[Discussion] Sexual Abuse Claims Against MJ Estate - Robson/ Safechuck/ Doe

Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Because MJ didn't bother following through unfortunately.

Too many other things were going on his life, too many other legalities.

It is 100% definitely from VG though and was DENIED by the people who supposedly claimed these things.

So there are NO sources that actually back this up.

I cannot believe how dehumanizing people can be. Turning him into a monster who shits and wees everywhere just to make it look like he was not a person.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

why the estate does not
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Isn't funny?
Tabloids were printing stories of MJ being so hygiene freak that he allowed his kids to play with heir toys only once and then threw them out, not to mention their stories of being germ-phobic, thus the mask, and now he lived in filth, pissed on the floors and threw shite all over the place, and had a dirty nappy as some sort of souvenir.

I seriously cannot help it but laugh at the tabloids, they are so silly:rofl:
and they say MJ was the crazy one.:bugeyed

I dont know what kind of journalism this is if they release an article, spread it like cancer without even looking further and researching more information about this. If they really wanna publish this crap maid story, fine, but isnt there 1 intelligent journalist who could add couple of words from the people who knew Michael? wasnt it well known that he was a hygiene freak, so why dont they add that. of course then it wouldnt be as sensational...
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Robin Williams has died, this story will overshadow all the crap in the news about MJ.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Every time I am away for a while I come back to more of this sh*t (no pun intended here).

More stories of MJ sh*tting himself. I wonder which maid is responsible for fabricating this one. :smilerolleyes: Wouldn't be the first time they have done this. I also see V.G involved here too, as that creep is obsessed with bodily waste.

I have quite a bit of catching up to do on here, so I apologize in advance if this has already been mentioned.

While catching up, I noticed W.R posted a Radar Online article in his FB, with this to say:

"This article contains some of the details of my child sexual abuse. It was not the plan for this info to be made public, but now that it has, I am sharing it because it is important for these "uncomfortable" topics to be talked about in society."

Am I understanding this correctly? ...Wade didn't want the details out, but he wants people to read it? Makes no sense whatsoever.

Secondly, it really disturbs me he is posting links to Radar Online. I suspect Wade's camp have gone to this online tabloids with their drivel again, as I suspected they have done once before.

I also wonder how these details became public. If I remember correctly, weren't these the blanked out details on the court documents. I would imagine only wade his and the Jackson's lawyers, and the judge would have access to these. So again, I suspect Wade's camp has purposely leaked this information. If you read his above statement again, notice he does not deny leaking these so-called details of the abuse he suffered.

"It was not the plan for this info to be made public"

Of course not Wade, but the estate is not listening to your demand$ are they? and now you are turning to plan B.

Oh yeah, and his fake charity 'Hearts In our Hands' is back. Seems he has changed his logo that was almost identical to a MJ charity logo too.

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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Isn't funny?
Tabloids were printing stories of MJ being so hygiene freak that he allowed his kids to play with heir toys only once and then threw them out, not to mention their stories of being germ-phobic, thus the mask, and now he lived in filth, pissed on the floors and threw shite all over the place, and had a dirty nappy as some sort of souvenir.

I seriously cannot help it but laugh at the tabloids, they are so silly:rofl:
and they say MJ was the crazy one.:bugeyed

How can MJ be a germaphobe one moment, and then be a dirty person who soils himself and keeps dirty diapers the next? Surely he cannot be both.
Silly tabloids.:no:
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I dont know what kind of journalism this is if they release an article, spread it like cancer without even looking further and researching more information about this. If they really wanna publish this crap maid story, fine, but isnt there 1 intelligent journalist who could add couple of words from the people who knew Michael? wasnt it well known that he was a hygiene freak, so why dont they add that. of course then it wouldn't be as sensational...

