it. Even when he died, his family didn't know the extent to which he had been helping people.
To be a saint 3 miracles would have to take place due to him, and prove of these would be examined by a group of scientists from the Vatican.
In my opinion Michael was already a "saint". He did so many good deeds without fanfare or reward other than his own piece of mind and happiness. Besides, no decision board can truly bestow that title on anyone, only God can do that.
I agree.
I've said before that MJ is my religion. He embodied everything the world needs and leads nearly every aspect of the way I live my life, from the way I parent to the fact that I volunteer daily to the way I treat others. :)
He doesn’t need to be a saint. He is like a modern day’s prophet. He doesn’t need to be Catholic either, he belongs to the whole world imo.

To be a saint 3 miracles would have to take place due to him, and prove of these would be examined by a group of scientists from the Vatican.

In rabbi book, Smuley asked him if he considers himself as a Messiah. As far as I remember, Michael didn't say anything. He just said I am not God but I am trying to be God like... .

Then Shmuley said that he has to stop thinking that he is a children's Messiah.

Then Shmuley asked him, if he has a healing power? And Michael said: Yes.
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He doesn’t need to be a saint. He is like a modern day’s prophet. He doesn’t need to be Catholic either, he belongs to the whole world imo.

In rabbi book, Smuley asked him if he considers himself as a Messiah. As far as I remember, Michael didn't say anything. He just said I am not God but I am trying to be God like... .

Then Shmuley said that he has to stop thinking that he is a children's Messiah.

Then Shmuley asked him, if he has a healing power? And Michael said: Yes.

The word Catholic is derived from the Greek adjective καθολικός (katholikos), meaning "universal".

I think people have a very different understanding of what it means to be a saint. Or what Catholics think about the communion of saints.

MJJ: G.O.A.T., I wasn't referring to you! Just the whole thing. :)

Ok. I just found it interesting that you found this thread "slightly (highly) ridiculous" when we have threads on here regarding many other beliefs. It's ok. That's your opinion and I know you weren't trying to attack me. :cheeky: :hug:

Uhm, wouldn't he have to be Catholic? (runs out of thread before religious
debate!) :doh:

I think I'll moonwalk out of this thread too.

I meant it's ridiculous because saints have to be Catholic. Michael wasn't a Catholic (that we know of). Saints need to have miracles associated with them.
Saints are usually religious figures.
Saints are usually people who lived in difficult circumstances, e.g. gave most of their money/time to charity and lived simply themselves.
I didn't mean to offend you, MJJ: G.O.A.T. I was just being realistic.
I meant it's ridiculous because saints have to be Catholic. Michael wasn't a Catholic (that we know of). Saints need to have miracles associated with them.
Saints are usually religious figures.
Saints are usually people who lived in difficult circumstances, e.g. gave most of their money/time to charity and lived simply themselves.
I didn't mean to offend you, MJJ: G.O.A.T. I was just being realistic.

NO, NO, NO you definitely did not offend me. I see what you mean more clearly now. I agree, you are being realistic. :)
I don't believe Michael ever thought he was a saint. There was a reason he chose to remain anonymous for most of his humanitarian work, to not wave a flag saying "hey look what I did!" He did it out of the goodness in his heart, not to draw any attention for the publicity. I think naming him a saint would do the opposite of that.

I think people have a very different understanding of what it means to be a saint. Or what Catholics think about the communion of saints.

I know those “rules” I am Orthodox. Orthodox Church has more tough rules to canonize ppl than Catholic Church. It wasn't my point. I said he doesn’t need to be Catholic and to belong to any religions. I see him as a modern day’s prophet for everybody.That's all.