[Discussion] Sexual Abuse Claims Against MJ Estate - Robson/ Safechuck/ Doe

From what I've read so far about the new law, it doesn't seem to cover Robson's or Safechuck's situation at ALL. The law allows extra time for victims to sue the (alleged) perpetrator directly.....(NOT the Estate of the alleged perpetrator). It allows claims to be made up until the victim's 40th birthday, or within five years of recognition of psychological injury from the alleged abuse. Safechuck is 41. Robson is 37, however his "realisation" was in 2013, which is now six years ago. I think some media outlets will try to push this angle and make something out of it that just isn't there. The bottom line is that an appeal from Robson and Safechuck was already in the cards- the court is likely to rule that there is no new evidence that makes an appeal warranted, regardless of any new statute of limitations law.
From what I've read so far about the new law, it doesn't seem to cover Robson's or Safechuck's situation at ALL. The law allows extra time for victims to sue the (alleged) perpetrator directly.....(NOT the Estate of the alleged perpetrator). It allows claims to be made up until the victim's 40th birthday, or within five years of recognition of psychological injury from the alleged abuse. Safechuck is 41. Robson is 37, however his "realisation" was in 2013, which is now six years ago. I think some media outlets will try to push this angle and make something out of it that just isn't there. The bottom line is that an appeal from Robson and Safechuck was already in the cards- the court is likely to rule that there is no new evidence that makes an appeal warranted, regardless of any new statute of limitations law.

I think their joint appeal started some time ago (paperwork submitted), and their lawyers are trying to add in the new law (to the appeal) to save starting again with a whole new case?

Since MJ is no longer a 'person' who can be sued, the only sue-able entities are the Estate and/ or the companies in existence at the alleged time(s).

I don't see where this new age/ time related law has any effect on case law where the issue to be resolved is whether companies/ entities had 'control' over the alleged abuser (like sports clubs/ the church etc). MJ's companies never controlled him. But that is one of the aspects of the original Robson/ Safechuck case that the 2 accusers are likely seeking to have reviewed in their ongoing appeal.

They will seek every opportunity in their appeal to either have the original judge's opinions overturned (regarding the old law) or to bring in new arguments under the new law.

I understand that the only thing they cannot do is bring in new 'evidence' for the original case-as-already-tried.

(PS Just a quick comment regarding 'statues' - Laws are statutes - as in 'statutory'.
Statues / Statuary is something that belongs in a museum or garden.)
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PS Just a quick comment regarding 'statues' - Laws are statutes - as in 'statutory'.
Statues / Statuary is something that belongs in a museum or garden.

I know this. That's why I wrote statutes in my post.

I presume that you directed your "P.S." to members who unknowingly and repeatedly write "statues".
I know this. That's why I wrote statutes in my post.

I presume that you directed your "P.S." to members who unknowingly and repeatedly write "statues".

Yes indeed. Sorry, the brackets didn't really separate that comment enough; I should have made another post.

I'm mindful that these court cases are extremely complicated and that many MJ fans who want to follow the cases don't have English as a first language. I always imagine that running posts (or tweets) about these cases through 'Google translate' must be fraught with difficulty, and 'statues' will only add to the confusion.
Getting it back to court (in my view) is not a bad thing... Let it be approved, they film their a different version of stories in thw HBO film than what they previously claimed. That's evidence now!
Why can't anyone hellbent on Jackson's guilt answer the question;

Why did Wade Robson lie about not knowing the Estate existed?
Why can't anyone hellbent on Jackson's guilt answer the question;

Why did Wade Robson lie about not knowing the Estate existed?

Because for them it doesnt matter. They wanna screw MJ and they will do whatever they can to do so. Sad but true.
They will try everything because they're bad people and all they want is money. I just want this to come to an end because this has already created sadness and anger to the people who love MJ.
Because for them it doesnt matter. They wanna screw MJ and they will do whatever they can to do so. Sad but true.
They will try everything because they're bad people and all they want is money. I just want this to come to an end because this has already created sadness and anger to the people who love MJ.

People like this does not realize this kind of stuff will come back on them. In time, those 3 are going to turn on each other (Dan/Wade/Jimmy).
People like this does not realize this kind of stuff will come back on them. In time, those 3 are going to turn on each other (Dan/Wade/Jimmy).