They don't care about journalism, research and truth as much as they care about attracting readers for their site and advertisers. The news media is now a corporate body to attract profits. And as more and more news outlets lose money in print and television their turning to online media, which means less journalists are needed. News now is more and more about entertainment and less and less about getting the story right. While there are still no doubt journalists who care about what and how they write, they seem to be less prevalent.
There is a fascinating book "Flat Earth News" by the British journalist Nick Davies who goes into detail about the changes in the industry.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Stacy Brown is an asswipe. This greasy bastard thrives on ANY attention that he is given when it comes to Michael. He was "in bed with the prosecution" and is STILL in bed with other scumbags. Brown has no life other than thrashing Michael. There is NOTHING credible about him or Demon Dimond. They are both s*&^% under a shoe. It seems as if Michael's family is afraid of him and won't stand up for Michael. I am glad that Taj is standing up, because you won't hear a damn thing from him siblings or his parents. Stacy Brown is a coward and has ALWAYS been one. IMO, he is the ultimate "Uncle Tom" and very,very ignorant. He is truly an embarrassment to his family AND race. You can bet that this coward would not be able to debate his LIES with someone who is knowledgable and has the FACTS.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I was actually very upset reading the article about Michael being the most unsanitary person in Hollywood. I thought I can't believe this was actually published, wasn't the running joke that he was extremely clean that's why he wore the mask and such? It just surprises me as to how low people want to go to tarnish his name. Then again it doesn't surprise me, people will do anything for money.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Chantel should make her facebook page more private if she doesn't want random people posting on it. Her comment about blocking anyone who curses or posts negative comments is strange too. I would expect more emotion to come out of someone who believes her brother was "raped". Why isn't she reacting in a stronger way? If anyone here had a relative that you believe was raped would you say you'll delete negative comments but at the same time leave your page open to literally anyone who wants to comment on it, or would you close it off to everyone except people who are your friends and say that anyone who defends someone you think was a pedophile disgusts you? Her words and behaviour don't make any sense.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I think for most, stories like this are too OBVIOUS and transparent - it is just a no brainer that these stories are only coming out to tarnish MJ's image and make a buck. Calling MJ the most unsanitary person in hollywood is like claiming MJ cursed like a sailor and insulted everyone any chance he got. Even for haters, its kinda like 'what?' Totally unbelievable and out of character, EVEN for the 'narrative' that the media has painted of him all these years.
MJLovesyoumore;4035636 said:
Oh yeah, and his fake charity 'Hearts In our Hands' is back. Seems he has changed his logo that was almost identical to a MJ charity logo too.


Interesting because it gives us an idea about what he's been reading to construct his story:

Among others:

Conversations With A Pedophile: In the Interest of Our Children

Conversations With a Pedophile is a landmark book: it is the first time the uncensored voice of a pedophile can be heard. Presented are a series of letters spanning a decade written by sex offender “Alan” to author Dr. Amy Hammel-Zabin, a therapist in the prison where he was incarcerated. Confessing that he had sexually abused more than one thousand boys, his first-hand stories are a compelling argument that the danger of the pedophile does not lurk mysteriously in the dark; rather, it is a very real threat in your neighborhood. Throughout the book, Dr. Hammel-Zabin offers her own expert analysis of Alan’s letters. As both a trained therapist and a victim of childhood sexual abuse herself, she is uniquely qualified to articulate the development, maintenance and sorrowful impacts of pedophilia. It is in the interest of our children that we listen so that we can better understand and prevent this horrendous crime.

“A powerful read for both prevention advocates and survivors. As a survivor, you must be ready to take in the intense and sometimes graphic information in this book. If you feel that you are, I found it to be incredibly enlightening in regards to my personal journey with abuse and profoundly insightful in relation to the state of mind of my abuser. It also contains what I believe is wonderful information on child sexual abuse prevention and psychological treatment for pedophiles.”


Interesting Amazon reviews there....

