Do you expect something by or around 08 29..2008?

Record labels are the one NOT to listen to..

They are the ones that give promises according to PLANS..

For instance, they will announce an albums release, then delay it, delay it, delay it... ETC.. Most of the time just simply ignore the label.. Yes they have PULL.. But if the project is not ready, it wont be ready no matter WHEN the label says it will..

What makes them so special in trusting?? the fact the album would be on there roster?? Well most albums on a roster never make release, if so hardly ever according to it's designated release date..

And it's not JUST Michaels confirmation.... U know wut, nevermind I'm waisting my time with this topic.
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No, but I will wait. Perhaps there will be somthing after MJ's birthday.
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But it seems like we are always waiting for somthing NEW or big to happen..but it never does! You know what i can BIG or NEW? VIDEOS TOURS CONCERTS NEW MUSIC!! NOW THAT BIG NEWS.. but MJ waving we see that all the time ..that not new..
I don't expect anything til his court case with the prince is concluded. I don't think he can release anything til that case is straight and it's clear where his contract lies.
Nope, just some tribute albums, maybe he does something in Las Vegas with his family and kids like going out on dinner or maybe he does a video message to his fans, I have absolutely no clue, but I won't be expecting a brand new album.
Im not entirely aware if anything explosive is going to happen but I do think there is something behind the scenes thats being prepared. I'm not necessarily anticipating a new release as many are still specultating however I do believe that Michael's 50th celebratory birthday will be used as a device to start a catalyst of promotion programme's for the build up of his future release.

I guess we will have to sit tight and wait.
it seems too late for something HUGE to be announced.. but something might happen.. who knows...
i know he isnt this type of person, but i keep having the feeling hes either going to have a big party, or someone is going to throw him one. i also expect media coverage on him to skyrocket in late august. 50 is a number people love to talk about.
It would be cool if they announced the release date but it will never happen. It's just a wishful thinking.
I think something will happen too in the fall, whatever it is... but not necessarily on his birthday. :) I have a feeeeeeeeelaang. :lmao:

:mello: we'll see. Just don't expect anything. MJ will surprise you whatever it may be..
Eh, who know's? I'm thinking we'll hear something later on this year/early next year.
My guess is we'll be hearing about the release of new songs/a new album within the next two to three months. I believe something exciting is going to happen, and it is just around the corner..
I hope the leaked Akon track is a sign that MJ's new album is not far off. But I don't want to get my hopes up. That's why I'm not expecting anything this year. I would love something to come out around his birthday or even if MJ aims for a Christmas release. But I just don't want to allow myself to get my hopes up. Michael's chillin'. He's not spending day in and day out in the studio. And that's fine. He's coming on to 50 years old. He's a father. He's already an accomplished recording artist. So I don't expect him to work as hard as the 20-something-year-olds in the business who pop one out every 12 months. I'm totally cool with waiting until next year, even 2010. Whatever. I can wait until 2020 if I have to. I've got a whole back catalogue of MJ music to listen to in the mean time. I'm not busting my balls for a new MJ album is what I'm saying. Whatever happens, happens. Come what may.
I don,t exspect anything from Michael . But if he does have something out i will be so happy but with michael we will have to wait and see. He will do when he is ready.
In a perfect world, Michael would have had a "50th Birthday Extravaganza" on CBS or something with some of today's stars paying tribute to him. The 30th Anniversary special worked wonders for his comeback in 2001, so it would have made sense to have guys like Chris Brown, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Akon, Ne-yo, etc. go out and perform his material.

In the early 90s, it seemed everybody got specials. Now, TV companies just want reality garbage instead of high-quality, ratings-grabbing tribute shows.
For those who think we wont get anything by then.. Do u think we'll have an announcemet of some sort by then?? As in tell us when the first single will come out? Or do u think it's so far from now we wont even get that??
No lol.

In all honesty, when it comes to Michael, I've learned to not "expect" anything. I just let it come when it comes. It's easier on my nerves lol. ^_^
I think that something definately is going to happen 'till the end of this year ;)
Not sure about 29th of august, but I wish it could happen...
To be honest I just want to see him performing LIVE, for me last time it was in Tallinn in 1997 and I miss him a lot since then :(
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I hope Michael announces the release dates for the brand-new studio album. Many people don't care really about those Sony compilations anymore. So it's Michael himself who just has to do something.
I hope Michael announces the release dates for the brand-new studio album. Many people don't care really about those Sony compilations anymore. So it's Michael himself who just has to do something.


If I have to get another re-re-re-re-release of the Thriller album, I'm gonna throw myself down a flight of stairs lol. I'm definitely hoping for new material, no remastered hits and remixes.
I've never expected MJ to do any public celebration/release to mark his 50th and I still dont expect it. Its not his style really so I'll be helluva shocked if he gives us something. My prediction has always been that a release of some sort will be seen in latter part of 2008 and September has always stuck out for me, though as time draws nearer the more unlikely it looks. We havent even heard yet on the grapevine that an album is even close to wrapping up so end of 2008 is looking more likely.