They are blind with money and until they realize what they're doing a lot of people will continue to suffer. (Mrs Jackson and the kids)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Estate has confirmed they&#39;ll be pursuing new discovery in Wade&#39;s case if remanded to trial court.<br><br>They specifically mention this will include:<br><br>&quot;Robson&#39;s extensive public statements and interviews, and his appearance in a four-hour &#39;documentary&#39; relating to the allegations.&quot;<br><br>&#55356;&#57215; <a href="https://t.co/0mN0KXaFpw">pic.twitter.com/0mN0KXaFpw</a></p>&mdash; TSCM (@MJJRepository) <a href="https://twitter.com/MJJRepository/status/1194472090239406081?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 13, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
And continuing from the above ^^ with thanks to fans on Twitter:

In their reply to Safechuck's appeal, the estate notes how ANYONE could've taken steps to warn and report upon learning of any supposed molestation history. Highlighting the absurdity of only going after MJ's companies (instead of their own parents, Blanca, LeMarques/Quindoys...)

The problem with Safechuck's copying-pasting pieces of his allegations direct from Wade's case can sometimes lead to a train station-like dilemma...
He alleges misconduct by MJJ Ventures in the 1980s for not protecting him / facilitating the abuse, but it did not exist until 91.

In LN, James and Wade both carefully omit mention of any living person to accuse of crimes, conspiracy or cover-up.
Also, There is a section specifically relating to the new legislation allowing more time for reporting alleged abuse: (Again with thanks to fans on Twitter)

These are the estate's responses to the court's specific questions following AB 218 passing:

A. Applicability.

The estate concedes AB would allow late filing of claims if appeals aren't concluded by Jan. 1. This would eliminate partial&#8212;but not all&#8212;focus of appeal; with regard to 340.1(b)(2).

Estate reiterates that it would challenge applicability later as law evolves.

B. Other Issues (1)

Estate argues appellate court must affirm case dismissal if it is based on any other grounds stated in demurrer. This includes at least 4/6 other causes JS can't prove:

- Negligent Supervision
- Negligent Hiring
- Failure to Warn
- Breach of Duty

B. Other Issues (2)

Emphasis is placed on fact that appellate court can uphold trial ruling based on any other noted findings in the demurrer, whether or not the trial court intended the other (non time-related) findings to support the demurrer or acted upon them specifically.

C (1). Both Cases Related

Estate concedes that unlike JS, WR's demurrer is based only on statute of limitations (likely reversed via AB 218).

But since they both argue same causes of action, court should wait to rule on WR's until after JS' is decided, based on arguments above.

C (2). WR - Time Needed for New Discovery

Wade's case was litigated 4.5 years w/ less than 5 mo. left to try when summary judgment came. If remanded, estate needs time for new discovery relating to Wade's PR tour & LN etc. Appellate court should decide time options if remanded.
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Estate will pursue NEW discovery, if case proceeds to trial. YIKES!

In my opinion, this is not only going to be bad for Robson, it's also going to be bad for HBO. Now folks "might" have an opportunity to hear the OTHER SIDE, and the "collective" certainly do not want that!!

First of all, there are SO many glowing interviews on YouTube, featuring Robson. Way too many for him to explain away, especially when folks who don't know about them, actually get a chance to see and/or hear them. Wherein he is smiling, joking, and bragging about his so-called friendship with MJ.

I have a few favorites myself: When he was on with Jimmy Kimmel, talking about how he and MJ talk on catch-up from time to time, by phone. Another when he is on a beach being interviewed and saying how Neverland is like Disney Land, the best thing in the world. And lastly, the interview wherein Robson is BRAGGING about getting the MJ Cirque Show, and how excited he was and how he wanted to do a good job for Cirque, for himself, and for MJ.

Those are just a few, but we all know that there are many, many more. What we don't know is WHAT ELSE The Estate has.

Robson has a lot to overcome, I just don't see him being able to do it. Same goes for HBO, because everything that was omitted from the mockumentary will now be available for all to see.
TMZ is reporting that the judges issued a tentative ruling likely giving them new trials (based on the new law). Ugh, I'm so sick of this BS.
TMZ is reporting that the judges issued a tentative ruling likely giving them new trials (based on the new law). Ugh, I'm so sick of this BS.
Yeah, I hear you and feel the same way, BUT

Now Robson will have to explain his supposed SUBPOENA in 2005 and his latest blunder, that being filming a video on Michael's "sacred land" in 2007. Actually, Robson and Company have a lot to explain. That includes HBO!!

All of the things we have been talking about and sharing amongst ourselves will now be public knowledge.