1.0 out of 5 stars How-to book for pedophiles, <nobr>August 15, 2004</nobr>
Grieving Mother - See all my reviews

This review is from: Conversations With a Pedophile: In the Interest of our Children (Hardcover)
When I finished this book, I thew it into the garbage can! Under the guise of writing about the author's own abuse as a child and the "desire" of a pedophile to "warn" parents what to look for, much of this book relates in detail how to seduce a childÑa primer for pedophilia. My son was brutally raped when he was seven by the teenage son of our best friends, and I purchased this book in an attempt to understand about such monsters; I did not expect to discover a step-by-step instruction manual in how men can develop control over a child. "In the Interest of Our Children" Ñnot!!

1.0 out of 5 stars More manipulation from a professional manipulator, <nobr>June 6, 2009</nobr>
Lynn Allen (Tampa, Florida) - See all my reviews

This review is from: Conversations With a Pedophile: In the Interest of our Children (Hardcover)
I have to agree that this book is an excellent primer for how to develop control over a child as well as excellent masturbation material for other pedophiles. Despite the author's laudable intentions, Alan's letters and interaction with her are baldly manipulative and self-serving. A sociopath who from an early age immerses himself in manipulating, controlling, and objectifying others CANNOT and WILL NOT change in any way. Meaning that all he knows and all he has ever allowed himself to learn is manipulation, control, and objectification. This does not stop when he goes to jail and certainly does not stop when he finds the one and only sympathetic listener to his story on this planet.

Although I appreciate the insights into ways to keep our children safe and ways to perhaps recognize a potential abuser at a young age to get him help (secondary to Alan's story, I do not for one minute believe this is his intent), I think this could have been as easily accomplished through analysis and synthesis of Alan's information in journalistic style.

Giving a hard core lifelong abuser such a public voice is irresponsible. The author has afforded this guy an unprecedented means to reach out and re-victimize his victims as well as those of others like him and to reach out to other pedophiles through whom he can now vicariously abuse again. Contrary to what is asserted on the jacket of this book, Alan absolutely profits by the widespread distribution of this book.

I'd be interested if Wade uses some of this book's graphic content...

If possible, to have an extremely knowledgable, experienced, compassionate and motivational PROFESSIONAL to guide one through the vulnerable, frightening, unpredictable, sometimes dangerous yet profound journey from child sexual abuse VICTIM to SURVIVOR to THRIVER is of indispensable benefit. To have a professional third party, someone who's life yours does not effect and someone who truly understands (very few people will) what you are going through and what you need to heal is such an important element to the healing journey.

Like filing a lawsuit for a lot of money. In fact, that is such a fundamental element of healing that you are so desperate to get around statues of limitations that you will claim things like not knowing about an Estate that everyone in the world who has not lived under a rock knew about, or that companies are responsible for turning a blind eye on your alleged abuse while your own mother is not...

If and when you feel ready, support groups can be a powerful experience; it can begin to breakdown the concrete walls of isolation that can so often come along with being a survivor of child abuse. To sit in a room with other people that so often have similar symptoms, challenges, behaviors, thought processes, fears, and desires to yours, when for so long you thought you were the only one, can be quite healing.

Wade, Wade, at least you should try to make this textbook talk make related to your story. I mean how could you think you were the only one when MJ has been accused since 1993?

"To sit in a room with other people that so often have similar symptoms, challenges, behaviors, thought processes, fears, and desires to yours"

And how useful it can be for collecting ideas from real survivors to build your own story and behaviour...
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I also wonder how these details became public. If I remember correctly, weren't these the blanked out details on the court documents. I would imagine only wade his and the Jackson's lawyers, and the judge would have access to these. So again, I suspect Wade's camp has purposely leaked this information. If you read his above statement again, notice he does not deny leaking these so-called details of the abuse he suffered.

No, there is a document in the court IT system that reveals these details because it's not redacted. That's how it became public, but I don't think Wade minds at all. In fact, it might have been deliberate by his lawyers because this info is from a list of questions that they asked the Estate to "admit" in the form of "admit that Defendant did this and that". Acc. to law they were only allowed to ask 35 questions but they asked more than a hundred. IMO they might have known this would make the graphic details public and generate headlines. Even if they did not, they obviously welcome this development and they have been building on it in terms of a smear campaign against MJ. They obviously play the PR/media game...
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

While catching up, I noticed W.R posted a Radar Online article in his FB, with this to say:

Am I understanding this correctly? ...Wade didn't want the details out, but he wants people to read it? Makes no sense whatsoever.

