Do you expect something by or around 08 29..2008?

I've never expected MJ to do any public celebration/release to mark his 50th and I still dont expect it. Its not his style really so I'll be helluva shocked if he gives us something. My prediction has always been that a release of some sort will be seen in latter part of 2008 and September has always stuck out for me, though as time draws nearer the more unlikely it looks. We havent even heard yet on the grapevine that an album is even close to wrapping up so end of 2008 is looking more likely.

If he's putting ANYTHING out by the end of this year, it'll be a new song but not a new album and more than likely it'll just be the Akon duet.
I think the thing that's coming out is the Sony UK King of Pop compilation.
No lol.

In all honesty, when it comes to Michael, I've learned to not "expect" anything. I just let it come when it comes. It's easier on my nerves lol. ^_^

Right, lol.
Don't "expect" jackshit from Michael Jackson. You're gonna be sorry if you do. Just come to accept the fact that the new album will get released sometime in between now and judgment day.
You'll feel better.

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I never expect anything, it would have been a good time to release the new album if it was ready, but with the compilation coming out it doesn't seem likely that there will be anything new any time soon.

But Michael is unpredictable, and likes to surprise so who knows. I am always in wait and see mode.
I give up making predictions when it comes to the release of MJs new album/ material whatever it maybe. It's not because i've lost hope, it's just that when he feels like everythings ready and ok that'll be the time. This time I don't think he's letting time be the judge. So maybe by the end of the year? next year? maybe the year after? Who's knows? but all I know is i'll be waiting for the news and release :) like all the other millions of fans :)
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wut u guys talking about his album is all ready out... Damn, yall been going back and forth so much about WHEN.. You missed it...

That's what's gonna happen if we don't chill!! lol!
Well, I do not expect anything on Mike's birthday. If he is up for a celebration,. that would be nice. But nah, I do not expect anything to happen on August 29th.

When the news of the CD comes, I will be here. If it doesn't, I will be here. Whatever is whatever.

Terrell: Good luck with your surgery!
You know, I do expect something from him this year. I just think that Michael is aware of how the media and certain haters always try to sabotage his work, and he is keeping everything close the the vest. So fans think that nothing is going to happen. But I believe that they are working seriously behind the scenes. That is what makes this thing so exciting to me. Knowing that Michael is working on somethine behind the scenes.