In my opinion, they don't want a public trial, they want a QUICK SETTLEMENT!
None of this will be good. Wades lawyer’s have seem to been able to finagle things. Who knows what will happen, how can any of this be fair when MJ is dead. This will drag on for years and years.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The estate has already predicted Wade's dismissal will be overturned now that AB 218 has passed. However James' is still unlikely to succeed past summary judgment even if his case is likewise reversed on appeal, since Finaldi's arguments of him being employed by companies are BS.</p>&mdash; TSCM (@MJJRepository) <a href="https://twitter.com/MJJRepository/status/1196440714164326400?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">18. November 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It is the panel of three judges and typically they do form a tentative ruling prior to oral arguments but not something publicly disclosed. However like TMZ notes these opinions are not final and could change based on the questions and responses raised during oral arguments.</p>&mdash; TSCM (@MJJRepository) <a href="https://twitter.com/MJJRepository/status/1196446320753442817?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">18. November 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Not even the attorneys should by pivvy to such a decision until it is argued in court, since currently it should be internal to the judges.<br><br>This could easily be Finaldi's guesswork to bolster his side to media as he always does before big court events. Also why TMZ says &quot;may be&quot;</p>&mdash; TSCM (@MJJRepository) <a href="https://twitter.com/MJJRepository/status/1196448491569963008?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">18. November 2019</a></blockquote>
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Let us not forgot about HBO. Do you really think they want to be dragged into this mess (of their own making)?

They released that one-sided mockumentary and will now want to distance themselves from the 2 liars and their director. Now that the Estate has included them in NEW Discovery.

Having this case go to trial will NOT be good for Home Box Office, Inc. They can't afford to admit that they were duped by the 2 liars and their director and they certainly can't admit that knew, but went along with the project anyway. Not a good look either way.
The problem is the HBO case will be over before Robson/Safecuck trial starts. Won’t the Estate pretty much show there hand to Wade and Jimmy during the HBO arbitration?
Smooth72;4274636 said:
The problem is the HBO case will be over before Robson/Safecuck trial starts. Won&#8217;t the Estate pretty much show there hand to Wade and Jimmy during the HBO arbitration?
I don't believe so, because the Estate's present case with HBO is regarding the Contract only. Two completely different issues.

With the case regarding Robson and Safechuck, the Estate "may" have an opportunity to ask HBO WHY was James's train station story eventually edited out from future airings. In my opinion, it was removed because they found out it was not true. That answer will be devastating to HBO in open court.

Keeping in mind that WE know about the removal, because we keep up with EVERYTHING. The general public, not so much.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Oral arguments have been completed and the cases are submitted to the panel of three udges for review. It is expected they will now discuss and form an official decision in writing. Typically this can take another 1-4 months but may be accelerated due to the newly passed bill.</p>&mdash; TSCM (@MJJRepository) <a href="https://twitter.com/MJJRepository/status/1196558742650646528?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 18, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
From fans on Twitter:

Oral arguments have been completed and the cases are submitted to the panel of three judges for review.
It is expected they will now discuss and form an official decision in writing. Typically this can take another 1-4 months but may be accelerated due to the newly passed bill.

Oral arguments were consolidated but two separate decisions will be written by the judges.

Wade - Demurrer was based only on statute of limitations, it is likely to be remanded back to trial court.

James - other factors were also part of demurrer beyond statutes, estate argued.

Weitzman (TMZ): "The Appellate Court's tentative ruling is not on the merits of Robson and Safechuck's allegations and the Court in no way said that these cases will go to trial."

Weitzman is confident that the cases "will, once again, be dismissed as has happened before."

It's also being said on twitter that both R and S were present in court (See TMZ video below), along with Anthony Edwards.

Anthony Edwards, is involved with the group 1in6 (an advocacy group for male victims of sexual abuse).

Edwards appeared on Oprah Winfrey&#8217;s HBO special After Neverland where he spoke directly to the two men who&#8217;ve come forward with child sexual abuse allegations against Michael Jackson.

&#8220;What you guys so beautifully represented here is that thing that happens to a young psyche who has allowed a person to become their everything. That person is your whole life. That person is inspiring, he was a mentor to me. He was all of it. And creating that world&#8230;the feeling was&#8230;if I were to tell the truth, it would all shatter. Life would go away. And if you were in my case, I was fourteen, fifteen, your life is this big. That person is so much bigger than that. And that&#8217;s the thing that keeps all of us so quiet. And that&#8217;s been the amazing experience of working with 1in6 and working with great practitioners like Howard.

And realizing that what you guys have done here, and what we say in 1 and 6 is you guys are not alone. But the ability to tell a friend, a mother or father, anyone, your story&#8230;and to own that story without shame&#8230;that&#8217;s how we heal and recover. And you&#8217;re proving that it is possible.&#8221;

The men tearfully thanked Anthony Edwards for his comforting words of advice and the audience burst into loud applause.




TMZ asks in this clip 'What will you guys do with your winnings...will you donate it to charity or...' Robsome replies 'We're not there yet- one day at a time, right?'

TMZ also met up with R and S after the hearing. Robsome said 'he's not concerned about anything the Estate might try and do'.
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I&#8217;m gonna get my hockey stick ready and bash those b@$^#%$ down.