He claims in his lawsuit he needed to talk about this as loudly as possible... so on the one hand he claims he did want all these details out, and in the other, he acts surprised that they are.

You know what though, I believe he hoped he'd have been paid off already and therefore silenced. Much easier for him.

But if this involves tarring and smearing MJ as much as possible to give this as much PR as possible, then it's obvious that's what he's going to do.

Having a hard time believing a man who only realized he was abused 2 years ago, and only spoke about it at all then, after going through two breakdowns because of a prophecy linked to it, and announced it last year, is comfortable enough to link to trash gossip sites discussing his experience like he's a sideshow. Who would enjoy that??? That would traumatize the **** out of me.

He's a sick freak.

when for so long you thought you were the only one, can be quite healing.

Yeah, you just thought it was you and Jordan and Gavin, huh? At least three of you, Wade! You'd have known every other boy around him was likely a victim after Jordan too. There would have been no way to not have known and assumed.

He totally forgets what should be the core reality of his experience - the idea he could ever have believed he was the only victim after 1993 is insanity.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Chantel should make her facebook page more private if she doesn't want random people posting on it. Her comment about blocking anyone who curses or posts negative comments is strange too. I would expect more emotion to come out of someone who believes her brother was "raped". Why isn't she reacting in a stronger way? If anyone here had a relative that you believe was raped would you say you'll delete negative comments but at the same time leave your page open to literally anyone who wants to comment on it, or would you close it off to everyone except people who are your friends and say that anyone who defends someone you think was a pedophile disgusts you? Her words and behaviour don't make any sense.

Her comments are strange to say the least. Sorry but, putting such personal info publically onto Facebook, and especially opening posts up to public comments is completely strange to me. Most normal people (unless anonymous)don't do not give out such details or statements like that on social media. Only those who are the attention seeking types do. It is as if she is screaming out for attention on this one. I found that the normal people will instead tell people to mind their own business, or write very angry cryptic posts which only few close people know and understand. I observed very similar behaviour from people on my own Facebook.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

No, there is a document in the court IT system that reveals these details because it's not redacted. That's how it became public, but I don't think Wade minds at all. In fact, it might have been deliberate by his lawyers because this info is from a list of questions that they asked the Estate to "admit" in the form of "admit that Defendant did this and that". Acc. to law they were only allowed to ask 35 questions but they asked more than a hundred. IMO they might have known this would make the graphic details public and generate headlines. Even if they did not, they obviously welcome this development and they have been building on it in terms of a smear campaign against MJ. They obviously play the PR/media game...

I think it was deliberate too. And he even took to his Facebook to point it out and boast that it's a good thing that it became public.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Wade runs a child sexual abuse group on Wednesdays somewhere in Hawaii - does anyone know if he actually facilitates it? Wonder if there are any MJ fans in Hawaii that has an invested interest in this case as we do. I'd almost go there and sit in the class before calling him up on his lies if it weren't so disrespectful of the other 'genuine' victims that take part. Or I wonder if even people turn up pretending to be abused just so they can meet WR? I mean as morbid as that sounds I wouldn't rule anything out.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Wade runs a child sexual abuse group on Wednesdays somewhere in Hawaii - does anyone know if he actually facilitates it? Wonder if there are any MJ fans in Hawaii that has an invested interest in this case as we do. I'd almost go there and sit in the class before calling him up on his lies if it weren't so disrespectful of the other 'genuine' victims that take part. Or I wonder if even people turn up pretending to be abused just so they can meet WR? I mean as morbid as that sounds I wouldn't rule anything out.

I think the best thing for a fan to do is to go there and listen to him talk. Because I can bet you anything he says things to hurt his case
seany;4035546 said:
Wade Robson: Collective Quotes about Michael Jackson


Thank you so much for this! MJJR is so helpful! Maybe some you could make a list of such MJcases pages and blogs and post it here!

from MJJR:

TWO decades of unwavering support: Interviews, sworn testimony, personal reflections, videos!

Wade Robson: Collective Quotes about Michael Jackson

So, here it is (I recommend you to copy the pics, interviews and the videos):

- March 8, 1990: The Beginning — Bad Dude Wade
- August 28, 1993: Michael Jackson in Freeze Frame
- August 29, 1993: CNN Interview
- June 16, 1995: Wade Robson shops for Michael Jackson HIStory CD
- September 14, 2000: Hot choreographer: Wade Robson
- September 9, 2001: Wade Robson Teaches Jackson Some Moves
- 2003: The Wade Robson Project - Michael Jackson Tribute
- October 3, 2003: Jimmy Kimmel Live Interview
- November 26, 2003: Aussie Star Tells of Sharing Jackson's Bed
- May 5, 2005: Sworn Testimony by Wade Robson (Direct & Cross) + FULL TRANSCRIPT OF THE TESTIMONY
- June 14, 2005: Aussies Bolstered Jackson's Defence Case
- 2007: 'WITHIN' Short Film by Wade and Amanda Robson
- March 2008: Dance Magazine Cover Story
- June 26, 2009: Wade Robson's Statement on Idol Michael Jackson
- June 26, 2009: Aussie friends of Jackson 'shocked'
- June 27, 2009: Michael Jackson's Friendship Remembered
- July 30, 2009: Entertainment Tonight - Wade Robson: Michael Jackson Was a Family Man
- August 14, 2009: Entertainment Tonight Interview with Wade Robson
- September 18, 2009: Making of Janet Jackson's VMAs Tribute
- September 2009: Dance Magazine - Remembering Michael Jackson
- December 7, 2009: My Mentor [Michael Jackson Opus]
- July 30, 2011: Pulse on Tour Interview with Wade Robson
- July 13, 2012: Masterclass Legends - Wade Robson
- 2012: The Pulse on Tour '12
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

^^I really didn't want to bring this up, but I have see this as outsider.

Didn't Wade claim that he got some sort of breakdown during Masterclass and that Pulse thingy and he went to therapy and it brought out his suppressed/compressed/repressed memory of molestation? Have there been any interviews from him since that masterclass where he praises MJ or is that the last one?
I was thinking that his defence can say that when he praised MJ in those interviews, his wasn't aware of his suppressed/compressed/repressed memory and stopped talking nicely of MJ since his breakdown.

The judge should throw this away because he did get caught of lying about not knowing MJ had a estate and they should have had notified him of it.

Btw, what was his reasoning why the estate should have notified of him? What makes him so special that off all the people MJ met during his life, the estate should have thought of Wade and notify him?
That is the reason that I think judge will throw this case out as late filing.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I don't think he ever said why he should have been tolf
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

^ This is the timeline he claims:

November 2010 - Son born
December 2010 - Offered to direct Step Up 4
April 2011 - He's out of the movie citing personal reasons
April-August 2011 - 1st nervous breakdown
May 16, 2011 - Starts cognitive therapy for about a month. Discusses MJ with therapist but does not make any allegations about him.
Mid-July, 2011 - Returns to work with "former sense of invincibility".
About July, 2011 - Announces he's gonna direct Cirque du Soleil's MJ show.
March, 2012 - 2nd nervous breakdown
Mid-April, 2012 - Starts insight-oriented therapy with another therapist.
May 8, 2012 - Makes allegations to his therapist, the first time ever.

And it's NOT a repressed memory he claims. He claims that he knew all along but was unable and unwilling to recognize it was abuse. The repressed memory claim was just TMZ's interpretation, Wade himself never made that claim. Although when you look at what insight oriented therapy is (see this post: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/t...tate/page495?p=4035396&viewfull=1#post4035396 ) you might understand why TMZ first confused it with the whole repressed memory thing.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

^ This is the timeline he claims:

November 2010 - Son born
December 2010 - Offered to direct Step Up 4
April 2011 - He's out of the movie citing personal reasons
April-August 2011 - 1st nervous breakdown
May 16, 2011 - Starts cognitive therapy for about a month. Discusses MJ with therapist but does not make any allegations about him.
Mid-July, 2011 - Returns to work with "former sense of invincibility".
About July, 2011 - Announces he's gonna direct Cirque du Soleil's MJ show.
March, 2012 - 2nd nervous breakdown
Mid-April, 2012 - Starts insight-oriented therapy with another therapist.
May 8, 2012 - Makes allegations to his therapist, the first time ever.

And it's NOT a repressed memory he claims. He claims that he knew all along but was unable and unwilling to recognize it was abuse. The repressed memory claim was just TMZ's interpretation, Wade himself never made that claim. Although when you look at what insight oriented therapy is (see this post: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/t...tate/page495?p=4035396&viewfull=1#post4035396 ) you might understand why TMZ first confused it with the whole repressed memory thing.

Where did he get the idea that he was going to direct the CDS shows? I mean really
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Robin Williams has died, this story will overshadow all the crap in the news about MJ.

Personally I do not think the average person does NOT care about the mess said about MJ because he is gone and is not here to defend himself (and the folks who are talking about it are upset and called these folks morons).
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I think it was deliberate too. And he even took to his Facebook to point it out and boast that it's a good thing that it became public.

And most people think it is bunch of lies. So by it coming public is NOTHING and only made those maids look stupid. I like one comment one guy said, "If Michael did keep his home dirty, MJ paid you (Maids) to clean his home and you (Maids) stayed and took his money, so shut the @#$% up and clean it up". LOL
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

And most people think it is bunch of lies. So by it coming public is NOTHING and only made those maids look stupid. I like one comment one guy said, "If Michael did keep his home dirty, MJ paid you (Maids) to clean his home and you (Maids) stayed and took his money, so shut the @#$% up and clean it up". LOL

Thats the best comment on this EVER. lol
respect77;4035691 said:
Interesting because it gives us an idea about what he's been reading to construct his story:

Among others:


Interesting Amazon reviews there....

I'd be interested if Wade uses some of this book's graphic content...

"Conversations With A Pedophile: In the Interest of Our Children"

It really started to intrigue me what Wade would take away from such a book and how he would try to apply its content to MJ, so I spent about $7 on it on Amazon Kindle and bought it.

I'm going to write a report later, but about halfways into it it, I'm puzzled at how he applies anything in it to MJ or even to his alleged story. If anything, this book shows how MJ did NOT display the typical modus operandi and characteristics of pedophiles at all. If anything, it shows how off Wade's story is.

For example, this guy tells about in length about how important grooming is, how he would only molest a child if he could be absolutely certain the child would not tell anyone and to achieve such a state of trust and secrecy between a child and himself it took months, often up to a year. He explains in detail why that is needed from the POV of the victim's psyché and for him not to disclose it. But Wade's story is that right on the first night he was molested without any grooming or precaution by MJ. This is just one thing, I will tell more, but Wade is really, really reaching hard when saying crap like "this helped me to understand the state of mind of my abuser". But well, we all know he just says such things to manipulate people.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

And most people think it is bunch of lies. So by it coming public is NOTHING and only made those maids look stupid. I like one comment one guy said, "If Michael did keep his home dirty, MJ paid you (Maids) to clean his home and you (Maids) stayed and took his money, so shut the @#$% up and clean it up". LOL

I agree with this too. My radio station was talking about his yesterday their do not believe it at all you wait 5 yr after Michael gone and said he kept a dirty house please their took the money. The things ppls are saying after Michael is gone i want not even fix my mouth to say this.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

What i don't understand about Wade and James how can you say nice things about MJ and then turn around after he is gone you say bad things about his i know it is about the money but how can you sleep at night knowing you are saying these lies about him. The judge really need to throw this out it is really a waste of time. James ans Wade need to move on.